path: root/src/osd/mac/video.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd/mac/video.cpp')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/mac/video.cpp b/src/osd/mac/video.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..638e7a949b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/mac/video.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont
+// video.cpp - Mac video handling
+// Mac OSD by R. Belmont
+// MAME headers
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "rendutil.h"
+#include "ui/uimain.h"
+#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "uiinput.h"
+// MAMEOS headers
+#include "video.h"
+#include "window.h"
+#include "osdmac.h"
+#include "modules/lib/osdlib.h"
+osd_video_config video_config;
+static void check_osd_inputs(running_machine &machine);
+static void get_resolution(const char *defdata, const char *data, osd_window_config *config, int report_error);
+// video_init
+bool mac_osd_interface::video_init()
+ int index;
+ // extract data from the options
+ extract_video_config();
+ // we need the beam width in a float, contrary to what the core does.
+ video_config.beamwidth = options().beam_width_min();
+ // initialize the window system so we can make windows
+ if (!window_init())
+ return false;
+ // create the windows
+ for (index = 0; index < video_config.numscreens; index++)
+ {
+ osd_window_config conf;
+ memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(conf));
+ get_resolution(options().resolution(), options().resolution(index), &conf, true);
+ // create window ...
+ std::shared_ptr<mac_window_info> win = std::make_shared<mac_window_info>(machine(), index, m_monitor_module->pick_monitor(reinterpret_cast<osd_options &>(options()), index), &conf);
+ if (win->window_init())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// video_exit
+void mac_osd_interface::video_exit()
+ window_exit();
+// update
+void mac_osd_interface::update(bool skip_redraw)
+ osd_common_t::update(skip_redraw);
+ // if we're not skipping this redraw, update all windows
+ if (!skip_redraw)
+ {
+// profiler_mark(PROFILER_BLIT);
+ for (auto window : osd_common_t::s_window_list)
+ window->update();
+// profiler_mark(PROFILER_END);
+ }
+ // poll the joystick values here
+ downcast<mac_osd_interface&>(machine().osd()).poll_inputs(machine());
+ check_osd_inputs(machine());
+ // if we're running, disable some parts of the debugger
+ if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED) != 0)
+ debugger_update();
+// check_osd_inputs
+static void check_osd_inputs(running_machine &machine)
+ // check for toggling fullscreen mode
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_1))
+ {
+ for (auto curwin : osd_common_t::s_window_list)
+ std::static_pointer_cast<mac_window_info>(curwin)->toggle_full_screen();
+ }
+ auto window = osd_common_t::s_window_list.front();
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_2))
+ {
+ //FIXME: on a per window basis
+ video_config.fullstretch = !video_config.fullstretch;
+ window->target()->set_scale_mode(video_config.fullstretch? SCALE_FRACTIONAL : SCALE_INTEGER);
+ machine.ui().popup_time(1, "Uneven stretch %s", video_config.fullstretch? "enabled":"disabled");
+ }
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_4))
+ {
+ //FIXME: on a per window basis
+ video_config.keepaspect = !video_config.keepaspect;
+ window->target()->set_keepaspect(video_config.keepaspect);
+ machine.ui().popup_time(1, "Keepaspect %s", video_config.keepaspect? "enabled":"disabled");
+ }
+ //FIXME: on a per window basis
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_5))
+ {
+ video_config.filter = !video_config.filter;
+ machine.ui().popup_time(1, "Filter %s", video_config.filter? "enabled":"disabled");
+ }
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_6))
+ std::static_pointer_cast<mac_window_info>(window)->modify_prescale(-1);
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_7))
+ std::static_pointer_cast<mac_window_info>(window)->modify_prescale(1);
+ if (machine.ui_input().pressed(IPT_OSD_8))
+ window->renderer().record();
+// extract_video_config
+void mac_osd_interface::extract_video_config()
+ const char *stemp;
+ // global options: extract the data
+ video_config.windowed = options().window();
+ video_config.prescale = options().prescale();
+ video_config.filter = options().filter();
+ video_config.keepaspect = options().keep_aspect();
+ video_config.numscreens = options().numscreens();
+ video_config.fullstretch = options().uneven_stretch();
+ // if we are in debug mode, never go full screen
+ if (machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_OSD_ENABLED)
+ video_config.windowed = true;
+ // default to working video please
+ video_config.novideo = 0;
+ // d3d options: extract the data
+ stemp = options().video();
+ if (strcmp(stemp, "auto") == 0)
+ {
+ stemp = "opengl";
+ }
+ if (strcmp(stemp, OSDOPTVAL_NONE) == 0)
+ {
+ video_config.mode = VIDEO_MODE_SOFT;
+ video_config.novideo = 1;
+ if (!emulator_info::standalone() && options().seconds_to_run() == 0)
+ osd_printf_warning("Warning: -video none doesn't make much sense without -seconds_to_run\n");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(stemp, MACOPTVAL_OPENGL) == 0)
+ video_config.mode = VIDEO_MODE_OPENGL;
+ else if (strcmp(stemp, MACOPTVAL_BGFX) == 0)
+ {
+ video_config.mode = VIDEO_MODE_BGFX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ osd_printf_warning("Invalid video value %s; reverting to OpenGL\n", stemp);
+ video_config.mode = VIDEO_MODE_OPENGL;
+ }
+ video_config.switchres = options().switch_res();
+ video_config.waitvsync = options().wait_vsync();
+ video_config.syncrefresh = options().sync_refresh();
+ if (!video_config.waitvsync && video_config.syncrefresh)
+ {
+ osd_printf_warning("-syncrefresh specified without -waitvsync. Reverting to -nosyncrefresh\n");
+ video_config.syncrefresh = 0;
+ }
+ if (video_config.prescale < 1 || video_config.prescale > 3)
+ {
+ osd_printf_warning("Invalid prescale option, reverting to '1'\n");
+ video_config.prescale = 1;
+ }
+ // default to working video please
+ video_config.forcepow2texture = options().gl_force_pow2_texture();
+ video_config.allowtexturerect = !(options().gl_no_texture_rect());
+ video_config.vbo = options().gl_vbo();
+ video_config.pbo = options().gl_pbo();
+ video_config.glsl = options().gl_glsl();
+ if ( video_config.glsl )
+ {
+ int i;
+ video_config.glsl_filter = options().glsl_filter();
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm_num=0;
+ for(i=0; i<GLSL_SHADER_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ stemp = options().shader_mame(i);
+ if (stemp && strcmp(stemp, OSDOPTVAL_NONE) != 0 && strlen(stemp)>0)
+ {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(stemp)+1);
+ strcpy(video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm[i], stemp);
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm_num++;
+ } else {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn_num=0;
+ for(i=0; i<GLSL_SHADER_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ stemp = options().shader_screen(i);
+ if (stemp && strcmp(stemp, OSDOPTVAL_NONE) != 0 && strlen(stemp)>0)
+ {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(stemp)+1);
+ strcpy(video_config.glsl_shader_scrn[i], stemp);
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn_num++;
+ } else {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ video_config.glsl_filter = 0;
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm_num=0;
+ for(i=0; i<GLSL_SHADER_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_mamebm[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn_num=0;
+ for(i=0; i<GLSL_SHADER_MAX; i++)
+ {
+ video_config.glsl_shader_scrn[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // misc options: sanity check values
+ // global options: sanity check values
+ if (video_config.numscreens < 1 || video_config.numscreens > MAX_VIDEO_WINDOWS)
+ {
+ osd_printf_warning("Invalid numscreens value %d; reverting to 1\n", video_config.numscreens);
+ video_config.numscreens = 1;
+ }
+// get_resolution
+static void get_resolution(const char *defdata, const char *data, osd_window_config *config, int report_error)
+ config->width = config->height = config->depth = config->refresh = 0;
+ if (strcmp(data, OSDOPTVAL_AUTO) == 0)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(defdata, OSDOPTVAL_AUTO) == 0)
+ return;
+ data = defdata;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(data, "%dx%dx%d", &config->width, &config->height, &config->depth) < 2 && report_error)
+ osd_printf_error("Illegal resolution value = %s\n", data);
+ const char * at_pos = strchr(data, '@');
+ if (at_pos)
+ if (sscanf(at_pos + 1, "%d", &config->refresh) < 1 && report_error)
+ osd_printf_error("Illegal refresh rate in resolution value = %s\n", data);