path: root/src/devices/cpu/m6800/6800dasm.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/m6800/6800dasm.h')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/m6800/6800dasm.h b/src/devices/cpu/m6800/6800dasm.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a535e1299c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/m6800/6800dasm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles
+ * A quick-hack 6803/6808 disassembler
+ *
+ * Note: this is not the good and proper way to disassemble anything, but it works
+ *
+ * I'm afraid to put my name on it, but I feel obligated:
+ * This code written by Aaron Giles ( for the MAME project
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 990314 HJB
+ * The disassembler knows about valid opcodes for M6800/1/2/3/8 and HD63701.
+ * 990302 HJB
+ * Changed the string array into a table of opcode names (or tokens) and
+ * argument types. This second try should give somewhat better results.
+ * Named the undocumented HD63701YO opcodes $12 and $13 'asx1' and 'asx2',
+ * since 'add contents of stack to x register' is what they do.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef MAME_CPU_M6800_6800DASM_H
+#define MAME_CPU_M6800_6800DASM_H
+#pragma once
+class m680x_disassembler : public util::disasm_interface
+ m680x_disassembler(int subtype);
+ virtual ~m680x_disassembler() = default;
+ virtual u32 opcode_alignment() const override;
+ virtual offs_t disassemble(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const data_buffer &opcodes, const data_buffer &params) override;
+ enum addr_mode {
+ inh, /* inherent */
+ rel, /* relative */
+ imb, /* immediate (byte) */
+ imw, /* immediate (word) */
+ dir, /* direct address */
+ imd, /* HD63701YO: immediate, direct address */
+ ext, /* extended address */
+ idx, /* x + byte offset */
+ imx, /* HD63701YO: immediate, x + byte offset */
+ sx1 /* HD63701YO: undocumented opcodes: byte from (s+1) */
+ };
+ enum op_names {
+ aba=0, abx, adca, adcb, adda, addb, addd, aim,
+ anda, andb, asl, asla, aslb, asld, asr, asra,
+ asrb, bcc, bcs, beq, bge, bgt, bhi, bita,
+ bitb, ble, bls, blt, bmi, bne, bpl, bra,
+ brn, bsr, bvc, bvs, cba, clc, cli, clr,
+ clra, clrb, clv, cmpa, cmpb, cmpx, com, coma,
+ comb, daa, dec, deca, decb, des, dex, eim,
+ eora, eorb, ill, inc, inca, incb, ins, inx,
+ jmp, jsr, lda, ldb, ldd, lds, ldx, lsr,
+ lsra, lsrb, lsrd, mul, neg, nega, negb, nop,
+ oim, ora, orb, psha, pshb, pshx, pula, pulb,
+ pulx, rol, rola, rolb, ror, rora, rorb, rti,
+ rts, sba, sbca, sbcb, sec, sev, sta, stb,
+ _std, sei, sts, stx, suba, subb, subd, swi,
+ wai, tab, tap, tba, tim, tpa, tst, tsta,
+ tstb, tsx, txs, asx1, asx2, xgdx, addx, adcx,
+ bitx
+ };
+ static const char *const op_name_str[];
+ static const uint8_t table[0x104][3];
+ int m_subtype;