path: root/src/lib/util/dynamicclass.ipp
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1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/util/dynamicclass.ipp b/src/lib/util/dynamicclass.ipp
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index 00000000000..d44c5e50e7d
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+++ b/src/lib/util/dynamicclass.ipp
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+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Vas Crabb
+#pragma once
+#include "dynamicclass.h"
+namespace util {
+namespace detail {
+/// \brief Get offset to saved base virtual table pointer from type info
+/// Gets the offset to the saved base class virtual table pointer from
+/// the location the dynamic derived class virtual table entry used for
+/// recovery points to.
+/// \return Offset from the type info to saved base class virtual table
+/// pointer in bytes.
+inline std::ptrdiff_t dynamic_derived_class_base::base_vtable_offset()
+ return 0;
+ return
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(&reinterpret_cast<dynamic_derived_class_base *>(std::uintptr_t(0))->m_base_vtable) -
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(&reinterpret_cast<dynamic_derived_class_base *>(std::uintptr_t(0))->m_type_info);
+/// \brief Get base class virtual table pointer
+/// Gets the base class virtual pointer for an instance of a dynamic
+/// derived class.
+/// \tparam Base The base class type (usually determined automatically).
+/// \param [in] object Base class member of dynamic derived class
+/// instance.
+/// \return Pointer to first virtual member function entry in base class
+/// virtual table.
+template <class Base>
+inline std::uintptr_t const *dynamic_derived_class_base::get_base_vptr(
+ Base const &object)
+ auto const vptr = *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(&object);
+ auto const recovery = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(vptr)[VTABLE_BASE_RECOVERY_INDEX];
+ return *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *const *>(recovery + base_vtable_offset());
+/// \brief Restore base class virtual table pointer
+/// Restores the base class virtual pointer in an instance of a dynamic
+/// derived class. Must be called before calling the base class
+/// destructor.
+/// \tparam Base The base class type (usually determined automatically).
+/// \param [in,out] object Base class member of dynamic derived class
+/// instance.
+template <class Base>
+inline void dynamic_derived_class_base::restore_base_vptr(
+ Base &object)
+ auto &vptr = *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t *>(&object);
+ auto const recovery = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(vptr)[VTABLE_BASE_RECOVERY_INDEX];
+ vptr = *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(recovery + base_vtable_offset());
+ assert(reinterpret_cast<void const *>(vptr));
+/// \brief Resolve pointer to base class member function
+/// Given an instance and pointer to a base class member function, gets
+/// the adjusted \c this pointer and conventional function pointer.
+/// \tparam Base The base class type (usually determined automatically).
+/// \tparam R Return type of member function (usually determined
+/// automatically).
+/// \tparam T Parameter types expected by the member function (usually
+/// determined automatically).
+/// \param [in] object Base class member of dynamic derived class
+/// instance.
+/// \param [in] func Pointer to member function of base class.
+/// \return A \c std::pair containing the conventional function pointer
+/// and adjusted \c this pointer.
+/// \exception std::invalid_argument Thrown if the \p func argument is
+/// not a supported member function. This includes non-virtual member
+/// functions and virtual member functions that aren't supported for
+/// overriding when using the MSVC C++ ABI.
+template <typename Base, typename R, typename... T>
+inline std::pair<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...), void *> dynamic_derived_class_base::resolve_base_member_function(
+ Base &object,
+ R (Base::*func)(T...))
+ static_assert(supported_return_type<R>::value, "Unsupported member function return type");
+ member_function_pointer_pun_t<decltype(func)> thunk;
+ thunk.ptr = func;
+ std::size_t const index = resolve_virtual_member_slot(thunk.equiv, sizeof(func));
+ auto const vptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(get_base_vptr(object));
+ std::uintptr_t const* const entryptr = vptr + (index * MEMBER_FUNCTION_SIZE);
+ return std::make_pair(
+ ? reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...)>(std::uintptr_t(entryptr))
+ : reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...)>(*entryptr),
+ &object);
+ if (thunk.equiv.is_virtual())
+ {
+ assert(!thunk.equiv.this_pointer_offset());
+ auto const vptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(get_base_vptr(object));
+ auto const entryptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(vptr + thunk.equiv.virtual_table_entry_offset());
+ return std::make_pair(
+ ? reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...)>(std::uintptr_t(entryptr))
+ : reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...)>(*entryptr),
+ &object);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(
+ reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void *, T...)>(thunk.equiv.function_pointer()),
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(&object) + thunk.equiv.this_pointer_offset());
+ }
+template <typename Base, typename R, typename... T>
+inline std::pair<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...), void const *> dynamic_derived_class_base::resolve_base_member_function(
+ Base const &object,
+ R (Base::*func)(T...) const)
+ static_assert(supported_return_type<R>::value, "Unsupported member function return type");
+ member_function_pointer_pun_t<decltype(func)> thunk;
+ thunk.ptr = func;
+ std::size_t const index = resolve_virtual_member_slot(thunk.equiv, sizeof(func));
+ auto const vptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(get_base_vptr(object));
+ std::uintptr_t const* const entryptr = vptr + (index * MEMBER_FUNCTION_SIZE);
+ return std::make_pair(
+ ? reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...)>(std::uintptr_t(entryptr))
+ : reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...)>(*entryptr),
+ &object);
+ if (thunk.equiv.is_virtual())
+ {
+ assert(!thunk.equiv.this_pointer_offset());
+ auto const vptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(get_base_vptr(object));
+ auto const entryptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(vptr + thunk.equiv.virtual_table_entry_offset());
+ return std::make_pair(
+ ? reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...)>(std::uintptr_t(entryptr))
+ : reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...)>(*entryptr),
+ &object);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(
+ reinterpret_cast<R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*)(void const *, T...)>(thunk.equiv.function_pointer()),
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(&object) + thunk.equiv.this_pointer_offset());
+ }
+/// \brief Complete object destructor for dynamic derived class
+/// Restores the base class virtual table pointer, calls the extra data
+/// and base class destructors, but does not free the memory occupied by
+/// the object. Used when the base class type has a virtual destructor
+/// to allow deleting instances of a dynamic derived class through
+/// pointers to the base class type.
+/// Only used for the Itanium C++ ABI.
+/// \param [in] object Reference to the object to destroy.
+template <class Base, typename Extra>
+void MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL dynamic_derived_class_base::destroyer<Base, Extra, std::enable_if_t<std::has_virtual_destructor_v<Base> > >::complete_object_destructor(
+ value_type<Base, Extra> &object)
+ restore_base_vptr(object.base);
+ object.~value_type();
+/// \brief Deleting destructor for dynamic derived class
+/// Restores the base class virtual table pointer, calls the extra data
+/// and base class destructors, and frees the memory occupied by the
+/// object. Used when the base class type has a virtual destructor to
+/// allow deleting instances of a dynamic derived class through pointers
+/// to the base class type.
+/// Only used for the Itanium C++ ABI.
+/// \param [in] object Pointer to the object to destroy.
+template <class Base, typename Extra>
+void MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL dynamic_derived_class_base::destroyer<Base, Extra, std::enable_if_t<std::has_virtual_destructor_v<Base> > >::deleting_destructor(
+ value_type<Base, Extra> *object)
+ restore_base_vptr(object->base);
+ delete object;
+/// \brief Destructor for dynamic derived class
+/// Restores the base class virtual table pointer, calls the extra data
+/// and base class destructors, and optionally frees the memory occupied
+/// by the object. Used when the base class type has a virtual
+/// destructor to allow deleting instances of a dynamic derived class
+/// through pointers to the base class type.
+/// Only used for the MSVC C++ ABI.
+/// \param [in] object Pointer to the object to destroy.
+/// \param [in] flags If bit 0 is set, the memory occupied by the object
+/// will be freed.
+/// \return The supplied object pointer.
+template <class Base, typename Extra>
+void *MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL dynamic_derived_class_base::destroyer<Base, Extra, std::enable_if_t<std::has_virtual_destructor_v<Base> > >::scalar_deleting_destructor(
+ value_type<Base, Extra> *object,
+ unsigned int flags)
+ restore_base_vptr(object->base);
+ object->~value_type();
+ if (flags & 1)
+ operator delete (static_cast<void *>(object));
+ return object;
+/// \brief Deleter for dynamic derived classes
+/// Restores the base class virtual table pointer, calls the extra data
+/// and base class destructors, and frees the memory occupied by the
+/// object. Used to delete instances of a dynamic derived class when
+/// the base class type does not have a virtual destructor.
+/// \param [in] object Pointer to the object to destroy.
+template <class Base, typename Extra>
+void dynamic_derived_class_base::destroyer<Base, Extra, std::enable_if_t<!std::has_virtual_destructor_v<Base> > >::operator()(
+ Base *object) const
+ restore_base_vptr(*object);
+ delete reinterpret_cast<value_type<Base, Extra> *>(object);
+} // namespace detail
+/// \brief Create a dynamic derived class
+/// Creates a new dynamic derived class. No base member functions are
+/// overridden initially.
+/// \param [in] name The unmangled name for the new dynamic derived
+/// class. This will be mangled for use in the generated type info.
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::dynamic_derived_class(
+ std::string_view name) :
+ detail::dynamic_derived_class_base(name)
+ m_vtable[0] = std::uintptr_t(&m_base_vtable); // for restoring the base vtable
+ m_type_info.base_type = &typeid(Base);
+ m_vtable[0] = 0; // offset to top
+ m_vtable[1] = std::uintptr_t(&m_type_info); // type info
+ if constexpr (std::has_virtual_destructor_v<Base>)
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ std::copy_n(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::scalar_deleting_destructor)),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES] = std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::scalar_deleting_destructor);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ std::copy_n(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::complete_object_destructor)),
+ std::copy_n(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::deleting_destructor)),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES] = std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::complete_object_destructor);
+ m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES + 1] = std::uintptr_t(&destroyer<Base, Extra>::deleting_destructor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::fill(
+ m_vtable.end(),
+ std::uintptr_t(static_cast<void *>(nullptr)));
+/// \brief Create a dynamic derived class using a prototype
+/// Creates a new dynamic derived class using an existing dynamic
+/// derived class as a prototype. Overridden base class member
+/// functions are inherited from the current state of the prototype.
+/// The new dynamic derived class is not affected by any future
+/// modifications to the prototype. The prototype may be destroyed
+/// safely before the new dynamic derived class is destroyed (provided
+/// all its instances are destroyed first).
+/// \param [in] prototype The dynamic derived class to use as a
+/// prototype.
+/// \param [in] name The unmangled name for the new dynamic derived
+/// class. This will be mangled for use in the generated type info.
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::dynamic_derived_class(
+ dynamic_derived_class const &prototype,
+ std::string_view name) :
+ detail::dynamic_derived_class_base(name),
+ m_vtable(prototype.m_vtable),
+ m_overridden(prototype.m_overridden)
+ m_base_vtable = prototype.m_base_vtable;
+ m_vtable[0] = std::uintptr_t(&m_base_vtable); // for restoring the base vtable
+ m_type_info.base_type = &typeid(Base);
+ m_vtable[1] = std::uintptr_t(&m_type_info); // type info
+/// \brief Override a virtual member function
+/// Replace the virtual table entry for the specified base member
+/// function with the supplied function. This applies to existing
+/// instances as well as newly created instances. Note that if you are
+/// using some technique to resolve pointers to virtual member functions
+/// in advance, resolved pointers may not reflect the change.
+/// \tparam R Return type of member function to override (usually
+/// determined automatically).
+/// \tparam T Parameter types expected by the member function to
+/// override (usually determined automatically).
+/// \param [in] slot A pointer to the base class member function to
+/// override. Must be a pointer to a virtual member function.
+/// \param [in] func A pointer to the function to use to override the
+/// base class member function.
+/// \exception std::invalid_argument Thrown if the \p slot argument is
+/// not a supported virtual member function.
+/// \sa restore_base_member_function
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+template <typename R, typename... T>
+void dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::override_member_function(
+ R (Base::*slot)(T...),
+ R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*func)(type &, T...))
+ static_assert(supported_return_type<R>::value, "Unsupported member function return type");
+ member_function_pointer_pun_t<decltype(slot)> thunk;
+ thunk.ptr = slot;
+ override_member_function(thunk.equiv, std::uintptr_t(func), sizeof(func));
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+template <typename R, typename... T>
+void dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::override_member_function(
+ R (Base::*slot)(T...) const,
+ R MAME_ABI_CXX_MEMBER_CALL (*func)(type const &, T...))
+ static_assert(supported_return_type<R>::value, "Unsupported member function return type");
+ member_function_pointer_pun_t<decltype(slot)> thunk;
+ thunk.ptr = slot;
+ override_member_function(thunk.equiv, std::uintptr_t(func), sizeof(func));
+/// \brief Restore the base implementation of a member function
+/// If the specified virtual member function of the base class has been
+/// overridden, restore the base class implementation. This applies to
+/// existing instances as well as newly created instances. Note that if
+/// you are using some technique to resolve pointers to virtual member
+/// functions in advance, resolved pointers may not reflect the change.
+/// \tparam R Return type of member function to restore (usually
+/// determined automatically).
+/// \tparam T Parameter types expected by the member function to
+/// to restore (usually determined automatically).
+/// \param [in] slot A pointer to the base class member function to
+/// restore. Must be a pointer to a virtual member function.
+/// \exception std::invalid_argument Thrown if the \p slot argument is
+/// not a supported virtual member function.
+/// \sa override_member_function
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+template <typename R, typename... T>
+void dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::restore_base_member_function(
+ R (Base::*slot)(T...))
+ member_function_pointer_pun_t<decltype(slot)> thunk;
+ thunk.ptr = slot;
+ std::size_t const index = resolve_virtual_member_slot(thunk.equiv, sizeof(slot));
+ if (m_overridden[index - FIRST_OVERRIDABLE_MEMBER_OFFSET] && m_base_vtable)
+ {
+ std::copy_n(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(m_base_vtable) + (index * MEMBER_FUNCTION_SIZE),
+ }
+ m_overridden[index - FIRST_OVERRIDABLE_MEMBER_OFFSET] = false;
+/// \brief Create a new instance
+/// Creates a new instance of the dynamic derived class constructed with
+/// the supplied arguments.
+/// \tparam T Constructor argument types (usually determined
+/// automatically).
+/// \param [out] object Receives an pointer to the object storing the
+/// base type and extra data.
+/// \param [in] args Constructor arguments for the object to be
+/// instantiated. If the first argument is
+/// \c std::piecewise_construct, it must be followed by two tuples
+/// containing the arguments to forward to the base class and extra
+/// data constructors, respectively. If the first argument is not
+/// \c std::piecewise_construct, all the arguments are forwarded to
+/// the base class constructor.
+/// \return A unique pointer to the new instance.
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+template <typename... T>
+typename dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::pointer dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::instantiate(
+ type *&object,
+ T &&... args)
+ std::unique_ptr<type> result(new type(std::forward<T>(args)...));
+ auto &vptr = *reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const **>(&result->base);
+ if (!m_base_vtable)
+ {
+ assert(std::uintptr_t(result.get()) == std::uintptr_t(&result->base));
+ m_base_vtable = vptr;
+ m_vtable[1] = vptr[-1]; // use the base class complete object locator - too hard to fake
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; VirtualCount > i; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!m_overridden[i])
+ {
+ std::copy_n(vptr + offset, MEMBER_FUNCTION_SIZE, &m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES + offset]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vptr = &m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES];
+ object = result.get();
+ return pointer(&result.release()->base);
+/// \brief Replace member function in virtual table
+/// Does the actual work involved in replacing a virtual table entry to
+/// override a virtual member function of the base class, avoiding
+/// duplication between overloads.
+/// \param [in] slot Internal representation of pointer to a virtual
+/// member function of the base class. May be modified.
+/// \param [in] func A pointer to the function to use to override the
+/// base class member function reinterpreted as an unsigned integer of
+/// equivalent size.
+/// \param [in] size Size of the member function pointer type for the
+/// \p slot argument.
+/// \exception std::invalid_argument Thrown if the \p slot argument is
+/// not a supported virtual member function.
+template <class Base, typename Extra, std::size_t VirtualCount>
+void dynamic_derived_class<Base, Extra, VirtualCount>::override_member_function(
+ member_function_pointer_equiv &slot,
+ std::uintptr_t func,
+ std::size_t size)
+ std::size_t const index = resolve_virtual_member_slot(slot, size);
+ m_overridden[index - FIRST_OVERRIDABLE_MEMBER_OFFSET] = true;
+ {
+ std::copy_n(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t const *>(func),
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_vtable[VTABLE_PREFIX_ENTRIES + index] = func;
+ }
+} // namespace util