path: root/src/osd/modules/debugger/qt/dasmwindow.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd/modules/debugger/qt/dasmwindow.c')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/debugger/qt/dasmwindow.c b/src/osd/modules/debugger/qt/dasmwindow.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b88ace8613a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/debugger/qt/dasmwindow.c
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#include "dasmwindow.h"
+#include "debug/debugcon.h"
+#include "debug/debugcpu.h"
+#include "debug/dvdisasm.h"
+DasmWindow::DasmWindow(running_machine* machine, QWidget* parent) :
+ WindowQt(machine, NULL)
+ setWindowTitle("Debug: Disassembly View");
+ if (parent != NULL)
+ {
+ QPoint parentPos = parent->pos();
+ setGeometry(parentPos.x()+100, parentPos.y()+100, 800, 400);
+ }
+ //
+ // The main frame and its input and log widgets
+ //
+ QFrame* mainWindowFrame = new QFrame(this);
+ // The top frame & groupbox that contains the input widgets
+ QFrame* topSubFrame = new QFrame(mainWindowFrame);
+ // The input edit
+ m_inputEdit = new QLineEdit(topSubFrame);
+ connect(m_inputEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(expressionSubmitted()));
+ // The cpu combo box
+ m_cpuComboBox = new QComboBox(topSubFrame);
+ m_cpuComboBox->setObjectName("cpu");
+ m_cpuComboBox->setMinimumWidth(300);
+ connect(m_cpuComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(cpuChanged(int)));
+ // The main disasm window
+ m_dasmView = new DebuggerView(DVT_DISASSEMBLY,
+ m_machine,
+ this);
+ // Force a recompute of the disassembly region
+ downcast<debug_view_disasm*>(m_dasmView->view())->set_expression("curpc");
+ // Populate the combo box & set the proper cpu
+ populateComboBox();
+ //const debug_view_source *source = mem->views[0]->view->source_for_device(curcpu);
+ //gtk_combo_box_set_active(zone_w, mem->views[0]->view->source_list().indexof(*source));
+ //mem->views[0]->view->set_source(*source);
+ // Layout
+ QHBoxLayout* subLayout = new QHBoxLayout(topSubFrame);
+ subLayout->addWidget(m_inputEdit);
+ subLayout->addWidget(m_cpuComboBox);
+ subLayout->setSpacing(3);
+ subLayout->setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2);
+ QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainWindowFrame);
+ vLayout->setSpacing(3);
+ vLayout->setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2);
+ vLayout->addWidget(topSubFrame);
+ vLayout->addWidget(m_dasmView);
+ setCentralWidget(mainWindowFrame);
+ //
+ // Menu bars
+ //
+ // Create two commands
+ QAction* breakpointSetAct = new QAction("Toggle Breakpoint At Cursor", this);
+ QAction* runToCursorAct = new QAction("Run To Cursor", this);
+ breakpointSetAct->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F9);
+ runToCursorAct->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F4);
+ connect(breakpointSetAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleBreakpointAtCursor(bool)));
+ connect(runToCursorAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(runToCursor(bool)));
+ // Right bar options
+ QActionGroup* rightBarGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+ rightBarGroup->setObjectName("rightbargroup");
+ QAction* rightActRaw = new QAction("Raw Opcodes", this);
+ QAction* rightActEncrypted = new QAction("Encrypted Opcodes", this);
+ QAction* rightActComments = new QAction("Comments", this);
+ rightActRaw->setCheckable(true);
+ rightActEncrypted->setCheckable(true);
+ rightActComments->setCheckable(true);
+ rightActRaw->setActionGroup(rightBarGroup);
+ rightActEncrypted->setActionGroup(rightBarGroup);
+ rightActComments->setActionGroup(rightBarGroup);
+ rightActRaw->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+R"));
+ rightActEncrypted->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+E"));
+ rightActComments->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+C"));
+ rightActRaw->setChecked(true);
+ connect(rightBarGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(rightBarChanged(QAction*)));
+ // Assemble the options menu
+ QMenu* optionsMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&Options");
+ optionsMenu->addAction(breakpointSetAct);
+ optionsMenu->addAction(runToCursorAct);
+ optionsMenu->addSeparator();
+ optionsMenu->addActions(rightBarGroup->actions());
+void DasmWindow::cpuChanged(int index)
+ m_dasmView->view()->set_source(*m_dasmView->view()->source_list().find(index));
+ m_dasmView->viewport()->update();
+void DasmWindow::expressionSubmitted()
+ const QString expression = m_inputEdit->text();
+ downcast<debug_view_disasm*>(m_dasmView->view())->set_expression(expression.toLocal8Bit().data());
+ m_dasmView->viewport()->update();
+void DasmWindow::toggleBreakpointAtCursor(bool changedTo)
+ if (m_dasmView->view()->cursor_visible())
+ {
+ if (debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(*m_machine) == m_dasmView->view()->source()->device())
+ {
+ offs_t address = downcast<debug_view_disasm *>(m_dasmView->view())->selected_address();
+ device_debug *cpuinfo = m_dasmView->view()->source()->device()->debug();
+ // Find an existing breakpoint at this address
+ INT32 bpindex = -1;
+ for (device_debug::breakpoint* bp = cpuinfo->breakpoint_first();
+ bp != NULL;
+ bp = bp->next())
+ {
+ if (address == bp->address())
+ {
+ bpindex = bp->index();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If none exists, add a new one
+ astring command;
+ if (bpindex == -1)
+ {
+ command.printf("bpset 0x%X", address);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ command.printf("bpclear 0x%X", bpindex);
+ }
+ debug_console_execute_command(*m_machine, command, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ refreshAll();
+void DasmWindow::runToCursor(bool changedTo)
+ if (m_dasmView->view()->cursor_visible())
+ {
+ if (debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(*m_machine) == m_dasmView->view()->source()->device())
+ {
+ offs_t address = downcast<debug_view_disasm*>(m_dasmView->view())->selected_address();
+ astring command;
+ command.printf("go 0x%X", address);
+ debug_console_execute_command(*m_machine, command, 1);
+ }
+ }
+void DasmWindow::rightBarChanged(QAction* changedTo)
+ debug_view_disasm* dasmView = downcast<debug_view_disasm*>(m_dasmView->view());
+ if (changedTo->text() == "Raw Opcodes")
+ {
+ dasmView->set_right_column(DASM_RIGHTCOL_RAW);
+ }
+ else if (changedTo->text() == "Encrypted Opcodes")
+ {
+ dasmView->set_right_column(DASM_RIGHTCOL_ENCRYPTED);
+ }
+ else if (changedTo->text() == "Comments")
+ {
+ dasmView->set_right_column(DASM_RIGHTCOL_COMMENTS);
+ }
+ m_dasmView->viewport()->update();
+void DasmWindow::populateComboBox()
+ if (m_dasmView == NULL)
+ return;
+ m_cpuComboBox->clear();
+ for (const debug_view_source* source = m_dasmView->view()->first_source();
+ source != NULL;
+ source = source->next())
+ {
+ m_cpuComboBox->addItem(source->name());
+ }
+// DasmWindowQtConfig
+void DasmWindowQtConfig::buildFromQWidget(QWidget* widget)
+ WindowQtConfig::buildFromQWidget(widget);
+ DasmWindow* window = dynamic_cast<DasmWindow*>(widget);
+ QComboBox* cpu = window->findChild<QComboBox*>("cpu");
+ m_cpu = cpu->currentIndex();
+ QActionGroup* rightBarGroup = window->findChild<QActionGroup*>("rightbargroup");
+ if (rightBarGroup->checkedAction()->text() == "Raw Opcodes")
+ m_rightBar = 0;
+ else if (rightBarGroup->checkedAction()->text() == "Encrypted Opcodes")
+ m_rightBar = 1;
+ else if (rightBarGroup->checkedAction()->text() == "Comments")
+ m_rightBar = 2;
+void DasmWindowQtConfig::applyToQWidget(QWidget* widget)
+ WindowQtConfig::applyToQWidget(widget);
+ DasmWindow* window = dynamic_cast<DasmWindow*>(widget);
+ QComboBox* cpu = window->findChild<QComboBox*>("cpu");
+ cpu->setCurrentIndex(m_cpu);
+ QActionGroup* rightBarGroup = window->findChild<QActionGroup*>("rightbargroup");
+ rightBarGroup->actions()[m_rightBar]->trigger();
+void DasmWindowQtConfig::addToXmlDataNode(xml_data_node* node) const
+ WindowQtConfig::addToXmlDataNode(node);
+ xml_set_attribute_int(node, "cpu", m_cpu);
+ xml_set_attribute_int(node, "rightbar", m_rightBar);
+void DasmWindowQtConfig::recoverFromXmlNode(xml_data_node* node)
+ WindowQtConfig::recoverFromXmlNode(node);
+ m_cpu = xml_get_attribute_int(node, "cpu", m_cpu);
+ m_rightBar = xml_get_attribute_int(node, "rightbar", m_rightBar);