path: root/src/lib/netlist/analog/nld_mosfet.cpp
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diff --git a/src/lib/netlist/analog/nld_mosfet.cpp b/src/lib/netlist/analog/nld_mosfet.cpp
index 78f4b4df615..340b2f7dd15 100644
--- a/src/lib/netlist/analog/nld_mosfet.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/netlist/analog/nld_mosfet.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
// license:GPL-2.0+
// copyright-holders:Couriersud
- * nld_mosfet.cpp
- *
- * Formulas in here based on the following Sources:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Farid N. Naim, Circuit Simulation (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2010).
- * Stefan Jahn, Michael Margraf, Vincent Habchi and Raimund Jacob, "Qucs Technical Papers" (2007)
- *
- */
+// nld_mosfet.cpp
+// Formulas in here based on the following Sources:
+// Farid N. Naim, Circuit Simulation (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2010).
+// Stefan Jahn, Michael Margraf, Vincent Habchi and Raimund Jacob, "Qucs Technical Papers" (2007)
#include "netlist/solver/nld_solver.h"
#include "netlist/nl_setup.h"
@@ -35,65 +35,65 @@ namespace analog
// nld_FET - Base classes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*! Class representing the nmos/pmos model paramers.
- *
- * This is the model representation of the nmos model.
- *
- * Netlist has an additional parameter caller CAPMOD:
- *
- * CAPMOD=0: Capacitance model disabled
- * CAPMOD=2: Meyer capacitance model
- *
- * Typically, SPICE uses the following parameters. A "Y" in the first
- * column indicates that the parameter is actually used in netlist.
- *
- * | NL? |Name | Description|Units |Default |Example |
- * |:---:|------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|---------:|----------------:|
- * | Y |Vto | Zero-bias threshold voltage | V | 0 | 1 |
- * | Y |Kp | Transconductance parameter | A/V² | 0.00002 | 0.00003 |
- * | Y |Gamma | Bulk threshold parameter | V^½ | 0 | 0.37 |
- * | Y |Phi | Surface inversion potential | V | 0.6 | 0.65 |
- * | Y |Lambda| Channel-length modulation (level 1 and 2 only) | 1/V | 0 | 0.02 |
- * | |Rd | Drain ohmic resistance |W|0|1|
- * | |Rs | Source ohmic resistance |W|0|1|
- * | |Cbd | Zero-bias B-D junction capacitance |F|0|20f|
- * | |Cbs | Zero-bias B-S junction capacitance |F|0|20f|
- * | Y |Is | Bulk junction saturation current |A|0.00000000000001|1E-015|
- * | Y |N | Bulk diode emission coefficient |-|1|*|
- * | |Pb | Bulk junction potential |V|0.8|0.87|
- * | Y |Cgso | Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.00000000004|
- * | Y |Cgdo | Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.00000000004*|
- * | Y |Cgbo | Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.0000000002*|
- * | |Rsh | Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance |W|0|10*|
- * | |Cj | Zero-bias bulk junction bottom capacitance per square meter of junction area|F/m²|0|0.0002*|
- * | |Mj | Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient |-|0.5|0.5*|
- * | |Cjsw | Zero-bias bulk junction sidewall capacitance per meter of junction perimeter|F/m|0|1p*|
- * | |Mjsw | Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient |-|.50 level 1 .33 level 2,3||
- * | |Js | Bulk junction saturation current per square-meter of junction area|A/m|0|0.00000001|
- * | Y |Tox | Oxide thickness |m|0.0000001|0.0000001|
- * | Y |Nsub | Substrate doping |1/cm³|0|4000000000000000|
- * | |Nss | Surface state density |1/cm²|0|10000000000|
- * | |Nfs | Fast surface state |1/cm²|0|10000000000*|
- * | |TPG | Type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate -1 same as substrate |Al gate|-|1|
- * | |Xj | Metallurgical junction depth |m|0|1µ*|
- * | Y |Ld | Lateral diffusion |m|0|0.8µ|
- * | Y |Uo | Surface mobility |cm²/V/s|600|700|
- * | |Ucrit | Critical field for mobility degradation (level 2 only) |V/cm|10000|10000|
- * | |Uexp | Critical field exponent in mobility degradation (level 2 only) |-|0|0.1|
- * | |Utra | Transverse field coefficient (level 2 only) |-|0|0.3*|
- * | |Vmax | Maximum carrier drift velocity (levels 2 & 3 only) |m/s|0|50000|
- * | |Neff | Total channel-charge exponent (level 2 only) |-|1|5|
- * | |Kf | Flicker noise coefficient |-|0|1E-026|
- * | |Af | Flicker noise exponent |-|1|1.2|
- * | |Fc | Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula |-|0.5||
- * | |Delta | Width effect on threshold voltage(levels 2 and 3) |-|0|1|
- * | |Theta | Mobility modulation (level 3 only) |-|0|0.1|
- * | |Eta | Static feedback (level 3 only) |-|0|1|
- * | |Kappa | Saturation field (level 3 only) |-|0.2|0.5|
- * | |Tnom | Parameter measurement temperature |ºC|27|50|
- * | Y |L | Length scaling |-|100e-6||
- * | Y |W | Width scaling |-|100e-6||
- * */
+ /// \brief Class representing the nmos/pmos model paramers.
+ ///
+ /// This is the model representation of the nmos model.
+ ///
+ /// Netlist has an additional parameter caller CAPMOD:
+ ///
+ /// CAPMOD=0: Capacitance model disabled
+ /// CAPMOD=2: Meyer capacitance model
+ ///
+ /// Typically, SPICE uses the following parameters. A "Y" in the first
+ /// column indicates that the parameter is actually used in netlist.
+ ///
+ /// | NL? |Name | Description|Units |Default |Example |
+ /// |:---:|------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|---------:|----------------:|
+ /// | Y |Vto | Zero-bias threshold voltage | V | 0 | 1 |
+ /// | Y |Kp | Transconductance parameter | A/V² | 0.00002 | 0.00003 |
+ /// | Y |Gamma | Bulk threshold parameter | V^½ | 0 | 0.37 |
+ /// | Y |Phi | Surface inversion potential | V | 0.6 | 0.65 |
+ /// | Y |Lambda| Channel-length modulation (level 1 and 2 only) | 1/V | 0 | 0.02 |
+ /// | |Rd | Drain ohmic resistance |W|0|1|
+ /// | |Rs | Source ohmic resistance |W|0|1|
+ /// | |Cbd | Zero-bias B-D junction capacitance |F|0|20f|
+ /// | |Cbs | Zero-bias B-S junction capacitance |F|0|20f|
+ /// | Y |Is | Bulk junction saturation current |A|0.00000000000001|1E-015|
+ /// | Y |N | Bulk diode emission coefficient |-|1|*|
+ /// | |Pb | Bulk junction potential |V|0.8|0.87|
+ /// | Y |Cgso | Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.00000000004|
+ /// | Y |Cgdo | Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.00000000004*|
+ /// | Y |Cgbo | Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width |F/m|0|0.0000000002*|
+ /// | |Rsh | Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance |W|0|10*|
+ /// | |Cj | Zero-bias bulk junction bottom capacitance per square meter of junction area|F/m²|0|0.0002*|
+ /// | |Mj | Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient |-|0.5|0.5*|
+ /// | |Cjsw | Zero-bias bulk junction sidewall capacitance per meter of junction perimeter|F/m|0|1p*|
+ /// | |Mjsw | Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient |-|.50 level 1 .33 level 2,3||
+ /// | |Js | Bulk junction saturation current per square-meter of junction area|A/m|0|0.00000001|
+ /// | Y |Tox | Oxide thickness |m|0.0000001|0.0000001|
+ /// | Y |Nsub | Substrate doping |1/cm³|0|4000000000000000|
+ /// | |Nss | Surface state density |1/cm²|0|10000000000|
+ /// | |Nfs | Fast surface state |1/cm²|0|10000000000*|
+ /// | |TPG | Type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate -1 same as substrate |Al gate|-|1|
+ /// | |Xj | Metallurgical junction depth |m|0|1µ*|
+ /// | Y |Ld | Lateral diffusion |m|0|0.8µ|
+ /// | Y |Uo | Surface mobility |cm²/V/s|600|700|
+ /// | |Ucrit | Critical field for mobility degradation (level 2 only) |V/cm|10000|10000|
+ /// | |Uexp | Critical field exponent in mobility degradation (level 2 only) |-|0|0.1|
+ /// | |Utra | Transverse field coefficient (level 2 only) |-|0|0.3*|
+ /// | |Vmax | Maximum carrier drift velocity (levels 2 & 3 only) |m/s|0|50000|
+ /// | |Neff | Total channel-charge exponent (level 2 only) |-|1|5|
+ /// | |Kf | Flicker noise coefficient |-|0|1E-026|
+ /// | |Af | Flicker noise exponent |-|1|1.2|
+ /// | |Fc | Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula |-|0.5||
+ /// | |Delta | Width effect on threshold voltage(levels 2 and 3) |-|0|1|
+ /// | |Theta | Mobility modulation (level 3 only) |-|0|0.1|
+ /// | |Eta | Static feedback (level 3 only) |-|0|1|
+ /// | |Kappa | Saturation field (level 3 only) |-|0.2|0.5|
+ /// | |Tnom | Parameter measurement temperature |ºC|27|50|
+ /// | Y |L | Length scaling |-|100e-6||
+ /// | Y |W | Width scaling |-|100e-6||
+ ///
class fet_model_t : public param_model_t
@@ -224,16 +224,15 @@ namespace analog
// printf("capmod %d %g %g\n", m_capmod, (nl_fptype)m_model.m_VTO, m_polarity);
nl_assert_always(m_capmod == 0 || m_capmod == 2, "Error: CAPMODEL invalid value for " +;
- /*
- * From :
- *
- * VTO, KP, LAMBDA, PHI and GAMMA. These parameters are computed
- * if the process parameters(NSUB, TOX,...) are given, but
- * user-specified values always override.
- *
- * But couldn't find a formula for lambda anywhere
- *
- */
+ //
+ // From :
+ //
+ // VTO, KP, LAMBDA, PHI and GAMMA. These parameters are computed
+ // if the process parameters(NSUB, TOX,...) are given, but
+ // user-specified values always override.
+ //
+ // But couldn't find a formula for lambda anywhere
+ //
m_lambda = m_model.m_LAMBDA; // FIXME: m_lambda only set once
@@ -284,9 +283,8 @@ namespace analog
if(m_vto != nlconst::zero())
- /* FIXME: VTO if missing may be calculated from TPG, NSS and temperature. Usually models
- * specify VTO so skip this here.
- */
+ // FIXME: VTO if missing may be calculated from TPG, NSS and temperature. Usually models
+ // specify VTO so skip this here.
m_CoxWL = Cox * m_model.m_W * m_Leff;
@@ -350,12 +348,12 @@ namespace analog
nl_fptype m_beta;
nl_fptype m_lambda;
- /* used in capacitance calculation */
+ // used in capacitance calculation
nl_fptype m_Leff;
nl_fptype m_CoxWL;
nl_fptype m_polarity;
- /* capacitance values */
+ // capacitance values
nl_fptype m_Cgb;
nl_fptype m_Cgs;