path: root/src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m b/src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m
index d3aec2bb88a..3df65689e4f 100644
--- a/src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m
+++ b/src/osd/modules/debugger/osx/debugconsole.m
@@ -135,50 +135,47 @@
[window makeFirstResponder:commandField];
// calculate the optimal size for everything
- {
- NSRect available = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
- NSRect windowFrame = [window frame];
- NSSize regCurrent = [regScroll frame].size;
- NSSize regSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[regView maximumFrameSize]
- hasHorizontalScroller:YES
- hasVerticalScroller:YES
- borderType:[regScroll borderType]];
- NSSize dasmCurrent = [dasmScroll frame].size;
- NSSize dasmSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[dasmView maximumFrameSize]
+ NSRect available = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
+ NSRect windowFrame = [window frame];
+ NSSize regCurrent = [regScroll frame].size;
+ NSSize regSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[regView maximumFrameSize]
+ hasHorizontalScroller:YES
+ hasVerticalScroller:YES
+ borderType:[regScroll borderType]];
+ NSSize dasmCurrent = [dasmScroll frame].size;
+ NSSize dasmSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[dasmView maximumFrameSize]
+ hasHorizontalScroller:YES
+ hasVerticalScroller:YES
+ borderType:[dasmScroll borderType]];
+ NSSize consoleCurrent = [consoleContainer frame].size;
+ NSSize consoleSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[consoleView maximumFrameSize]
- borderType:[dasmScroll borderType]];
- NSSize consoleCurrent = [consoleContainer frame].size;
- NSSize consoleSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[consoleView maximumFrameSize]
- hasHorizontalScroller:YES
- hasVerticalScroller:YES
- borderType:[consoleScroll borderType]];
- NSSize adjustment;
- NSRect lhsFrame, rhsFrame;
- consoleSize.width += consoleCurrent.width - [consoleScroll frame].size.width;
- consoleSize.height += consoleCurrent.height - [consoleScroll frame].size.height;
- adjustment.width = regSize.width - regCurrent.width;
- adjustment.height = regSize.height - regCurrent.height;
- adjustment.width += MAX(dasmSize.width - dasmCurrent.width, consoleSize.width - consoleCurrent.width);
- windowFrame.size.width += adjustment.width;
- windowFrame.size.height += adjustment.height; // not used - better to go for fixed height
- windowFrame.size.height = MIN(512.0, available.size.height);
- windowFrame.size.width = MIN(windowFrame.size.width, available.size.width);
- windowFrame.origin.x = available.origin.x + available.size.width - windowFrame.size.width;
- windowFrame.origin.y = available.origin.y;
- [window setFrame:windowFrame display:YES];
- lhsFrame = [regScroll frame];
- rhsFrame = [dasmSplit frame];
- adjustment.width = MIN(regSize.width, ([regSplit frame].size.width - [regSplit dividerThickness]) / 2);
- rhsFrame.origin.x -= lhsFrame.size.width - adjustment.width;
- rhsFrame.size.width += lhsFrame.size.width - adjustment.width;
- lhsFrame.size.width = adjustment.width;
- [regScroll setFrame:lhsFrame];
- [dasmSplit setFrame:rhsFrame];
- }
+ borderType:[consoleScroll borderType]];
+ NSSize adjustment;
+ consoleSize.width += consoleCurrent.width - [consoleScroll frame].size.width;
+ consoleSize.height += consoleCurrent.height - [consoleScroll frame].size.height;
+ adjustment.width = regSize.width - regCurrent.width;
+ adjustment.height = regSize.height - regCurrent.height;
+ adjustment.width += MAX(dasmSize.width - dasmCurrent.width, consoleSize.width - consoleCurrent.width);
+ windowFrame.size.width += adjustment.width;
+ windowFrame.size.height += adjustment.height; // not used - better to go for fixed height
+ windowFrame.size.height = MIN(512.0, available.size.height);
+ windowFrame.size.width = MIN(windowFrame.size.width, available.size.width);
+ windowFrame.origin.x = available.origin.x + available.size.width - windowFrame.size.width;
+ windowFrame.origin.y = available.origin.y;
+ [window setFrame:windowFrame display:YES];
+ NSRect lhsFrame = [regScroll frame];
+ NSRect rhsFrame = [dasmSplit frame];
+ adjustment.width = MIN(regSize.width, ([regSplit frame].size.width - [regSplit dividerThickness]) / 2);
+ rhsFrame.origin.x -= lhsFrame.size.width - adjustment.width;
+ rhsFrame.size.width += lhsFrame.size.width - adjustment.width;
+ lhsFrame.size.width = adjustment.width;
+ [regScroll setFrame:lhsFrame];
+ [dasmSplit setFrame:rhsFrame];
// select the current processor
[self setCPU:machine->firstcpu];
@@ -206,8 +203,8 @@
- (void)setCPU:(device_t *)device {
- [regView selectSubviewForCPU:device];
- [dasmView selectSubviewForCPU:device];
+ [regView selectSubviewForDevice:device];
+ [dasmView selectSubviewForDevice:device];
[window setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Debug: %s - %s '%s'",
@@ -261,9 +258,44 @@
+- (void)debugNewMemoryWindowForSpace:(address_space *)space device:(device_t *)device expression:(NSString *)expression {
+ MAMEMemoryViewer *win = [[MAMEMemoryViewer alloc] initWithMachine:*machine console:self];
+ [auxiliaryWindows addObject:win];
+ [win release];
+ if ([win selectSubviewForSpace:space])
+ {
+ if (expression != nil)
+ [win setExpression:expression];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [win selectSubviewForDevice:device];
+ }
+ [win activate];
+- (void)debugNewDisassemblyWindowForSpace:(address_space *)space device:(device_t *)device expression:(NSString *)expression {
+ MAMEDisassemblyViewer *win = [[MAMEDisassemblyViewer alloc] initWithMachine:*machine console:self];
+ [auxiliaryWindows addObject:win];
+ [win release];
+ if ([win selectSubviewForSpace:space])
+ {
+ if (expression != nil)
+ [win setExpression:expression];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [win selectSubviewForDevice:device];
+ }
+ [win activate];
- (void)showDebugger:(NSNotification *)notification {
device_t *device = (device_t * )[[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"MAMEDebugDevice"] pointerValue];
- if (&device->machine() == machine) {
+ if (&device->machine() == machine)
+ {
[self setCPU:device];
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
@@ -312,10 +344,16 @@
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification {
- if ([notification object] != window)
- return;
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:MAMEHideDebuggerNotification object:self];
- debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(*machine)->debug()->go();
+ if ([notification object] == window)
+ {
+ NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSValue valueWithPointer:machine],
+ @"MAMEDebugMachine",
+ nil];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:MAMEHideDebuggerNotification
+ object:self
+ userInfo:info];
+ debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(*machine)->debug()->go();
+ }