path: root/src/emu/cpu/ucom4/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/ucom4/')
1 files changed, 579 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/ucom4/ b/src/emu/cpu/ucom4/
index ebb932edb2d..0ae6c88ce9b 100644
--- a/src/emu/cpu/ucom4/
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/ucom4/
@@ -1 +1,579 @@
-// uCOM4 opcode handlers
+// uCOM-4 opcode handlers
+// internal helpers
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_illegal()
+ logerror("%s unknown opcode $%02X at $%03X\n", tag(), m_op, m_pc);
+// basic instruction set
+// Load
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_li()
+ // LI X: Load ACC with X
+ // note: only execute the first one in a sequence of LAI
+ if ((m_prev_op & 0xf0) != (m_op & 0xf0))
+ m_acc = m_op & 0x0f;
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_lm()
+ // LM X: Load ACC with RAM, xor DPh with X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ldi()
+ // LDI X: Load DP with X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ldz()
+ // LDZ X: Load DPh with 0, Load DPl with X
+ op_illegal();
+// Store
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_s()
+ // S: Store ACC into RAM
+ op_illegal();
+// Transfer
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tal()
+ // TAL: Transfer ACC to DPl
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tla()
+ // TLA: Transfer
+ op_illegal();
+// Exchange
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xm()
+ // XM X: Exchange ACC with RAM, xor DPh with X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xmi()
+ // XMI X: Exchange ACC with RAM, xor DPh with X, Increment DPl, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xmd()
+ // XMD X: Exchange ACC with RAM, xor DPh with X, Decrement DPl, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+// Arithmetic
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ad()
+ // AD: Add RAM to Acc, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_adc()
+ // ADC: Add RAM and carry to Acc, store Carry F/F
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ads()
+ // ADS: Add RAM and carry to Acc, store Carry F/F, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_daa()
+ // DAA: Add 6 to ACC to adjust decimal for BCD Addition
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_das()
+ // DAS: Add 10 to ACC to adjust decimal for BCD Subtraction
+ op_illegal();
+// Logical
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_exl()
+ // EXL: Xor ACC with RAM
+ op_illegal();
+// Accumulator
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_cma()
+ // CMA: Complement ACC
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_cia()
+ // CIA: Complement ACC, Increment ACC
+ op_illegal();
+// Carry Flag
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_clc()
+ // CLC: Reset Carry F/F
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_stc()
+ // STC: Set Carry F/F
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tc()
+ // TC: skip next on Carry F/F
+ op_illegal();
+// Increment and Decrement
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_inc()
+ // INC: Increment ACC, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_dec()
+ // DEC: Decrement ACC, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ind()
+ // IND: Increment DPl, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ded()
+ // DED: Decrement DPl, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+// Bit Manipulation
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rmb()
+ // RMB B: Reset a single bit of RAM
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_smb()
+ // SMB B: Set a single bit of RAM
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_reb()
+ // REB B: Reset a single bit of output port E
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_seb()
+ // SEB B: Set a single bit of output port E
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rpb()
+ // RPB B: Reset a single bit of output port (DPl)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_spb()
+ // SPB B: Set a single bit of output port (DPl)
+ op_illegal();
+// Jump, Call and Return
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_jmpcal()
+ // JMP A: Jump to Address / CAL A: Call Address
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_jcp()
+ // JCP A: Jump to Address in current page
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_jpa()
+ // JPA: Jump to (ACC)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_czp()
+ // CZP A: Call (Address)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rt()
+ // RT: Return from subroutine
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rts()
+ // RTS: Return from subroutine, skip next
+ op_rt();
+ m_skip = true;
+// Skip
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ci()
+ // CI X: skip next on ACC equals X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_cm()
+ // CM: skip next on ACC equals RAM
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_cmb()
+ // CMB B: skip next on bit(ACC) equals bit(RAM)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tab()
+ // TAB B: skip next on bit(ACC)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_cli()
+ // CLI X: skip next on DPl equals X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tmb()
+ // TMB B: skip next on bit(RAM)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tpa()
+ // TPA B: skip next on bit(input port A)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tpb()
+ // TPB B: skip next on bit(input port (DPl))
+ op_illegal();
+// Interrupt
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tit()
+ // TIT: skip next on Interrupt F/F, reset Interrupt F/F
+ op_illegal();
+// Parallel I/O
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ia()
+ // IA: x
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ip()
+ // IP: x
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_oe()
+ // OE: x
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_op()
+ // OP: x
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ocd()
+ // OCD X: x
+ op_illegal();
+// CPU Control
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_nop()
+ // NOP: No Operation
+// uCOM-43 extended instructions
+inline bool ucom4_cpu_device::check_op_43()
+ // these opcodes are officially only supported on uCOM-43
+ if (m_family != NEC_UCOM43)
+ logerror("%s using uCOM-43 opcode $%02X at $%03X\n", tag(), m_op, m_pc);
+ return (m_family == NEC_UCOM43);
+// Transfer
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_taw()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // TAW: Transfer ACC to W
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_taz()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // TAZ: Transfer ACC to Z
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_thx()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // THX: Transfer DPh to X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_tly()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // TLY: Transfer DPl to Y
+ op_illegal();
+// Exchange
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xaw()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XAW: Exchange ACC with W
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xaz()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XAZ: Exchange ACC with Z
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xhr()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XHR: Exchange DPh with R
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xhx()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XHX: Exchange DPh with X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xls()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XLS: Exchange DPl with S
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xly()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XLY: Exchange DPl with Y
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_xc()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // XC: Exchange Carry F/F with Carry Save F/F
+ op_illegal();
+// Flag
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_sfb()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // SFB B: Set a single bit of FLAG
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rfb()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // RFB B: Reset a single bit of FLAG
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_fbt()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // FBT B: skip next on bit(FLAG)
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_fbf()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // FBF B: skip next on not bit(FLAG)
+ op_illegal();
+// Accumulator
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_rar()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // RAR: Rotate ACC Right through Carry F/F
+ op_illegal();
+// Increment and Decrement
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_inm()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // INM: Increment RAM, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_dem()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // DEM: Decrement RAM, skip next on carry
+ op_illegal();
+// Timer
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_stm()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // STM X: Reset Timer F/F, Start Timer with X
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ttm()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // TTM: skip next on Timer F/F
+ op_illegal();
+// Interrupt
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_ei()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // EI: Set Interrupt Enable F/F
+ op_illegal();
+void ucom4_cpu_device::op_di()
+ if (!check_op_43()) return;
+ // DI: Reset Interrupt Enable F/F
+ op_illegal();