path: root/src/devices/video/voodoo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/video/voodoo.h')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/video/voodoo.h b/src/devices/video/voodoo.h
index af3bd9a17d3..3e653bdb62a 100644
--- a/src/devices/video/voodoo.h
+++ b/src/devices/video/voodoo.h
@@ -1593,10 +1593,12 @@ protected:
struct tmu_state
+ class stw_t;
void recompute_texture_params();
void init(uint8_t vdt, tmu_shared_state &share, voodoo_reg *r, void *memory, int tmem);
int32_t prepare();
- rgbaint_t genTexture(int32_t x, const uint8_t *dither4, const uint32_t TEXMODE, rgb_t *LOOKUP, int32_t LODBASE, int64_t ITERS, int64_t ITERT, int64_t ITERW, int32_t &lod);
+ static int32_t new_log2(double &value, const int &offset);
+ rgbaint_t genTexture(int32_t x, const uint8_t *dither4, const uint32_t TEXMODE, rgb_t *LOOKUP, int32_t LODBASE, const stw_t &iterstw, int32_t &lod);
rgbaint_t combineTexture(const uint32_t TEXMODE, const rgbaint_t& c_local, const rgbaint_t& c_other, int32_t lod);
struct ncc_table
@@ -1958,4 +1960,86 @@ DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(VOODOO_2, voodoo_2_device)
DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(VOODOO_3, voodoo_3_device)
+// use SSE on 64-bit implementations, where it can be assumed
+#if 1 && ((!defined(MAME_DEBUG) || defined(__OPTIMIZE__)) && (defined(__SSE2__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && defined(PTR64))
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+#ifdef __SSE4_1__
+#include <smmintrin.h>
+class voodoo_device::tmu_state::stw_t
+ stw_t() {}
+ stw_t(const stw_t& other) = default;
+ stw_t &operator=(const stw_t& other) = default;
+ inline void set(s64 s, s64 t, s64 w) { m_st = _mm_set_pd(s, t); m_w = _mm_set1_pd(w); }
+ inline int is_w_neg() const { return _mm_comilt_sd(m_w, _mm_set1_pd(0.0)); }
+ inline void get_st_shiftr(s32 &s, s32 &t, const s32 &shift) const {
+ s64 tmpS = _mm_cvtsd_si64(_mm_shuffle_pd(m_st, _mm_setzero_pd(), 1));
+ s = tmpS >> shift;
+ s64 tmpT = _mm_cvtsd_si64(m_st);
+ t = tmpT >> shift;
+ }
+ inline void add(const stw_t& other)
+ {
+ m_st = _mm_add_pd(m_st, other.m_st);
+ m_w = _mm_add_pd(m_w, other.m_w);
+ }
+ inline void calc_stow(s32 &sow, s32 &tow, int32_t &oowlog) const
+ {
+ __m128d tmp = _mm_div_pd(m_st, m_w);
+ // Allow for 8 bits of decimal in integer
+ tmp = _mm_mul_pd(tmp, _mm_set1_pd(256.0));
+ __m128i tmp2 = _mm_cvttpd_epi32(tmp);
+#ifdef __SSE4_1__
+ sow = _mm_extract_epi32(tmp2, 0);
+ tow = _mm_extract_epi32(tmp2, 1);
+ sow = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tmp2, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 1)));
+ tow = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(tmp2);
+ double dW = _mm_cvtsd_f64(m_w);
+ oowlog = -new_log2(dW, 0);
+ }
+ __m128d m_st;
+ __m128d m_w;
+class voodoo_device::tmu_state::stw_t
+ stw_t() {}
+ stw_t(const stw_t& other) = default;
+ stw_t &operator=(const stw_t& other) = default;
+ inline void set(s64 s, s64 t, s64 w) { m_s = s; m_t = t; m_w = w; }
+ inline int is_w_neg() const { return (m_w < 0) ? 1 : 0; }
+ inline void get_st_shiftr(s32 &s, s32 &t, const s32 &shift) const {
+ s = m_s >> shift;
+ t = m_t >> shift;
+ }
+ inline void add(const stw_t& other)
+ {
+ m_s += other.m_s;
+ m_t += other.m_t;
+ m_w += other.m_w;
+ }
+ // Computes s/w and t/w and returns log2 of 1/w
+ // s, t and c are 16.32 values. The results are 24.8.
+ inline void calc_stow(s32 &sow, s32 &tow, int32_t &oowlog) const
+ {
+ double recip = double(1ULL << (47 - 39)) / m_w;
+ double resAD = m_s * recip;
+ double resBD = m_t * recip;
+ oowlog = new_log2(recip, 56);
+ sow = resAD;
+ tow = resBD;
+ }
+ s64 m_s, m_t, m_w;