path: root/plugins/gdbstub/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/gdbstub/init.lua')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/gdbstub/init.lua b/plugins/gdbstub/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f463d816a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/gdbstub/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+-- license:BSD-3-Clause
+-- copyright-holders: Carl
+local exports = {} = "gdbstub"
+exports.version = "0.0.1"
+exports.description = "GDB stub plugin"
+exports.license = "The BSD 3-Clause License" = { name = "Carl" }
+local gdbstub = exports
+-- percpu mapping of mame registers to gdb register order
+local regmaps = {
+ i386 = {
+ togdb = {
+ EAX = 1, ECX = 2, EDX = 3, EBX = 4, ESP = 5, EBP = 6, ESI = 7, EDI = 8, EIP = 9, EFLAGS = 10, CS = 11, SS = 12,
+ DS = 13, ES = 14, FS = 15, GS = 16 },
+ fromgdb = {
+ "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESP", "EBP", "ESI", "EDI", "EIP", "EFLAGS", "CS", "SS", "DS", "ES", "FS", "GS" },
+ regsize = 4,
+ addrsize = 4,
+ pcreg = "EIP"
+ }
+regmaps.i486 = regmaps.i386
+regmaps.pentium = regmaps.i386
+function gdbstub.startplugin()
+ local debugger
+ local debug
+ local cpu
+ local breaks
+ local watches
+ local consolelog
+ local consolelast
+ local running
+ emu.register_start(function ()
+ debugger = manager:machine():debugger()
+ if not debugger then
+ print("gdbstub: debugger not enabled")
+ return
+ end
+ cpu = manager:machine().devices[":maincpu"]
+ if not cpu then
+ print("gdbstub: maincpu not found")
+ end
+ if not regmaps[cpu:shortname()] then
+ print("gdbstub: no register map for cpu " .. cpu:shortname())
+ cpu = nil
+ end
+ consolelog = debugger.consolelog
+ consolelast = 0
+ breaks = {byaddr = {}, byidx = {}}
+ watches = {byaddr = {}, byidx = {}}
+ running = false
+ end)
+ emu.register_stop(function()
+ consolelog = nil
+ cpu = nil
+ debug = nil
+ end)
+ local socket = emu.file("", 7)
+ local connected = false
+ socket:open("socket.")
+ emu.register_periodic(function ()
+ if not cpu then
+ return
+ end
+ if running and debugger.execution_state == "stop" then
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ running = false
+ return
+ elseif debugger.execution_state == "run" then
+ running = true
+ end
+ local function chksum(str)
+ local sum = 0
+ str:gsub(".", function(s) sum = sum + s:byte() end)
+ return string.format("%.2x", sum & 0xff)
+ end
+ local function makebestr(val, len)
+ local str = ""
+ for count = 0, len - 1 do
+ str = str .. string.format("%.2x", (val >> (count * 8)) & 0xff)
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+ local last = consolelast
+ local msg = consolelog[#consolelog]
+ consolelast = #consolelog
+ if #consolelog > last and msg:find("Stopped at", 1, true) then
+ local point = tonumber(msg:match("Stopped at breakpoint ([0-9]+)"))
+ local map = regmaps[cpu:shortname()]
+ running = false
+ if not point then
+ point = tonumber(msg:match("Stopped at watchpoint ([0-9]+"))
+ if not point then
+ return -- ??
+ end
+ local wp = watches.byidx[point]
+ if wp then
+ local reply = "T05" .. wp.type .. ":" .. makebestr(wp.addr, map.addrsize)
+ socket:write("$" .. reply .. "#" .. chksum(reply))
+ else
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ end
+ return
+ else
+ local bp = breaks.byidx[point]
+ if bp then
+ local reply = "T05hwbreak:" .. makebestr(cpu.state[map.pcreg].value, map.regsize)
+ socket:write("$" .. reply .. "#" .. chksum(reply))
+ else
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if running and debugger.execution_state == "stop" then
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ running = false
+ return
+ elseif debugger.execution_state == "run" then
+ running = true
+ end
+ local data = ""
+ repeat
+ local read = socket:read(100)
+ data = data .. read
+ until #read == 0
+ if #data == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ if data == "\x03" then
+ debugger.execution_state = "stop"
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ running = false
+ return
+ end
+ local packet, checksum = data:match("%$([^#]+)#(%x%x)")
+ if packet then
+ packet:gsub("}(.)", function(s) return string.char(string.byte(s) ~ 0x20) end)
+ local cmd = packet:sub(1, 1)
+ local map = regmaps[cpu:shortname()]
+ if cmd == "g" then
+ local regs = {}
+ for reg, idx in pairs(map.togdb) do
+ regs[idx] = makebestr(cpu.state[reg].value, map.regsize)
+ end
+ local data = table.concat(regs)
+ socket:write("+$" .. data .. "#" .. chksum(data))
+ elseif cmd == "G" then
+ local count = 0
+ packet:sub(2):gsub(string.rep("%x", map.regsize * 2), function(s)
+ count = count + 1
+ cpu.state[map.fromgdb[count]].value = tonumber(s,16)
+ end)
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ elseif cmd == "m" then
+ local addr, len = packet:match("m(%x+),(%x+)")
+ if addr and len then
+ addr = tonumber(addr, 16)
+ len = tonumber(len, 16)
+ local data = ""
+ local space = cpu.spaces["program"]
+ for count = 1, len do
+ data = data .. string.format("%.2x", space:read_log_u8(addr))
+ addr = addr + 1
+ end
+ socket:write("+$" .. data .. "#" .. chksum(data))
+ else
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5") -- fix error
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "M" then
+ local count = 0
+ local addr, len, data = packet:match("M(%x+),(%x+),(%x+)")
+ if addr and len and data then
+ addr = tonumber(addr, 16)
+ local space = cpu.spaces["program"]
+ data:gsub("%x%x", function(s) space:write_log_u8(addr + count, tonumber(s, 16)) count = count + 1 end)
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ else
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "s" then
+ if #packet == 1 then
+ cpu:debug():step()
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ socket:write("$S05#B8")
+ running = false
+ else
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "c" then
+ if #packet == 1 then
+ cpu:debug():go()
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ else
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "Z" then
+ local btype, addr, kind = packet:match("Z([0-4]),(%x+),(.*)")
+ addr = tonumber(addr, 16)
+ if btype == "0" then
+ socket:write("") -- is machine dependant
+ elseif btype == "1" then
+ if breaks.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = cpu:debug():bpset(addr)
+ breaks.byaddr[addr] = idx
+ breaks.byidx[idx] = addr
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ elseif btype == "2" then
+ if watches.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = cpu:debug():wpset(cpu.spaces["program"], "w", addr, 1)
+ watches.byaddr[addr] = idx
+ watches.byidx[idx] = {addr = addr, type = "watch"}
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ elseif btype == "3" then
+ if watches.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = cpu:debug():wpset(cpu.spaces["program"], "r", addr, 1)
+ watches.byaddr[addr] = idx
+ watches.byidx[idx] = {addr = addr, type = "rwatch"}
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ elseif btype == "4" then
+ if watches.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = cpu:debug():wpset(cpu.spaces["program"], "rw", addr, 1)
+ watches.byaddr[addr] = idx
+ watches.byidx[idx] = {addr = addr, type = "awatch"}
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "z" then
+ local btype, addr, kind = packet:match("z([0-4]),(%x+),(.*)")
+ addr = tonumber(addr, 16)
+ if btype == "0" then
+ socket:write("") -- is machine dependent
+ elseif btype == "1" then
+ if not breaks.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = breaks.byaddr[addr]
+ cpu:debug():bpclr(idx)
+ breaks.byaddr[addr] = nil
+ breaks.byidx[idx] = nil
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ elseif btype == "2" or btype == "3" or btype == "4" then
+ if not watches.byaddr[addr] then
+ socket:write("+$E00#a5")
+ return
+ end
+ local idx = watches.byaddr[addr]
+ cpu:debug():wpclr(idx)
+ watches.byaddr[addr] = nil
+ watches.byidx[idx] = nil
+ socket:write("+$OK#9a")
+ end
+ elseif cmd == "?" then
+ socket:write("+$S05#B8")
+ else
+ socket:write("+$#00")
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+return exports