path: root/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua b/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
index a16825c9c59..db3569fa46e 100644
--- a/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
+++ b/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
@@ -6,8 +6,353 @@ local env = {}
local output
local curset
local path = emu.subst_env(mame_manager.ui.options.entries.historypath:value():gsub("([^;]+)", "%1/hi2txt"))
+local htmlentites = {
+ ["amp"] = "&",
+ ["quot"] = utf8.char(34),
+ ["big-mid-dot"] = utf8.char(149),
+ ["copyright"] = utf8.char(169),
+ ["mid-dot"] = utf8.char(183),
+ ["one-on-two"] = utf8.char(189),
+ ["ring"] = utf8.char(214),
+ ["acute"] = utf8.char(225),
+ ["y-strike"] = utf8.char(590),
+ ["bridge1"] = utf8.char(761),
+ ["bridge2"] = utf8.char(765),
+ ["bridge3"] = utf8.char(766),
+ ["alpha"] = utf8.char(945),
+ ["beta"] = utf8.char(946),
+ ["gamma"] = utf8.char(947),
+ ["delta"] = utf8.char(948),
+ ["epsilon"] = utf8.char(949),
+ ["zeta"] = utf8.char(950),
+ ["eta"] = utf8.char(951),
+ ["theta"] = utf8.char(952),
+ ["iota"] = utf8.char(953),
+ ["kappa"] = utf8.char(954),
+ ["lambda"] = utf8.char(955),
+ ["mu"] = utf8.char(956),
+ ["nu"] = utf8.char(957),
+ ["xi"] = utf8.char(958),
+ ["omicron"] = utf8.char(959),
+ ["pi"] = utf8.char(960),
+ ["rho"] = utf8.char(961),
+ ["sigmaf"] = utf8.char(962),
+ ["sigma"] = utf8.char(963),
+ ["tau"] = utf8.char(964),
+ ["upsilon"] = utf8.char(965),
+ ["phi"] = utf8.char(966),
+ ["chi"] = utf8.char(967),
+ ["psi"] = utf8.char(968),
+ ["omega"] = utf8.char(969),
+ ["circle-line"] = utf8.char(984),
+ ["two-dots"] = utf8.char(1417),
+ ["inverted-question"] = utf8.char(1567),
+ ["rdquo"] = utf8.char(8221),
+ ["big-dot"] = utf8.char(8226),
+ ["three-dots"] = utf8.char(8230),
+ ["two-exclamations"] = utf8.char(8252),
+ ["broken-question"] = utf8.char(8253),
+ ["asterism"] = utf8.char(8258),
+ ["w-double-strike"] = utf8.char(8361),
+ ["square-2"] = utf8.char(8414),
+ ["roman-numeral-1"] = utf8.char(8544),
+ ["roman-numeral-2"] = utf8.char(8545),
+ ["roman-numeral-3"] = utf8.char(8546),
+ ["roman-numeral-4"] = utf8.char(8547),
+ ["roman-numeral-5"] = utf8.char(8548),
+ ["roman-numeral-6"] = utf8.char(8549),
+ ["roman-numeral-7"] = utf8.char(8550),
+ ["roman-numeral-8"] = utf8.char(8551),
+ ["roman-numeral-9"] = utf8.char(8552),
+ ["roman-numeral-10"] = utf8.char(8553),
+ ["roman-numeral-11"] = utf8.char(8554),
+ ["roman-numeral-12"] = utf8.char(8555),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-1"] = utf8.char(8560),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-2"] = utf8.char(8561),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-3"] = utf8.char(8562),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-4"] = utf8.char(8563),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-5"] = utf8.char(8564),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-6"] = utf8.char(8565),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-7"] = utf8.char(8566),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-8"] = utf8.char(8567),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-9"] = utf8.char(8568),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-10"] = utf8.char(8569),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-11"] = utf8.char(8570),
+ ["small-roman-numeral-12"] = utf8.char(8571),
+ ["left-arrow"] = utf8.char(8592),
+ ["right-double-arrow"] = utf8.char(8658),
+ ["four-lines"] = utf8.char(8803),
+ ["three-mid-dots"] = utf8.char(8943),
+ ["left-foot"] = utf8.char(8968),
+ ["right-foot"] = utf8.char(8968),
+ ["round-7"] = utf8.char(9318),
+ ["square"] = utf8.char(9633),
+ ["dot-in-square"] = utf8.char(9635),
+ ["h-lines-in-square"] = utf8.char(9636),
+ ["v-lines-in-square"] = utf8.char(9637),
+ ["slash-in-square"] = utf8.char(9639),
+ ["antislash-in-square"] = utf8.char(9640),
+ ["black-triangle-right"] = utf8.char(9658),
+ ["black-triangle-down"] = utf8.char(9660),
+ ["two-cubes"] = utf8.char(9707) ,
+ ["umbrella"] = utf8.char(9730),
+ ["snowman"] = utf8.char(9731) ,
+ ["black-star"] = utf8.char(9733),
+ ["star"] = utf8.char(9734),
+ ["headset"] = utf8.char(9738),
+ ["phone"] = utf8.char(9742),
+ ["hot-beverage"] = utf8.char(9749),
+ ["skull"] = utf8.char(9760),
+ ["ankh"] = utf8.char(9765),
+ ["cross-of-lorraine"] = utf8.char(9768),
+ ["cross-of-jerusalem"] = utf8.char(9769),
+ ["peace"] = utf8.char(9774),
+ ["angry-face"] = utf8.char(9785),
+ ["smiley"] = utf8.char(9786),
+ ["black-smiley"] = utf8.char(9787),
+ ["sun"] = utf8.char(9788),
+ ["moon"] = utf8.char(9789),
+ ["crescent-moon"] = utf8.char(9790),
+ ["woman"] = utf8.char(9792),
+ ["man"] = utf8.char(9794),
+ ["spaceship"] = utf8.char(9798),
+ ["aries"] = utf8.char(9800),
+ ["taurus"] = utf8.char(9801),
+ ["gemini"] = utf8.char(9802),
+ ["cancer"] = utf8.char(9803),
+ ["leo"] = utf8.char(9804),
+ ["virgo"] = utf8.char(9805),
+ ["libra"] = utf8.char(9806),
+ ["scorpio"] = utf8.char(9807),
+ ["sagitarius"] = utf8.char(9808),
+ ["capricorn"] = utf8.char(9809),
+ ["aquarius"] = utf8.char(9810),
+ ["pisces"] = utf8.char(9811),
+ ["amber"] = utf8.char(9816) ,
+ ["black-spade"] = utf8.char(9824) ,
+ ["heart"] = utf8.char(9825) ,
+ ["black-club"] = utf8.char(9827) ,
+ ["black-heart"] = utf8.char(9829) ,
+ ["black-diamond"] = utf8.char(9830) ,
+ ["single-music-note"] = utf8.char(9834),
+ ["double-music-note"] = utf8.char(9835),
+ ["crossed-swords"] = utf8.char(9876),
+ ["baseball"] = utf8.char(9918),
+ ["boat"] = utf8.char(9973),
+ ["scissors"] = utf8.char(9988),
+ ["airplane"] = utf8.char(9992),
+ ["multiplication"] = utf8.char(10005),
+ ["big-exclamation"] = utf8.char(10082),
+ ["left-black-heart"] = utf8.char(10085),
+ ["black-right-arrow-large"] = utf8.char(10152),
+ ["up-arrow-with-stroke"] = utf8.char(10505),
+ ["jp-h-a-small"] = utf8.char(12353),
+ ["jp-h-a"] = utf8.char(12354),
+ ["jp-h-i-small"] = utf8.char(12355),
+ ["jp-h-i"] = utf8.char(12356),
+ ["jp-h-u-small"] = utf8.char(12357),
+ ["jp-h-u"] = utf8.char(12358),
+ ["jp-h-e-small"] = utf8.char(12359),
+ ["jp-h-e"] = utf8.char(12360),
+ ["jp-h-o-small"] = utf8.char(12361),
+ ["jp-h-o"] = utf8.char(12362),
+ ["jp-h-ka"] = utf8.char(12363),
+ ["jp-h-ga"] = utf8.char(12364),
+ ["jp-h-ki"] = utf8.char(12365),
+ ["jp-h-gi"] = utf8.char(12366),
+ ["jp-h-ku"] = utf8.char(12367),
+ ["jp-h-gu"] = utf8.char(12368),
+ ["jp-h-ke"] = utf8.char(12369),
+ ["jp-h-ge"] = utf8.char(12370),
+ ["jp-h-ko"] = utf8.char(12371),
+ ["jp-h-go"] = utf8.char(12372),
+ ["jp-h-sa"] = utf8.char(12373),
+ ["jp-h-za"] = utf8.char(12374),
+ ["jp-h-si"] = utf8.char(12375),
+ ["jp-h-zi"] = utf8.char(12376),
+ ["jp-h-su"] = utf8.char(12377),
+ ["jp-h-zu"] = utf8.char(12378),
+ ["jp-h-se"] = utf8.char(12379),
+ ["jp-h-ze"] = utf8.char(12380),
+ ["jp-h-so"] = utf8.char(12381),
+ ["jp-h-zo"] = utf8.char(12382),
+ ["jp-h-ta"] = utf8.char(12383),
+ ["jp-h-da"] = utf8.char(12384),
+ ["jp-h-ti"] = utf8.char(12385),
+ ["jp-h-di"] = utf8.char(12386),
+ ["jp-h-tu-small"] = utf8.char(12387),
+ ["jp-h-sokuon"] = utf8.char(12387),
+ ["jp-h-tu"] = utf8.char(12388),
+ ["jp-h-du"] = utf8.char(12389),
+ ["jp-h-te"] = utf8.char(12390),
+ ["jp-h-de"] = utf8.char(12391),
+ ["jp-h-to"] = utf8.char(12392),
+ ["jp-h-do"] = utf8.char(12393),
+ ["jp-h-na"] = utf8.char(12394),
+ ["jp-h-ni"] = utf8.char(12395),
+ ["jp-h-nu"] = utf8.char(12396),
+ ["jp-h-ne"] = utf8.char(12397),
+ ["jp-h-no"] = utf8.char(12398),
+ ["jp-h-ha"] = utf8.char(12399),
+ ["jp-h-ba"] = utf8.char(12400),
+ ["jp-h-pa"] = utf8.char(12401),
+ ["jp-h-hi"] = utf8.char(12402),
+ ["jp-h-bi"] = utf8.char(12403),
+ ["jp-h-pi"] = utf8.char(12404),
+ ["jp-h-hu"] = utf8.char(12405),
+ ["jp-h-bu"] = utf8.char(12406),
+ ["jp-h-pu"] = utf8.char(12407),
+ ["jp-h-he"] = utf8.char(12408),
+ ["jp-h-be"] = utf8.char(12409),
+ ["jp-h-pe"] = utf8.char(12410),
+ ["jp-h-ho"] = utf8.char(12411),
+ ["jp-h-bo"] = utf8.char(12412),
+ ["jp-h-po"] = utf8.char(12413),
+ ["jp-h-ma"] = utf8.char(12414),
+ ["jp-h-mi"] = utf8.char(12415),
+ ["jp-h-mu"] = utf8.char(12416),
+ ["jp-h-me"] = utf8.char(12417),
+ ["jp-h-mo"] = utf8.char(12418),
+ ["jp-h-ya-small"] = utf8.char(12419),
+ ["jp-h-youon-a"] = utf8.char(12419),
+ ["jp-h-ya"] = utf8.char(12420),
+ ["jp-h-yu-small"] = utf8.char(12421),
+ ["jp-h-youon-u"] = utf8.char(12421),
+ ["jp-h-yu"] = utf8.char(12422),
+ ["jp-h-yo-small"] = utf8.char(12423),
+ ["jp-h-youon-o"] = utf8.char(12423),
+ ["jp-h-yo"] = utf8.char(12424),
+ ["jp-h-ra"] = utf8.char(12425),
+ ["jp-h-ri"] = utf8.char(12426),
+ ["jp-h-ru"] = utf8.char(12427),
+ ["jp-h-re"] = utf8.char(12428),
+ ["jp-h-ro"] = utf8.char(12429),
+ ["jp-h-wa-small"] = utf8.char(12430),
+ ["jp-h-wa"] = utf8.char(12431),
+ ["jp-h-wi"] = utf8.char(12432),
+ ["jp-h-we"] = utf8.char(12433),
+ ["jp-h-wo"] = utf8.char(12434),
+ ["jp-h-n"] = utf8.char(12435),
+ ["jp-h-vu"] = utf8.char(12436),
+ ["jp-h-ka-small"] = utf8.char(12437),
+ ["jp-h-ke-small"] = utf8.char(12438),
+ ["jp-h-dakuten"] = utf8.char(12443),
+ ["jp-h-handakuten"] = utf8.char(12444),
+ ["jp-k-a-small"] = utf8.char(12449),
+ ["jp-k-a"] = utf8.char(12450),
+ ["jp-k-i-small"] = utf8.char(12451),
+ ["jp-k-i"] = utf8.char(12452),
+ ["jp-k-u-small"] = utf8.char(12453),
+ ["jp-k-u"] = utf8.char(12454),
+ ["jp-k-e-small"] = utf8.char(12455),
+ ["jp-k-e"] = utf8.char(12456),
+ ["jp-k-o-small"] = utf8.char(12457),
+ ["jp-k-o"] = utf8.char(12458),
+ ["jp-k-ka"] = utf8.char(12459),
+ ["jp-k-ga"] = utf8.char(12460),
+ ["jp-k-ki"] = utf8.char(12461),
+ ["jp-k-gi"] = utf8.char(12462),
+ ["jp-k-ku"] = utf8.char(12463),
+ ["jp-k-gu"] = utf8.char(12464),
+ ["jp-k-ke"] = utf8.char(12465),
+ ["jp-k-ge"] = utf8.char(12466),
+ ["jp-k-ko"] = utf8.char(12467),
+ ["jp-k-go"] = utf8.char(12468),
+ ["jp-k-sa"] = utf8.char(12469),
+ ["jp-k-za"] = utf8.char(12470),
+ ["jp-k-si"] = utf8.char(12471),
+ ["jp-k-zi"] = utf8.char(12472),
+ ["jp-k-su"] = utf8.char(12473),
+ ["jp-k-zu"] = utf8.char(12474),
+ ["jp-k-se"] = utf8.char(12475),
+ ["jp-k-ze"] = utf8.char(12476),
+ ["jp-k-so"] = utf8.char(12477),
+ ["jp-k-zo"] = utf8.char(12478),
+ ["jp-k-ta"] = utf8.char(12479),
+ ["jp-k-da"] = utf8.char(12480),
+ ["jp-k-ti"] = utf8.char(12481),
+ ["jp-k-di"] = utf8.char(12482),
+ ["jp-k-tu-small"] = utf8.char(12483),
+ ["jp-k-tu"] = utf8.char(12484),
+ ["jp-k-du"] = utf8.char(12485),
+ ["jp-k-te"] = utf8.char(12486),
+ ["jp-k-de"] = utf8.char(12487),
+ ["jp-k-to"] = utf8.char(12488),
+ ["jp-k-do"] = utf8.char(12489),
+ ["jp-k-na"] = utf8.char(12490),
+ ["jp-k-ni"] = utf8.char(12491),
+ ["jp-k-nu"] = utf8.char(12492),
+ ["jp-k-ne"] = utf8.char(12493),
+ ["jp-k-no"] = utf8.char(12494),
+ ["jp-k-ha"] = utf8.char(12495),
+ ["jp-k-ba"] = utf8.char(12496),
+ ["jp-k-pa"] = utf8.char(12497),
+ ["jp-k-hi"] = utf8.char(12498),
+ ["jp-k-bi"] = utf8.char(12499),
+ ["jp-k-pi"] = utf8.char(12500),
+ ["jp-k-hu"] = utf8.char(12501),
+ ["jp-k-bu"] = utf8.char(12502),
+ ["jp-k-pu"] = utf8.char(12503),
+ ["jp-k-he"] = utf8.char(12504),
+ ["jp-k-be"] = utf8.char(12505),
+ ["jp-k-pe"] = utf8.char(12506),
+ ["jp-k-ho"] = utf8.char(12507),
+ ["jp-k-bo"] = utf8.char(12508),
+ ["jp-k-po"] = utf8.char(12509),
+ ["jp-k-ma"] = utf8.char(12510),
+ ["jp-k-mi"] = utf8.char(12511),
+ ["jp-k-mu"] = utf8.char(12512),
+ ["jp-k-me"] = utf8.char(12513),
+ ["jp-k-mo"] = utf8.char(12514),
+ ["jp-k-ya-small"] = utf8.char(12515),
+ ["jp-k-ya"] = utf8.char(12516),
+ ["jp-k-yu-small"] = utf8.char(12517),
+ ["jp-k-yu"] = utf8.char(12518),
+ ["jp-k-yo-small"] = utf8.char(12519),
+ ["jp-k-yo"] = utf8.char(12520),
+ ["jp-k-ra"] = utf8.char(12521),
+ ["jp-k-ri"] = utf8.char(12522),
+ ["jp-k-ru"] = utf8.char(12523),
+ ["jp-k-re"] = utf8.char(12524),
+ ["jp-k-ro"] = utf8.char(12525),
+ ["jp-k-wa-small"] = utf8.char(12526),
+ ["jp-k-wa"] = utf8.char(12527),
+ ["jp-k-wi"] = utf8.char(12528),
+ ["jp-k-we"] = utf8.char(12529),
+ ["jp-k-wo"] = utf8.char(12530),
+ ["jp-k-n"] = utf8.char(12531),
+ ["jp-k-vu"] = utf8.char(12532),
+ ["jp-k-ka-small"] = utf8.char(12533),
+ ["jp-k-ke-small"] = utf8.char(12534),
+ ["jp-k-va"] = utf8.char(12535),
+ ["jp-k-vi"] = utf8.char(12536),
+ ["jp-k-ve"] = utf8.char(12537),
+ ["jp-k-vo"] = utf8.char(12538),
+ ["jp-k-zero"] = utf8.char(38646),
+ ["jp-k-one"] = utf8.char(19968),
+ ["jp-k-two"] = utf8.char(20108),
+ ["jp-k-three"] = utf8.char(19977),
+ ["jp-k-four"] = utf8.char(22235),
+ ["jp-k-five"] = utf8.char(20116),
+ ["jp-k-six"] = utf8.char(20845),
+ ["jp-k-seven"] = utf8.char(19971),
+ ["jp-k-height"] = utf8.char(20843),
+ ["jp-k-nine"] = utf8.char(20061),
+ ["lama"] = "lama",
+ ["cat-face"] = utf8.char(9786) ,
+ ["whale"] = "whale",
+ ["thumbs-up"] = utf8.char(8730) ,
+ ["shoe"] = "shoe",
+ ["kiss"] = utf8.char(9786),
+ ["heart-with-arrow"] = utf8.char(9829),
+ ["car-side"] = utf8.char(9936),
+ ["car-front"] = utf8.char(9936),
+ ["mens-symbol"] = utf8.char(9794),
+ ["womens-symbol"] = utf8.char(9792),
+ ["feet"] = utf8.char(128062)
-function, size)
+function, size, swap)
if file == ".hi" then
local path = "hi"
local ini = emu.file(emu.subst_env(manager.options.entries.inipath:value()), 1)
@@ -32,6 +377,16 @@ function, size)
if #content < size then
content = content .. string.rep("\0", size - #content)
+ if swap then
+ if swap == 2 then
+ content = content:gsub("(.)(.)", function(c1, c2) return c2 .. c1 end)
+ elseif swap == 4 then
+ content = content:gsub("(.)(.)(.)(.)", function(c1, c2, c3, c4) return c4 .. c3 .. c2 .. c1 end)
+ else
+ emu.print_verbose("swap " .. swap .. " not supported")
+ end
+ end
return content
@@ -151,20 +506,19 @@ function env.bit_swap(bytes, swap)
return bytes
-function env.bitmask(bytes, mask)
- local newbytes = 0
- bytes = string.unpack(">I" .. #bytes, table.concat(bytes))
- for i = 1, #mask do
- newbytes = newbytes | (((bytes >> mask.ishift) & mask.mask) << mask.oshift)
- end
- bytes = {}
- while newbytes ~= 0 do
- bytes[#bytes + 1] = newbytes & 0xff
- newbytes = newbytes >> 8
- end
- newbytes = {}
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- newbytes[i] = string.char(bytes[#bytes + 1 - i])
+function env.bitmask(bytes, masks)
+ local newbytes = {}
+ bytes = table.concat(bytes)
+ bytes = table.pack(string.unpack(string.rep("c1", #bytes), bytes))
+ bytes[#bytes] = nil
+ for num, mask in ipairs(masks) do
+ newbytes[#newbytes + 1] = ""
+ for num2, bytemask in ipairs(mask.mask) do
+ local val = bytes[num2]:byte() & bytemask
+ if val ~= 0 then
+ newbytes[#newbytes] = newbytes[#newbytes] .. string.char(val)
+ end
+ end
return newbytes
@@ -181,25 +535,42 @@ function env.frombcd(val)
function env.basechar(bytes, base)
- emu.print_verbose("data_hiscore: basechar " .. base .. " unimplemented\n")
- if base == "32" then
- elseif base == "40" then
+ if base == 32 or base == 40 then
+ local newbytes = {}
+ for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
+ local nchar = (char:byte(1) << 8) + char:byte(2)
+ local pos = #newbytes
+ for i = 1, 3 do
+ table.insert(newbytes, pos + 1, string.char(nchar % base))
+ nchar = nchar // base
+ end
+ end
+ return newbytes
+ emu.print_verbose("data_hiscore: basechar " .. base .. " unimplemented\n")
return bytes
-function env.charset_conv(bytes, charset, offset)
- if not offset then offset = 0 end
+function env.charset_conv(bytes, charset, aoffset)
+ if not aoffset then aoffset = 0 end
if type(charset) == "string" then
local chartype, offset, delta = charset:match("CS_(%w*)%[?(%-?%d?%d?),?(%d?%d?)%]?")
+ if offset then offset = tonumber(offset) else offset = 0 end
+ if delta then delta = tonumber(delta) else delta = 1 end
if chartype == "NUMBER" then
+ for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
+ char = char:byte() - aoffset - offset
+ if char >= 48 and char <= 57 then
+ bytes[num] = string.char(char)
+ end
+ end
+ return bytes
emu.print_verbose("data_hiscore: charset " .. chartype .. " unimplemented\n")
return bytes
for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
- char = string.byte(char) - offset
+ char = char:byte() - aoffset
if charset[char] then
bytes[num] = charset[char]
elseif charset.default then
@@ -223,6 +594,15 @@ function env.ascii_offset(bytes, offset)
return bytes
+function env.index_from_value(col, index)
+ for i = 0, #col - 1 do
+ if col[i].val == index then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return index
env.tostring = tostring
env.type = type
env.table = { pack = table.pack, concat = table.concat }
@@ -298,29 +678,23 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
local function parse_table(xml)
local total_size = 0
- local s = { "local data = open('" .. xml.structure[1].file .. "', size)\nlocal offset = 1\nlocal arr = {}",
+ local s = { "local data = open('" .. xml.structure[1].file .. "', size, " .. (xml.structure[1]['byte-swap'] or "nil") .. ")\nlocal offset = 1\nlocal arr = {}",
"local elem, bytes, offset, value, index, output"}
local fparam = {}
if xml.bitmask then
- local bitmask = "local bitmask = {"
+ local bitmask = "local bitmasks = {"
for id, masks in pairs(xml.bitmask) do
bitmask = bitmask .. "['" .. id .. "'] = {"
for num, mask in ipairs(masks.character) do
- mask = mask:gsub("( )", "")
- local newmask = tonumber(mask, 2)
- local shift = 0
- local count = 8
- while (newmask & 1) == 0 do
- newmask = newmask >> 1
- shift = shift + 1
- end
- if masks.byte-completion and masks.byte-completion == "no" then
- count = 0
- while (newmask >> count) & 1 == 1 do
- count = count + 1
+ local bytemasks = {}
+ mask.mask:gsub("[01]*", function(s)
+ local bytemask = 0
+ for i = 1, 8 do
+ bytemask = bytemask | (tonumber(s:sub(i, i)) << (8 - i))
- end
- bitmask = bitmask .. "{ mask = " .. newmask .. ", ishift = " .. shift .. ", oshift = " .. count .. "},"
+ bytemasks[#bytemasks + 1] = bytemask
+ end)
+ bitmask = bitmask .. "{ mask = {" .. table.concat(bytemasks, ", ") .. "}, complete = \"" .. (mask['byte-completion'] or "yes") .. "\"}"
bitmask = bitmask .. "},"
@@ -332,10 +706,19 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
local default
charset = charset .. "['" .. id .. "'] = {"
for src, char in pairs(set.char) do
+ local subchar = char.dst:gsub("&([^;]*);", function(s)
+ if htmlentites[s] then
+ return htmlentites[s]
+ elseif s[1] == "#" then
+ return utf8.char(tonumber(s:sub(2)))
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+ end)
if char.default and char.default == "yes" then
- default = char.dst
+ default = subchar
- charset = charset .. "[" .. src .. "]" .. " = '" .. char.dst .. "',"
+ charset = charset .. "[" .. src .. "]" .. " = '" .. subchar .. "',"
if default then
charset = charset .. "default = " .. default
@@ -400,7 +783,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
elseif first == "S" then
local suffix = rest:match("uffix(.*)")
if suffix then
- oper = " val = val .. '" .. rest .. "'"
+ oper = " val = val .. '" .. suffix .. "'"
elseif (first == "h" and rest == "exadecimal_string") or (first == "0" and rest == "x") then
oper = " val = string.format('0x%x', val)"
@@ -410,7 +793,11 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if not oper then
oper = " val = format['" .. form .. "'](val, {"
for num1, colpar in ipairs(fparam[form]) do
- oper = oper .. "arr['" .. colpar .. "'][i].val or arr['" .. colpar .. "'][1].val,"
+ if fparam[form].full then
+ oper = oper .. "arr['" .. colpar .. "'],"
+ else
+ oper = oper .. "arr['" .. colpar .. "'][i].val or arr['" .. colpar .. "'][0].val,"
+ end
oper = oper .. "})"
@@ -420,15 +807,10 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if xml.format then
- local format = { "local format = {" }
+ local format = { "local format = {}" }
for num, form in ipairs(xml.format) do
local param = {}
- format[#format + 1] = "['" .. form["id"] .. "'] = "
- if form["input-as-subcolumns-input"] then
- --format[#format + 1] = "input_as_subcolumns_input = '" .. form["input-as-subcolumns-input"] .. "',"
- emu.print_verbose("data_hiscore: input-as-subcolumns-input unimplemented\n")
- end
- format[#format + 1] = "function(val, param) "
+ format[#format + 1] = "format['" .. form["id"] .. "'] = function(val, param)"
if form["formatter"] then
format[#format + 1] = "local function tempform(val) "
@@ -448,6 +830,11 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
elseif op.tag == "divide" then
if op.text then
format[#format + 1] = "val = val / " .. op.text
+ elseif op.field then
+ if op.field[1].format then
+ local fform = check_format(op.field[1].format)
+ format[#format + 1] = fform .. " val = val / tempform(val)"
+ end
format[#format + 1] = "val = 0"
for num2, col in ipairs(op) do
@@ -462,13 +849,13 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
elseif op.tag == "sum" then
format[#format + 1] = "val = 0"
- for num2, col in ipairs(op) do
+ param.full = true
+ for num2, col in ipairs(op.column) do
param[#param + 1] = col["id"]
+ format[#format + 1] = "for i = 0, #param[" .. #param .. "] do val = val + param[" .. #param .. "][i].val end"
if col["format"] then
local colform = check_format(col["format"])
format[#format + 1] = colform .. " val = val + tempform(val)"
- else
- format[#format + 1] = "val = val + param[" .. #param .. "]"
elseif op.tag == "concat" then
@@ -477,9 +864,13 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if col["tag"] == "txt" then
format[#format + 1] = "val = val .. '" .. col["text"] .. "'"
elseif col["format"] then
- param[#param + 1] = col["id"]
- local n = #param
- format[#format + 1] = function() return " " .. check_format(col["format"]) .. " val = val .. tempform(param[" .. n .. "])" end
+ if col["id"] then
+ param[#param + 1] = col["id"]
+ local n = #param
+ format[#format + 1] = function() return " " .. check_format(col["format"]) .. " val = val .. tempform(param[" .. n .. "])" end
+ else
+ format[#format + 1] = function() return " " .. check_format(col["format"]) .. " val = val .. tempform(temp)" end
+ end
param[#param + 1] = col["id"]
format[#format + 1] = "val = val .. param[" .. #param .. "]"
@@ -558,7 +949,11 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
op["operator"] = op["operator"]:gsub("&lt;", "<")
op["operator"] = op["operator"]:gsub("&gt;", ">")
- format[#format + 1] = "if val " .. op["operator"] .. " " .. op["src"] .. " then"
+ if form["apply-to"] == "char" then
+ format[#format + 1] = "if val:byte() " .. op["operator"] .. " " .. op["src"] .. " then"
+ else
+ format[#format + 1] = "if val " .. op["operator"] .. " " .. op["src"] .. " then"
+ end
format[#format + 1] = "val = " .. op["dst"]
if op["format"] then
format[#format + 1] = function() return " val = ".. check_format(col["operator-format"]) end
@@ -576,7 +971,6 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if form["formatter"] then
format[#format + 1] = "return string.format('" .. form["formatter"] .. "', tempform(val))\nend"
- format[#format + 1] = ","
for num, line in ipairs(format) do
if type(line) == "string" then
@@ -585,7 +979,6 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
s[#s + 1] = line()
- s[#s + 1] = "}"
local function parse_elem(elem, loopelem)
local ret = 0
@@ -602,14 +995,6 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
s[#s + 1] = "offset = offset + " .. elem["skip-last-bytes"]
elseif elem["tag"] == "elt" then
- s[#s + 1] = "if not arr['" .. elem["id"] .. "'] then arr['" .. elem["id"] .. "'] = {} end\nelem = {}"
- s[#s + 1] = "bytes = table.pack(string.unpack('" .. string.rep("c1", elem["size"]) .. "', data, offset))"
- if loopelem then
- total_size = total_size + elem["size"] * loopelem["count"]
- else
- total_size = total_size + elem["size"]
- end
- s[#s + 1] = "offset = bytes[#bytes]\nbytes[#bytes] = nil"
if elem["decoding-profile"] then
if elem["decoding-profile"] == "base-40" then
elem["src-unit-size"] = 16
@@ -631,6 +1016,23 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
elem["base"] = "16"
+ local unitsize = 1
+ if elem["src-unit-size"] then
+ local size = elem["src-unit-size"] / 8
+ if size ~= math.floor(size) then
+ emu.print_verbose("src-unit-size " .. elem["src-unit-size"] .. " not suppoted)")
+ else
+ unitsize = math.floor(size)
+ end
+ end
+ s[#s + 1] = "if not arr['" .. elem["id"] .. "'] then arr['" .. elem["id"] .. "'] = {} end\nelem = {}"
+ s[#s + 1] = "bytes = table.pack(string.unpack('" .. string.rep("c" .. unitsize, elem["size"] / unitsize) .. "', data, offset))"
+ if loopelem then
+ total_size = total_size + elem["size"] * loopelem["count"]
+ else
+ total_size = total_size + elem["size"]
+ end
+ s[#s + 1] = "offset = bytes[#bytes]\nbytes[#bytes] = nil"
local bytedec = elem["swap-skip-order"] or "byte-swap;bit-swap;byte-skip;endianness;byte-trim;nibble-skip;bitmask"
local bytedecl = {}
bytedec:gsub("([^;]*)", function(c) bytedecl[#bytedecl + 1] = c end)
@@ -638,7 +1040,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if elem[func] then
fixfunc = func:gsub("-", "_")
if func == "bitmask" then
- s[#s + 1] = "bytes = " .. fixfunc .. "(bytes, bitmask['" .. elem[func] .. "'])"
+ s[#s + 1] = "bytes = " .. fixfunc .. "(bytes, bitmasks['" .. elem[func] .. "'])"
s[#s + 1] = "bytes = " .. fixfunc .. "(bytes, '" .. elem[func] .. "')"
@@ -650,23 +1052,27 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if elem["base"] == "16" then
s[#s + 1] = "value = frombcd(value)"
+ if elem["format"] then
+ s[#s + 1] = check_format(elem["format"])
+ s[#s + 1] = "value = tempform(value)"
+ end
s[#s + 1] = "elem.val = value"
elseif elem["type"] == "text" then
+ if elem["base"] then
+ s[#s + 1] = "bytes = basechar(bytes, " .. elem["base"] .. ")"
+ end
if elem["ascii-step"] then
s[#s + 1] = "bytes = ascii_step(bytes, " .. elem["ascii-step"] .. ")"
if elem["ascii-offset"] then
s[#s + 1] = "bytes = ascii_offset(bytes, " .. elem["ascii-offset"] .. ")"
- if elem["base"] then
- s[#s + 1] = "bytes = basechar(bytes, " .. elem["base"] .. ")"
- end
if elem["charset"] then
local charsets = {}
elem["charset"]:gsub("([^;]*)", function(s) charsets[#charsets + 1] = s return "" end)
for num, charset in pairs(charsets) do
if charset:match("^CS_") then
- s[#s + 1] = "bytes = charset_conv(bytes, " .. charset
+ s[#s + 1] = "bytes = charset_conv(bytes, \"" .. charset .. "\""
elseif charset ~= "" then
s[#s + 1] = "bytes = charset_conv(bytes, charset['" .. charset .. "']"
@@ -677,6 +1083,10 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
s[#s + 1] = "elem.val = table.concat(bytes)"
+ if elem["format"] then
+ s[#s + 1] = check_format(elem["format"])
+ s[#s + 1] = "elem.val = tempform(elem.val)"
+ end
local index
if elem["table-index"] then
@@ -688,7 +1098,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
local step = loopelem["step"] or 1
local ref, reftype
if elem["table-index"] then
- elem["table-index"]:match("([%w ]*):([%a_]*)")
+ ref, reftype = elem["table-index"]:match("([%w ]*):([%a_]*)")
if not elem["table-index"] or elem["table-index"] == "loop_index" then
index = "i * " .. step .. " + " .. start
@@ -697,9 +1107,13 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
elseif elem["table-index"] == "itself" then
index = "value"
elseif reftype then
- index = reftype .. "(arr, '" .. ref .. "')"
+ index = reftype .. "(arr['" .. ref .. "'], i)"
+ if elem["table-index-format"] and index then
+ s[#s + 1] = check_format(elem["table-index-format"])
+ index = "tempform(" .. index .. ")"
+ end
if loopelem then
if index then
s[#s + 1] = "index = " .. index