path: root/src/devices/cpu/we32000/we32100d.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/we32000/we32100d.cpp')
1 files changed, 859 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/we32000/we32100d.cpp b/src/devices/cpu/we32000/we32100d.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c33aba03290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/we32000/we32100d.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:AJR
+ Disassembler for AT&T's WE32100 processor.
+ Operands are formatted similarly to AT&T's m32dis. Note that operand
+ encoding is little-endian even though memory accesses are big-endian.
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "we32100d.h"
+ : util::disasm_interface()
+u32 we32100_disassembler::opcode_alignment() const
+ return 1;
+const char *const we32100_disassembler::s_rnames[16] = {
+ "r0",
+ "r1",
+ "r2",
+ "r3",
+ "r4",
+ "r5",
+ "r6",
+ "r7",
+ "r8",
+ "fp", // Frame Pointer
+ "ap", // Argument Pointer
+ "psw", // Processor Status Word (privileged)
+ "sp", // Stack Pointer
+ "pcbp", // Process Control Block Pointer (privileged)
+ "isp", // Interrupt Stack Pointer (privileged)
+ "pc" // Program Counter
+void we32100_disassembler::format_signed(std::ostream &stream, s32 x)
+ if (x == 0)
+ stream << "0";
+ else if (x > 0)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "0x%x", x);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "-0x%x", u32(-x));
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_am(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes, u8 n, bool dst)
+ switch (n & 0xf0)
+ {
+ case 0x00: case 0x10: case 0x20: case 0x30: case 0xf0:
+ if (dst)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ stream << "&";
+ format_signed(stream, s8(n));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x40:
+ if (n != 0x4f)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%%%s", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ else if (dst)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "&0x%08x", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x50:
+ if (n != 0x5b && n != 0x5f)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "(%%%s)", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ else if (n == 0x5b || dst)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "&0x%04x", swapendian_int16(opcodes.r16(pc)));
+ pc += 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x60:
+ if (n != 0x6f)
+ {
+ format_signed(stream, n & 0x0f);
+ stream << "(%fp)";
+ }
+ else if (dst)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "&0x%02x", opcodes.r8(pc++));
+ break;
+ case 0x70:
+ if (n != 0x7f)
+ {
+ format_signed(stream, n & 0x0f);
+ stream << "(%ap)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "$0x%08x", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x80: case 0x90:
+ if ((n & 0x0f) == 0x0b)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ if (BIT(n, 4))
+ stream << "*";
+ format_signed(stream, s32(swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc))));
+ pc += 4;
+ util::stream_format(stream, "(%%%s)", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xa0: case 0xb0:
+ if ((n & 0x0f) == 0x0b)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ if (BIT(n, 4))
+ stream << "*";
+ format_signed(stream, s16(swapendian_int16(opcodes.r16(pc))));
+ pc += 2;
+ util::stream_format(stream, "(%%%s)", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xc0: case 0xd0:
+ if ((n & 0x0f) == 0x0b)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ if (BIT(n, 4))
+ stream << "*";
+ format_signed(stream, s8(opcodes.r8(pc++)));
+ util::stream_format(stream, "(%%%s)", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xe0:
+ if (n == 0xef)
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "*$0x%08x", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ }
+ else if (BIT(n, 3) || (n & 0x03) == 0x01)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "reserved(0x%02x)", n);
+ else
+ {
+ if (!BIT(n, 0))
+ util::stream_format(stream, "{%cword}", BIT(n, 2) ? 's' : 'u');
+ else if (!BIT(n, 1))
+ util::stream_format(stream, "{%chalf}", BIT(n, 2) ? 's' : 'u');
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "{%cbyte}", BIT(n, 2) ? 's' : 'u');
+ u8 m = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, m, dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_src(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, n, false);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_srcw(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ if (n < 0xe0 || n >= 0xef)
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, n, false);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_dst(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, n, true);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_dstw(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ if (n < 0xe0 || n == 0xef)
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, n, true);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_ea(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ if (n >= 0x50 && (n < 0xe0 || n == 0xef) && n != 0x5f && n != 0x6f)
+ dasm_am(stream, pc, opcodes, n, false);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_sr(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u8 n = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ if (n >= 0x40 && n <= 0x49)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%%%s", s_rnames[n & 0x0f]);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "invalid(0x%02x)", n);
+void we32100_disassembler::dasm_bdisp(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes, bool byte)
+ u32 ppc = pc - 1;
+ int disp;
+ if (byte)
+ {
+ disp = s8(opcodes.r8(pc++));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ disp = s16(swapendian_int16(opcodes.r16(pc)));
+ pc += 2;
+ }
+ format_signed(stream, disp);
+ util::stream_format(stream, " <%x>", u32(ppc + disp));
+offs_t we32100_disassembler::dasm_30xx(std::ostream &stream, offs_t &pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes)
+ u32 flags = SUPPORTED;
+ u8 op = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ switch (op)
+ { case 0x09:
+ stream << "MVERNO";
+ break;
+ case 0x0d:
+ stream << "ENBVJMP"; // (privileged)
+ break;
+ case 0x13:
+ stream << "DISVJMP"; // (privileged)
+ break;
+ case 0x19:
+ stream << "MOVBLW";
+ break;
+ case 0x1f:
+ stream << "STREND";
+ break;
+ case 0x2f:
+ stream << "INTACK"; // (privileged)
+ break;
+ case 0x35:
+ stream << "STRCPY";
+ break;
+ case 0x45:
+ stream << "RETG";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ break;
+ case 0x61:
+ stream << "GATE";
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ break;
+ case 0xac:
+ stream << "CALLPS"; // (privileged)
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ break;
+ case 0xc8:
+ stream << "RETPS"; // (privileged)
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ stream << "reserved";
+ break;
+ }
+ return flags;
+offs_t we32100_disassembler::disassemble(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &opcodes, const we32100_disassembler::data_buffer &params)
+ offs_t ppc = pc;
+ u32 flags = SUPPORTED;
+ u8 op = opcodes.r8(pc++);
+ if ((op & 0x03) == 0x01
+ || op == 0x00
+ || op == 0x26
+ || (op & 0xfa) == 0x0a
+ || (op & 0xfd) == 0x12
+ || (op & 0xfe) == 0x1a
+ || (op & 0xfc) == 0x98
+ || (op & 0xde) == 0xc2
+ || (op & 0xfe) == 0xd6
+ || (op & 0xfe) == 0xda)
+ {
+ stream << "reserved";
+ }
+ else switch (op & 0xfc)
+ {
+ case 0x00: case 0x04:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "MOVAW");
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else if (!BIT(op, 0))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", BIT(op, 4) ? "SPOPRT" : "SPOPRD", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", BIT(op, 4) ? "SPOPT2" : "SPOPD2", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x08:
+ stream << "RET";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ break;
+ case 0x0c:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "MOVTRW"); // (privileged)
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes); // or effective address?
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x10:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "SAVE");
+ dasm_sr(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", "SPOPWD", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x14:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%02x", "EXTOP", opcodes.r8(pc++));
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", "SPOPWT", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x18:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "RESTORE");
+ dasm_sr(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x1c:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("SWAP%cI", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x20:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "POPW");
+ dasm_dstw(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else if (!BIT(op, 0))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", "SPOPRS", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", "SPOPS2", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x24:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "JMP");
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else
+ stream << "CFLUSH";
+ break;
+ case 0x28:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("TST%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x2c:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "CALL");
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ }
+ else if (!BIT(op, 0))
+ {
+ stream << "BPT";
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream << "WAIT"; // (privileged)
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x30:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ flags = dasm_30xx(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ else if (!BIT(op, 0))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x", "SPOP", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%08x,", "SPOPWS", swapendian_int32(opcodes.r32(pc)));
+ pc += 4;
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x34:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "JSB");
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BSBB" : "BSBH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ flags |= STEP_OVER;
+ break;
+ case 0x38:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("BIT%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x3c:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("CMP%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x40:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RGEQ";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BGEB" : "BGEH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x44: case 0x54:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RGTR";
+ if (BIT(op, 4))
+ stream << "U";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (BIT(op, 4))
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BGUB" : "BGUH");
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BGB" : "BGH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x48:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RLSS";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BLB" : "BLH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x4c: case 0x5c:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RLEQ";
+ if (BIT(op, 4))
+ stream << "U";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (BIT(op, 4))
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BLEUB" : "BLEUH");
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BLEB" : "BLEH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x50:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RCC";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BCC" : "BCC");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x58:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RCS";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BCSB" : "BCSH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x60:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RVS";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BVCB" : "BVCH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x64: case 0x74:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RNEQ";
+ if (!BIT(op, 4))
+ stream << "U";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BNEB" : "BNEH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x68:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RVS";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BVSB" : "BVSH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x6c: case 0x7c:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "REQL";
+ if (!BIT(op, 4))
+ stream << "U";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BEB" : "BEH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x70:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ stream << "NOP";
+ else if (BIT(op, 0))
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%02x", "NOP2", opcodes.r8(pc++));
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s0x%04x", "NOP3", swapendian_int16(opcodes.r16(pc)));
+ pc += 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x78:
+ if (!BIT(op, 1))
+ {
+ stream << "RSB";
+ flags |= STEP_OUT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", BIT(op, 0) ? "BRB" : "BRH");
+ dasm_bdisp(stream, pc, opcodes, BIT(op, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x80:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("CLR%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x84:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("MOV%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x88:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("MCOM%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x8c:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("MNEG%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x90:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("INC%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x94:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("DEC%c", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0x9c: case 0xdc:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("ADD%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xa0:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "PUSHW");
+ dasm_srcw(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xa4: case 0xe4:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("MOD%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xa8: case 0xe8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("MUL%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xac: case 0xec:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("DIV%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xb0: case 0xf0:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("OR%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xb4: case 0xf4:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("XOR%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xb8: case 0xf8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("AND%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xbc: case 0xfc:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("SUB%c%d", "W?HB"[op & 0x03], BIT(op, 6) ? 3 : 2));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ if (BIT(op, 6))
+ {
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ }
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xc0: case 0xc4: case 0xd0: case 0xd4:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("%c%cS%c3", BIT(op, 4) ? 'L' : 'A', BIT(op, 2) ? 'R' : 'L', "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xc8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("INS%c3", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xcc:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", util::string_format("EXT%c3", "W?HB"[op & 0x03]));
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xd8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "ROTW");
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_src(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ stream << ",";
+ dasm_dst(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ case 0xe0:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "PUSHAW");
+ dasm_ea(stream, pc, opcodes);
+ break;
+ }
+ return flags | ((pc - ppc) & LENGTHMASK);