path: root/src/devices/machine/laserdsc.h
blob: c550a9f61aad95dfe84bc6c4c891bf9e8e7d93f0 (plain) (tree)
















































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Core laserdisc player implementation.


#pragma once

#ifndef __LASERDSC_H__
#define __LASERDSC_H__

#include "vbiparse.h"
#include "avhuff.h"


// laserdisc field codes
enum laserdisc_field_code
	LASERDISC_CODE_WHITE_FLAG = 11,     // boolean white flag
	LASERDISC_CODE_LINE16 = 16,         // 24-bit line 16 code
	LASERDISC_CODE_LINE17 = 17,         // 24-bit line 17 code
	LASERDISC_CODE_LINE18 = 18,         // 24-bit line 18 code
	LASERDISC_CODE_LINE1718 = 1718      // 24-bit best of line 17/18 code

// special frame and chapter numbers from VBI conversion
#define FRAME_NOT_PRESENT           -2                      // no frame number information present
#define FRAME_LEAD_IN               -1                      // lead-in code detected
#define FRAME_LEAD_OUT              99999                   // lead-out code detected
#define CHAPTER_NOT_PRESENT         -2                      // no chapter number information present
#define CHAPTER_LEAD_IN             -1                      // lead-in code detected
#define CHAPTER_LEAD_OUT            100                     // lead-out code detected

// generic head movement speeds; use player-specific information where appropriate
#define GENERIC_SLOW_SPEED          (5)                     // 1/5 normal speed
#define GENERIC_FAST_SPEED          (3)                     // 3x normal speed
#define GENERIC_SCAN_SPEED          (50)                    // 50x normal speed
#define GENERIC_SEARCH_SPEED        (5000)                  // 5000x normal speed

// generic timings; use player-specific information where appropriate
#define GENERIC_EJECT_TIME          (attotime::from_seconds(5))
#define GENERIC_SPINUP_TIME         (attotime::from_seconds(2))
#define GENERIC_LOAD_TIME           (attotime::from_seconds(5))


#define MCFG_LASERDISC_GET_DISC(_func) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_get_disc(*device, _func);
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_AUDIO(_func) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_audio(*device, _func);
	laserdisc_device::static_set_screen(*device, _tag);
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_STATIC(_width, _height, _func) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay(*device, _width, _height, screen_update_delegate_smart(&screen_update_##_func, "screen_update_" #_func));
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_DRIVER(_width, _height, _class, _method) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay(*device, _width, _height, screen_update_delegate_smart(&_class::_method, #_class "::" #_method, NULL));
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_DEVICE(_width, _height, _device, _class, _method) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay(*device, _width, _height, screen_update_delegate_smart(&_class::_method, #_class "::" #_method, _device));
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_CLIP(_minx, _maxx, _miny, _maxy) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay_clip(*device, _minx, _maxx, _miny, _maxy);
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay_position(*device, _posx, _posy);
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_SCALE(_scalex, _scaley) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay_scale(*device, _scalex, _scaley);
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_OVERLAY_PALETTE(_palette_tag) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_overlay_palette(*device, "^" _palette_tag);

// use these to add laserdisc screens with proper video update parameters
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_SCREEN_ADD_NTSC(_tag, _ldtag) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_screen(*device, _tag); \
	MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS(XTAL_14_31818MHz*2, 910, 0, 704, 525, 44, 524) \
	MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE(_ldtag, laserdisc_device, screen_update)
// not correct yet; fix me...
#define MCFG_LASERDISC_SCREEN_ADD_PAL(_tag, _ldtag) \
	laserdisc_device::static_set_screen(*device, _tag); \
	MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS(XTAL_14_31818MHz, 910, 0, 704, 525.0/2, 0, 480/2) \
	MCFG_SCREEN_UPDATE_DEVICE(_ldtag, laserdisc_device, screen_update)


#define SCANNING_PARAM(speed,duration)  (((speed) << 8) | ((duration) & 0xff))


// forward declarations
class laserdisc_device;

// delegates
typedef delegate<chd_file *(laserdisc_device &device)> laserdisc_get_disc_delegate;
typedef delegate<void (laserdisc_device &device, int samplerate, int samples, const INT16 *ch0, const INT16 *ch1)> laserdisc_audio_delegate;

// ======================> laserdisc_overlay_config

// overlay configuration
struct laserdisc_overlay_config
	float                   m_overposx;
	float                   m_overposy;
	float                   m_overscalex;
	float                   m_overscaley;

// ======================> laserdisc_device

// base laserdisc class
class laserdisc_device :    public device_t,
							public device_sound_interface,
							public device_video_interface,
							public laserdisc_overlay_config
	// construction/destruction
	laserdisc_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source);
	virtual ~laserdisc_device();

	// reset line control

	// core control and status
	bool video_active() { return (!m_videosquelch && current_frame().m_numfields >= 2); }
	bitmap_yuy16 &get_video() { return (!video_active()) ? m_emptyframe : current_frame().m_visbitmap; }
	UINT32 get_field_code(laserdisc_field_code code, bool zero_if_squelched);

	// video interface
	void video_enable(bool enable) { m_videoenable = enable; }
	void overlay_enable(bool enable) { m_overenable = enable; }

	// video update callback
	UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect);

	// configuration
	bool overlay_configured() const { return (m_overwidth > 0 && m_overheight > 0 && (!m_overupdate_ind16.isnull() || !m_overupdate_rgb32.isnull())); }
	void get_overlay_config(laserdisc_overlay_config &config) { config = static_cast<laserdisc_overlay_config &>(*this); }
	void set_overlay_config(const laserdisc_overlay_config &config) { static_cast<laserdisc_overlay_config &>(*this) = config; }

	// static configuration helpers
	static void static_set_get_disc(device_t &device, laserdisc_get_disc_delegate callback);
	static void static_set_audio(device_t &device, laserdisc_audio_delegate callback);
	static void static_set_overlay(device_t &device, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, screen_update_ind16_delegate update);
	static void static_set_overlay(device_t &device, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, screen_update_rgb32_delegate update);
	static void static_set_overlay_clip(device_t &device, INT32 minx, INT32 maxx, INT32 miny, INT32 maxy);
	static void static_set_overlay_position(device_t &device, float posx, float posy);
	static void static_set_overlay_scale(device_t &device, float scalex, float scaley);
	static void static_set_overlay_palette(device_t &device, const char *tag);

	// timer IDs

	// common laserdisc states
	enum player_state
		LDSTATE_NONE,                           // unspecified state
		LDSTATE_EJECTING,                       // in the process of ejecting
		LDSTATE_EJECTED,                        // fully ejected
		LDSTATE_PARKED,                         // head parked in lead-in
		LDSTATE_LOADING,                        // loading from ejected state
		LDSTATE_SPINUP,                         // spinning up
		LDSTATE_PAUSING,                        // looking for a frame boundary to pause
		LDSTATE_PAUSED,                         // found a frame boundary; now paused
												//   parameter specifies the fieldnum of the first frame
		LDSTATE_PLAYING,                        // playing forward normally, with audio
												//   parameter specifies the target frame, or 0 if none
		LDSTATE_PLAYING_SLOW_REVERSE,           // playing slow in the reverse direction, with no audio
												//   parameter specifies the number of times to repeat each track
		LDSTATE_PLAYING_SLOW_FORWARD,           // playing slow in the forward direction, with no audio
												//   parameter specifies the number of times to repeat each track
		LDSTATE_PLAYING_FAST_REVERSE,           // playing fast in the reverse direction, with no audio
												//   parameter specifies the number of frames to skip backwards after each frame
		LDSTATE_PLAYING_FAST_FORWARD,           // playing fast in the forward direction, with no audio
												//   parameter specifies the number of frames to skip forwards after each frame
		LDSTATE_STEPPING_REVERSE,               // single frame stepping in the reverse direction
		LDSTATE_STEPPING_FORWARD,               // single frame stepping in the forward direction
		LDSTATE_SCANNING,                       // scanning in the forward or reverse direction
												//   parameter(0:7) controls how many vsyncs until revert to savestate
												//   parameter(8:31) specifies the speed
		LDSTATE_SEEKING,                        // seeking to a specific frame
												//   parameter specifies the target frame
		LDSTATE_OTHER                           // other states start here

	// slider position
	enum slider_position
		SLIDER_MINIMUM,                         // at the minimum value
		SLIDER_VIRTUAL_LEADIN,                  // within the virtual lead-in area
		SLIDER_CHD,                             // within the boundaries of the CHD
		SLIDER_OUTSIDE_CHD,                     // outside of the CHD area but before the virtual lead-out area
		SLIDER_VIRTUAL_LEADOUT,                 // within the virtual lead-out area
		SLIDER_MAXIMUM                          // at the maximum value

	// information about the current player state
	struct player_state_info
		player_state    m_state;                // current state
		INT32           m_substate;             // internal sub-state; starts at 0 on any state change
		INT32           m_param;                // parameter for current state
		attotime        m_endtime;              // minimum ending time for current state

	// subclass overrides
	virtual void player_vsync(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime) = 0;
	virtual INT32 player_update(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime) = 0;
	virtual void player_overlay(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap) = 0;

	// device-level overrides
	virtual void device_start() override;
	virtual void device_stop() override;
	virtual void device_reset() override;
	virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) override;
	virtual void device_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const override;

	// device_sound_interface overrides
	virtual void sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples) override;

	// subclass helpers
	void set_audio_squelch(bool squelchleft, bool squelchright) { m_stream->update(); m_audiosquelch = (squelchleft ? 1 : 0) | (squelchright ? 2 : 0); }
	void set_video_squelch(bool squelch) { m_videosquelch = squelch; }
	void set_slider_speed(INT32 tracks_per_vsync);
	void advance_slider(INT32 numtracks);
	slider_position get_slider_position();
	INT32 generic_update(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime, player_state_info &curstate);

	// general helpers
	bool is_start_of_frame(const vbi_metadata &vbi);
	int frame_from_metadata(const vbi_metadata &metadata);
	int chapter_from_metadata(const vbi_metadata &metadata);

	player_state_info   m_player_state;         // active state
	player_state_info   m_saved_state;          // saved state during temporary operations

	// internal type definitions
	struct frame_data
		bitmap_yuy16        m_bitmap;               // cached bitmap
		bitmap_yuy16        m_visbitmap;            // wrapper around bitmap with only visible lines
		UINT8               m_numfields;            // number of fields in this frame
		INT32               m_lastfield;            // last absolute field number

	// internal helpers
	void init_disc();
	void init_video();
	void init_audio();
	void add_and_clamp_track(INT32 delta) { m_curtrack += delta; m_curtrack = MAX(m_curtrack, 1); m_curtrack = MIN(m_curtrack, m_maxtrack - 1); }
	void fillbitmap_yuy16(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap, UINT8 yval, UINT8 cr, UINT8 cb);
	void update_slider_pos();
	void vblank_state_changed(screen_device &screen, bool vblank_state);
	frame_data &current_frame();
	void read_track_data();
	static void *read_async_static(void *param, int threadid);
	void process_track_data();
	void config_load(config_type cfg_type, xml_data_node *parentnode);
	void config_save(config_type cfg_type, xml_data_node *parentnode);

	// configuration
	laserdisc_get_disc_delegate m_getdisc_callback;
	laserdisc_audio_delegate m_audio_callback;  // audio streaming callback
	laserdisc_overlay_config m_orig_config;     // original overlay configuration
	UINT32              m_overwidth;            // overlay screen width
	UINT32              m_overheight;           // overlay screen height
	rectangle           m_overclip;             // overlay visarea
	screen_update_ind16_delegate m_overupdate_ind16; // overlay update delegate
	screen_update_rgb32_delegate m_overupdate_rgb32; // overlay update delegate

	// disc parameters
	chd_file *          m_disc;                 // handle to the disc itself
	dynamic_buffer      m_vbidata;              // pointer to precomputed VBI data
	int                 m_width;                // width of video
	int                 m_height;               // height of video
	UINT32              m_fps_times_1million;   // frame rate of video
	int                 m_samplerate;           // audio samplerate
	int                 m_readresult;           // result of the most recent read
	UINT32              m_chdtracks;            // number of tracks in the CHD
	avhuff_decompress_config m_avhuff_config;   // decompression configuration

	// async operations
	osd_work_queue *    m_work_queue;           // work queue
	UINT32              m_queued_hunknum;       // queued hunk

	// core states
	UINT8               m_audiosquelch;         // audio squelch state: bit 0 = audio 1, bit 1 = audio 2
	UINT8               m_videosquelch;         // video squelch state: bit 0 = on/off
	UINT8               m_fieldnum;             // field number (0 or 1)
	INT32               m_curtrack;             // current track at this end of this vsync
	UINT32              m_maxtrack;             // maximum track number
	attoseconds_t       m_attospertrack;        // attoseconds per track, or 0 if not moving
	attotime            m_sliderupdate;         // time of last slider update

	// video data
	frame_data          m_frame[3];             // circular list of frames
	UINT8               m_videoindex;           // index of the current video buffer
	bitmap_yuy16        m_emptyframe;           // blank frame

	// audio data
	sound_stream *      m_stream;
	std::vector<INT16>       m_audiobuffer[2];       // buffer for audio samples
	UINT32              m_audiobufsize;         // size of buffer
	UINT32              m_audiobufin;           // input index
	UINT32              m_audiobufout;          // output index
	UINT32              m_audiocursamples;      // current samples this track
	UINT32              m_audiomaxsamples;      // maximum samples per track

	// metadata
	vbi_metadata        m_metadata[2];          // metadata parsed from the stream, for each field

	// video updating
	bool                m_videoenable;          // is video enabled?
	render_texture *    m_videotex;             // texture for the video
	palette_t *         m_videopalette;         // palette for the video

	// overlays
	bool                m_overenable;           // is the overlay enabled?
	screen_bitmap       m_overbitmap[2];        // overlay bitmaps
	int                 m_overindex;            // index of the overlay bitmap
	render_texture *    m_overtex;              // texture for the overlay
	optional_device<palette_device> m_overlay_palette; // overlay screen palette

// iterator - interface iterator works for subclasses too
typedef device_interface_iterator<laserdisc_device> laserdisc_device_iterator;


//  is_start_of_frame - return true if this is
//  the start of a frame

inline bool laserdisc_device::is_start_of_frame(const vbi_metadata &vbi)
	// is it not known if the white flag or the presence of a frame code
	// determines the start of frame; the former seems to be the "official"
	// way, but the latter seems to be the practical implementation
	return (vbi.white || (vbi.line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE);

//  frame_from_metadata - return the frame number
//  encoded in the metadata, if present, or

inline int laserdisc_device::frame_from_metadata(const vbi_metadata &metadata)
	if ((metadata.line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE)
		return VBI_CAV_PICTURE(metadata.line1718);
	else if (metadata.line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADIN)
		return FRAME_LEAD_IN;
	else if (metadata.line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADOUT)
		return FRAME_LEAD_OUT;

//  chapter_from_metadata - return the chapter
//  number encoded in the metadata, if present,

inline int laserdisc_device::chapter_from_metadata(const vbi_metadata &metadata)
	if ((metadata.line1718 & VBI_MASK_CHAPTER) == VBI_CODE_CHAPTER)
		return VBI_CHAPTER(metadata.line1718);
	else if (metadata.line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADIN)
	else if (metadata.line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADOUT)
