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+Software 3D Rendering in MAME
+.. contents:: :local:
+Beginning in the late 1980s, many arcade games began incorporating hardware-rendered
+3D graphics into their video. These 3D graphics are typically rendered from low-level
+primitives into a frame buffer (usually double- or triple-buffered), then perhaps
+combined with traditional tilemaps or sprites, before being presented to the player.
+When it comes to emulating 3D games, there are two general approaches. The first
+approach is to leverage modern 3D hardware by mapping the low-level primitives onto
+modern equivalents. For a cross-platform emulator like MAME, this requires having an
+API that is flexible enough to describe the primitives and all their associated
+behaviors with high accuracy. It also requires the emulator to be able to read back
+from the rendered frame buffer (since many games do this) and combine it with other
+elements, in a way that is properly synchronized with background rendering.
+The alternative approach is to render the low-level primitives directly in software.
+This has the advantage of being able to achieve pretty much any behavior exhibited by
+the original hardware, but at the cost of speed. In MAME, since all emulation happens
+on one thread, this is particularly painful. However, just as with the 3D hardware
+approach, in theory a software-based approach could be spun off to other threads to
+handle the work, as long as mechanisms were present to synchronize when necessary,
+for example, when reading/writing directly to/from the frame buffer.
+For the time being, MAME has opted for the second approach, leveraging a templated
+helper class called **poly_manager** to handle common situations.
+At its core, **poly_manager** is a mechanism to support multi-threaded rendering of
+low-level 3D primitives. Callers provide **poly_manager** with a set of *vertices* for a
+primitive plus a *render callback*. **poly_manager** breaks the primitive into
+clipped scanline *extents* and distributes the work among a pool of *worker
+threads*. The render callback is then called on the worker thread for each extent,
+where game-specific logic can do whatever needs to happen to render the data.
+One key responsibility that **poly_manager** takes care of is ensuring order. Given a
+pool of threads and a number of work items to complete, it is important that—at least
+within a given scanline—all work is performed serially in order. The basic approach is
+to assign each extent to a *bucket* based on the Y coordinate. **poly_manager** then ensures
+that only one worker thread at a time is responsible for processing work in a given bucket.
+Vertices in **poly_manager** consist of simple 2D X and Y *coordinates*, plus zero or
+more additional *iterated parameters*. These iterated parameters can be anything: intensity
+values for lighting; RGB(A) colors for Gouraud shading; normalized U, V coordinates for
+texture mapping; 1/Z values for Z buffering; etc. Iterated parameters, regardless of what
+they represent, are interpolated linearly across the primitive in screen space and provided
+as part of the extent to the render callback.
+When creating a **poly_manager** class, you must provide it a special type that you define,
+known as **ObjectType**.
+Because rendering happens asynchronously on worker threads, the idea is that the
+**ObjectType** class will hold a snapshot of all the relevant data needed for rendering.
+This allows the main thread to proceed—potentially modifying some of the relevant state—while
+rendering happens elsewhere.
+In theory, we could allocate a new **ObjectType** class for each primitive rendered;
+however, that would be rather inefficient. It is quite common to set up the rendering
+state and then render several primitives using the same state.
+For this reason, **poly_manager** maintains an internal array of **ObjectType** objects and
+keeps a copy of the last **ObjectType** used. Before submitting a new primitive, callers
+can see if the rendering state has changed. If it has, it can ask **poly_manager** to allocate
+a new **ObjectType** class and fill it in. When the primitive is submitted for rendering, the
+most recently allocated **ObjectType** instance is implicitly captured and provided to the
+render callbacks.
+For more complex scenarios, where data might change even more infrequently, there is a
+**poly_array** template, which can be used to manage data in a similar way. In fact,
+internally **poly_manager** uses the **poly_array** class to manage its **ObjectType**
+allocations. More information on the **poly_array** class is provided later.
+**poly_manager** supports several different types of primitives:
+* The most commonly-used primitive in **poly_manager** is the *triangle*, which has the
+ nice property that iterated parameters have constant deltas across the full surface.
+ Arbitrary-length *triangle fans* and *triangle strips* are also supported.
+* In addition to triangles, **poly_manager** also supports *polygons* with an arbitrary
+ number of vertices. The list of vertices is expected to be in either clockwise or
+ anticlockwise order. **poly_manager** will walk the edges to compute deltas across
+ each extent.
+* As a special case, **poly_manager** supports a *tile* primitive, which is a simple quad
+ defined by two vertices, a top-left vertex and a bottom-right vertex. Like triangles,
+ tiles have constant iterated parameter deltas across their surface.
+* Finally, **poly_manager** supports a fully custom mechanism where the caller provides
+ a list of extents that are more or less fed directly to the worker threads.
+ This is useful if emulating a system that has unusual primitives or requires highly
+ specific behaviors for its edges.
+One of the key requirements of providing an asynchronous rendering mechanism is
+synchronization. Synchronization in **poly_manager** is super simple: just
+call the ``wait()`` function.
+There are several common reasons for issuing a wait:
+* At display time, the pixel data must be copied to the screen. If any primitives were
+ queued which touch the portion of the display that is going to be shown, you need to
+ wait for rendering to be complete before copying. Note that this wait may not be
+ strictly necessary in some situations (for example, a triple-buffered system).
+* If the emulated system has a mechanism to read back from the framebuffer after
+ rendering, then a wait must be issued prior to the read in order to ensure that
+ asynchronous rendering is complete.
+* If the emulated system modifies any state that is not cached in the **ObjectType**
+ or elsewhere (for example, texture memory), then a wait must be issued to ensure
+ that pending primitives which might consume that state have finished their work.
+* If the emulated system can use a previous render target as, say, the texture source
+ for a new primitive, then submitting the second primitive must wait until the first
+ completes. **poly_manager** provides no internal mechanism to help detect this, so it
+ is on the caller to determine when or if this is necessary.
+Because the wait operation knows after it is done that all rendering is complete,
+**poly_manager** also takes this opportunity to reclaim all memory allocated for its
+internal structures, as well as memory allocated for **ObjectType** structures. Thus it is
+important that you don’t hang onto any **ObjectType** pointers after a wait is called.
+The poly_manager class
+In most applications, **poly_manager** is not used directly, but rather serves as
+the base class for a more complete rendering class. The **poly_manager** class
+itself is a template::
+ template<typename BaseType, class ObjectType, int MaxParams, u8 Flags = 0>
+ class poly_manager;
+and the template parameters are:
+* **BaseType** is the type used internally for coordinates and iterated parameters, and
+ should generally be either ``float`` or ``double``. In theory, a fixed-point integral
+ type could also be used, though the math logic has not been designed for that, so you
+ may encounter problems.
+* **ObjectType** is the user-defined per-object data structure described above.
+ Internally, **poly_manager** will manage a **poly_array** of these, and a pointer to
+ the most-recently allocated one at the time a primitive is submitted will be implicitly
+ passed to the render callback for each corresponding extent.
+* **MaxParams** is the maximum number of iterated parameters that may be specified in a
+ vertex. Iterated parameters are generic and treated identically, so the mapping of
+ parameter indices is completely up to the contract between the caller and the render
+ callback. It is permitted for **MaxParams** to be 0.
+* **Flags** is zero or more of the following flags:
+ - POLY_FLAG_NO_WORK_QUEUE — specify this flag to disable asynchronous rendering; this
+ can be useful for debugging. When this option is enabled, all primitives are queued
+ and then processed in order on the calling thread when ``wait()`` is called on the
+ **poly_manager** class.
+ - POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING — specify this if you want **poly_manager** to skip its
+ internal clipping. Use this if your render callbacks do their own clipping, or if
+ the caller always handles clipping prior to submitting primitives.
+Types & Constants
+Within the **poly_manager** class, you’ll find a **vertex_t** type that describes a
+single vertex. All primitive drawing methods accept 2 or more of these **vertex_t**
+objects. The **vertex_t** includes the X and Y coordinates along with an array of
+iterated parameter values at that vertex::
+ struct vertex_t
+ {
+ vertex_t() { }
+ vertex_t(BaseType _x, BaseType _y) { x = _x; y = _y; }
+ BaseType x, y; // X, Y coordinates
+ std::array<BaseType, MaxParams> p; // iterated parameters
+ };
+Note that **vertex_t** itself is defined in terms of the **BaseType** and **MaxParams**
+template values of the owning **poly_manager** class.
+All of **poly_manager**’s primitives operate in screen space, where (0,0) represents the
+top-left corner of the top-left pixel, and (0.5,0.5) represents the center of that pixel.
+Left and top pixel values are inclusive, while right and bottom pixel values are exclusive.
+Thus, a *tile* rendered from (2,2)-(4,3) will completely cover 2 pixels: (2,2) and (3,2).
+When calling a primitive drawing method, the iterated parameter array **p** need not be
+completely filled out. The number of valid iterated parameter values is specified as a
+template parameter to the primitive drawing methods, so only that many parameters need to
+actually be populated in the **vertex_t** structures that are passed in.
+**poly_manager** breaks primitives into extents, which are contiguous horizontal spans
+contained within a single scanline. These extents are then distributed to worker threads,
+who will call the render callback with information on how to render each extent. The
+**extent_t** type describes one such extent, providing the bounding X coordinates along with
+an array of iterated parameter start values and deltas across the span::
+ struct extent_t
+ {
+ struct param_t
+ {
+ BaseType start; // parameter value at start
+ BaseType dpdx; // dp/dx relative to start
+ };
+ int16_t startx, stopx; // starting (inclusive)/ending (exclusive) endpoints
+ std::array<param_t, MaxParams> param; // array of parameter start/deltas
+ void *userdata; // custom per-span data
+ };
+For each iterated parameter, the **start** value contains the value at the left side of
+the span. The **dpdx** value contains the change of the parameter’s value per X coordinate.
+There is also a **userdata** field in the **extent_t** structure, which is not normally used,
+except when performing custom rendering.
+When rendering a primitive, in addition to the vertices, you must also provide a
+**render_delegate** callback of the form::
+ void render(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, ObjectType const &object, int threadid)
+This callback is responsible for the actual rendering. It will be called at a later time,
+likely on a different thread, for each extent. The parameters passed are:
+* **y** is the Y coordinate (scanline) of the current extent.
+* **extent** is a reference to a **extent_t** structure, described above, which specifies for
+ this extent the start/stop X values along with the start/delta values for each iterated
+ parameter.
+* **object** is a reference to the most recently allocated **ObjectType** at the time the
+ primitive was submitted for rendering; in theory it should contain most of not all of the
+ necessary data to perform rendering.
+* **threadid** is a unique ID indicating the index of the thread you’re running on; this value
+ is useful if you are keeping any kind of statistics and don’t want to add contention over
+ shared values. In this situation, you can allocate **WORK_MAX_THREADS** instances of your
+ data and update the instance for the **threadid** you are passed. When you want to display
+ the statistics, the main thread can accumulate and reset the data from all threads when it’s
+ safe to do so (e.g., after a wait).
+ poly_manager(running_machine &machine);
+The **poly_manager** constructor takes just one parameter, a reference to the
+**running_machine**. This grants **poly_manager** access to the work queues needed for
+multithreaded running.
+ void wait(char const *debug_reason = "general");
+Calling ``wait()`` stalls the calling thread until all outstanding rendering is complete:
+* **debug_reason** is an optional parameter specifying the reason for the wait. It is
+ useful if the compile-time constant **TRACK_POLY_WAITS** is enabled, as it will print a
+ summary of wait times and reasons at the end of execution.
+**Return value:** none.
+ objectdata_array &object_data();
+This method just returns a reference to the internally-maintained **poly_array** of the
+**ObjectType** you specified when creating **poly_manager**. For most applications, the
+only interesting thing to do with this object is call the ``next()`` method to allocate
+a new object to fill out.
+**Return value:** reference to a **poly_array** of **ObjectType**.
+ void register_poly_array(poly_array_base &array);
+For advanced applications, you may choose to create your own **poly_array** objects to
+manage large chunks of infrequently-changed data, such a palettes. After each ``wait()``,
+**poly_manager** resets all the **poly_array** objects it knows about in order to reclaim all
+outstanding allocated memory. By registering your **poly_array** objects here, you can ensure
+that your arrays will also be reset after an ``wait()`` call.
+**Return value:** none.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_tile(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback,
+ vertex_t const &v1, vertex_t const &v2);
+This method enqueues a single *tile* primitive for rendering:
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **v1** contains the coordinates and iterated parameters for the top-left corner of the tile.
+* **v2** contains the coordinates and iterated parameters for the bottom-right corner of the tile.
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_triangle(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback,
+ vertex_t const &v1, vertex_t const &v2, vertex_t const &v3);
+This method enqueues a single *triangle* primitive for rendering:
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **v1**, **v2**, **v3** contain the coordinates and iterated parameters for each vertex
+ of the triangle.
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_triangle_fan(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback,
+ int numverts, vertex_t const *v);
+This method enqueues one or more *triangle* primitives for rendering, specified in fan order:
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **numverts** is the total number of vertices provided; it must be at least 3.
+* **v** is a pointer to an array of **vertex_t** objects containing the coordinates and iterated
+ parameters for all the triangles, in fan order. This means that the first vertex is fixed.
+ So if 5 vertices are provided, indicating 3 triangles, the vertices used will be:
+ (0,1,2) (0,2,3) (0,3,4)
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_triangle_strip(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback,
+ int numverts, vertex_t const *v);
+This method enqueues one or more *triangle* primitives for rendering, specified in strip order:
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **numverts** is the total number of vertices provided; it must be at least 3.
+* **v** is a pointer to an array of **vertex_t** objects containing the coordinates and iterated
+ parameters for all the triangles, in strip order.
+ So if 5 vertices are provided, indicating 3 triangles, the vertices used will be:
+ (0,1,2) (1,2,3) (2,3,4)
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int NumVerts, int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_polygon(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback, vertex_t const *v);
+This method enqueues a single *polygon* primitive for rendering:
+* **NumVerts** is the number of vertices in the polygon.
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **v** is a pointer to an array of **vertex_t** objects containing the coordinates and iterated
+ parameters for the polygon. Vertices are assumed to be in either clockwise or anticlockwise
+ order.
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ uint32_t render_extents(rectangle const &cliprect, render_delegate callback,
+ int startscanline, int numscanlines, extent_t const *extents);
+This method enqueues custom extents directly:
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **cliprect** is a reference to a clipping rectangle. All pixels and parameter values are
+ clipped to stay within these bounds before being added to the work queues for rendering,
+ unless **POLY_FLAG_NO_CLIPPING** was specified as a flag parameter to **poly_manager**.
+* **callback** is the render callback delegate that will be called to render each extent.
+* **startscanline** is the Y coordinate of the first extent provided.
+* **numscanlines** is the number of extents provided.
+* **extents** is a pointer to an array of **extent_t** objects containing the start/stop
+ X coordinates and iterated parameters. The **userdata** field of the source extents is
+ copied to the target as well (this field is otherwise unused for all other types of
+ rendering).
+**Return value:** the total number of clipped pixels represented by the enqueued extents.
+ template<int ParamCount>
+ int zclip_if_less(int numverts, vertex_t const *v, vertex_t *outv, BaseType clipval);
+This method is a helper method to clip a polygon against a provided Z value. It assumes
+that the first iterated parameter in **vertex_t** represents the Z coordinate. If any edge
+crosses the Z plane represented by **clipval** that edge is clipped.
+* **ParamCount** is the number of live values in the iterated parameter array within each
+ **vertex_t** provided; it must be no greater than the **MaxParams** value specified in the
+ **poly_manager** template instantiation.
+* **numverts** is the number of vertices in the input array.
+* **v** is a pointer to the input array of **vertex_t** objects.
+* **outv** is a pointer to the output array of **vertex_t** objects. **v** and **outv**
+ cannot overlap or point to the same memory.
+* **clipval** is the value to compare parameter 0 against for clipping.
+**Return value:** the number of output vertices written to **outv**.
+Note that by design it is possible for this method to produce more vertices than the
+input array, so callers should ensure there is enough room in the output buffer to
+accommodate this.
+Example Renderer
+Here is a complete example of how to create a software 3D renderer using **poly_manager**.
+Our example renderer will only handle flat and Gouraud-shaded triangles with depth (Z)
+The first thing we need to define is our *externally-visible* vertex format, which is distinct
+from the internal **vertex_t** that **poly_manager** will define. In theory you could
+use **vertex_t** directly, but the generic nature of **poly_manager**’s iterated parameters
+make it awkward::
+ struct example_vertex
+ {
+ float x, y, z; // X,Y,Z coordinates
+ rgb_t color; // color at this vertex
+ };
+Next we define the **ObjectType** needed by **poly_manager**. For our simple case, we
+define an **example_object_data** struct that consists of pointers to our rendering buffers,
+plus a couple of fixed values that are consumed in some cases. More complex renderers would
+typically have many more object-wide parameters defined here::
+ struct example_object_data
+ {
+ bitmap_rgb32 *dest; // pointer to the rendering bitmap
+ bitmap_ind16 *depth; // pointer to the depth bitmap
+ rgb_t color; // overall color (for clearing and flat shaded case)
+ uint16_t depthval; // fixed depth v alue (for clearing)
+ };
+Now it’s time to define our renderer class, which we derive from **poly_manager**. As
+template parameters we specify ``float`` as the base type for our data, since that will
+be enough accuracy for this example, and we also provide our **example_object_data** as
+the **ObjectType** class, plus the maximum number of iterated parameters our renderer
+will ever need (4 in this case)::
+ class example_renderer : public poly_manager<float, example_object_data, 4>
+ {
+ public:
+ example_renderer(running_machine &machine, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
+ bitmap_rgb32 *swap_buffers();
+ void clear_buffers(rgb_t color, uint16_t depthval);
+ void draw_triangle(example_vertex const *verts);
+ private:
+ static uint16_t ooz_to_depthval(float ooz);
+ void draw_triangle_flat(example_vertex const *verts);
+ void draw_triangle_gouraud(example_vertex const *verts);
+ void render_clear(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid);
+ void render_flat(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid);
+ void render_gouraud(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid);
+ int m_draw_buffer;
+ bitmap_rgb32 m_display[2];
+ bitmap_ind16 m_depth;
+ };
+The constructor for our example renderer just initializes **poly_manager** and allocates
+the rendering and depth buffers::
+ example_renderer::example_renderer(running_machine &machine, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) :
+ poly_manager(machine),
+ m_draw_buffer(0)
+ {
+ // allocate two display buffers and a depth buffer
+ m_display[0].allocate(width, height);
+ m_display[1].allocate(width, height);
+ m_depth.allocate(width, height);
+ }
+The first interesting method in our renderer is ``swap_buffers()``, which returns a pointer to
+the buffer we’ve been drawing to, and sets up the other buffer as the new drawing target. The
+idea is that the display update handler will call this method to get ahold of the bitmap to
+display to the user::
+ bitmap_rgb32 *example_renderer::swap_buffers()
+ {
+ // wait for any rendering to complete before returning the buffer
+ wait("swap_buffers");
+ // return the current draw buffer and then switch to the other
+ // for future drawing
+ bitmap_rgb32 *result = &m_display[m_draw_buffer];
+ m_draw_buffer ^= 1;
+ return result;
+ }
+The most important thing here to note here is the call to **poly_manager**’s ``wait()``, which
+will block the current thread until all rendering is complete. This is important because
+otherwise the caller may receive a bitmap that is still being drawn to, leading to torn
+or corrupt visuals.
+One of the most common operations to perform when doing 3D rendering is to initialize or
+clear the display and depth buffers to a known value. This method below leverages
+the *tile* primitive to render a rectangle over the screen by passing in (0,0) and (width,height)
+for the two vertices.
+Because the color and depth values to clear the buffer to are constant, they are stored in
+a freshly-allocated **example_object_data** object, along with a pointer to the buffers in
+question. The ``render_tile()`` call is made with a ``<0>`` suffix indicating that there are
+no iterated parameters to worry about::
+ void example_renderer::clear_buffers(rgb_t color, uint16_t depthval)
+ {
+ // allocate object data and populate it with information needed
+ example_object_data &object = object_data().next();
+ object.dest = &m_display[m_draw_buffer];
+ object.depth = &m_depth;
+ object.color = color;
+ object.depthval = depthval;
+ // top,left coordinate is always (0,0)
+ vertex_t topleft;
+ topleft.x = 0;
+ topleft.y = 0;
+ // bottom,right coordinate is (width,height)
+ vertex_t botright;
+ botright.x = m_display[0].width();
+ botright.y = m_display[0].height();
+ // render as a tile with 0 iterated parameters
+ render_tile<0>(m_display[0].cliprect(),
+ render_delegate(&example_renderer::render_clear, this),
+ topleft, botright);
+ }
+The render callback provided to ``render_tile()`` is also defined (privately) in our class,
+and handles a single span. Note how the rendering parameters are extracted from the
+**example_object_data** struct provided::
+ void example_renderer::render_clear(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid)
+ {
+ // get pointers to the start of the depth buffer and destination scanlines
+ uint16_t *depth = &object.depth->pix(y);
+ uint32_t *dest = &object.dest->pix(y);
+ // loop over the full extent and just store the constant values from the object
+ for (int x = extent.startx; x < extent.stopx; x++)
+ {
+ dest[x] = object.color;
+ depth[x] = object.depthval;
+ }
+ }
+Another important point to make is that the X coordinates provided by extent struct are
+inclusive of startx but exclusive of stopx. Clipping is performed ahead of time so that
+the render callback can focus on laying down pixels as quickly as possible with minimal
+Next up, we have our actual triangle rendering function, which will draw a single triangle
+given an array of three vertices provided in the external **example_vertex** format::
+ void example_renderer::draw_triangle(example_vertex const *verts)
+ {
+ // flat shaded case
+ if (verts[0].color == verts[1].color && verts[0].color == verts[2].color)
+ draw_triangle_flat(verts);
+ else
+ draw_triangle_gouraud(verts);
+ }
+Because it is simpler and faster to render a flat shaded triangle, the code checks to see
+if the colors are the same on all three vertices. If they are, we call through to a special
+flat-shaded case, otherwise we process it as a full Gouraud-shaded triangle.
+This is a common technique to optimize rendering performance: identify special cases that
+reduce the per-pixel work, and route them to separate render callbacks that are optimized
+for that special case.
+Here’s the setup code for rendering a flat-shaded triangle::
+ void example_renderer::draw_triangle_flat(example_vertex const *verts)
+ {
+ // allocate object data and populate it with information needed
+ example_object_data &object = object_data().next();
+ object.dest = &m_display[m_draw_buffer];
+ object.depth = &m_depth;
+ // in this case the color is constant and specified in the object data
+ object.color = verts[0].color;
+ // copy X, Y, and 1/Z into poly_manager vertices
+ vertex_t v[3];
+ for (int vertnum = 0; vertnum < 3; vertnum++)
+ {
+ v[vertnum].x = verts[vertnum].x;
+ v[vertnum].y = verts[vertnum].y;
+ v[vertnum].p[0] = 1.0f / verts[vertnum].z;
+ }
+ // render the triangle with 1 iterated parameter (1/Z)
+ render_triangle<1>(m_display[0].cliprect(),
+ render_delegate(&example_renderer::render_flat, this),
+ v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+First, we put the fixed color into the **example_object_data** directly, and then fill
+out three **vertex_t** objects with the X and Y coordinates in the usual spot, and 1/Z
+as our one and only iterated parameter. (We use 1/Z here because iterated parameters are
+interpolated linearly in screen space. Z is not linear in screen space, but 1/Z is due to
+perspective correction.)
+Our flat-shaded case then calls ``render_trangle`` specifying ``<1>`` iterated parameter to
+interpolate, and pointing to a special-case flat render callback::
+ void example_renderer::render_flat(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid)
+ {
+ // get pointers to the start of the depth buffer and destination scanlines
+ uint16_t *depth = &object.depth->pix(y);
+ uint32_t *dest = &object.dest->pix(y);
+ // get the starting 1/Z value and the delta per X
+ float ooz = extent.param[0].start;
+ float doozdx = extent.param[0].dpdx;
+ // iterate over the extent
+ for (int x = extent.startx; x < extent.stopx; x++)
+ {
+ // convert the 1/Z value into an integral depth value
+ uint16_t depthval = ooz_to_depthval(ooz);
+ // if closer than the current pixel, copy the color and depth value
+ if (depthval < depth[x])
+ {
+ dest[x] = object.color;
+ depth[x] = depthval;
+ }
+ // regardless, update the 1/Z value for the next pixel
+ ooz += doozdx;
+ }
+ }
+This render callback is a bit more involved than the clearing case.
+First, we have an iterated parameter (1/Z) to deal with, whose starting and X-delta
+values we extract from the extent before the start of the inner loop.
+Second, we perform depth buffer testing, using ``ooz_to_depthval()`` as a helper
+to transform the floating-point 1/Z value into a 16-bit integer. We compare this value against
+the current depth buffer value, and only store the pixel/depth value if it’s less.
+At the end of each iteration, we advance the 1/Z value by the X-delta in preparation for the
+next pixel.
+Finally we get to the code for the full-on Gouraud-shaded case::
+ void example_renderer::draw_triangle_gouraud(example_vertex const *verts)
+ {
+ // allocate object data and populate it with information needed
+ example_object_data &object = object_data().next();
+ object.dest = &m_display[m_draw_buffer];
+ object.depth = &m_depth;
+ // copy X, Y, 1/Z, and R,G,B into poly_manager vertices
+ vertex_t v[3];
+ for (int vertnum = 0; vertnum < 3; vertnum++)
+ {
+ v[vertnum].x = verts[vertnum].x;
+ v[vertnum].y = verts[vertnum].y;
+ v[vertnum].p[0] = 1.0f / verts[vertnum].z;
+ v[vertnum].p[1] = verts[vertnum].color.r();
+ v[vertnum].p[2] = verts[vertnum].color.g();
+ v[vertnum].p[3] = verts[vertnum].color.b();
+ }
+ // render the triangle with 4 iterated parameters (1/Z, R, G, B)
+ render_triangle<4>(m_display[0].cliprect(),
+ render_delegate(&example_renderer::render_gouraud, this),
+ v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+Here we have 4 iterated parameters: the 1/Z depth value, plus red, green, and blue,
+stored as floating point values. We call ``render_triangle()`` with ``<4>`` as the
+number of iterated parameters to process, and point to the full Gouraud render callback::
+ void example_renderer::render_gouraud(int32_t y, extent_t const &extent, example_object_data const &object, int threadid)
+ {
+ // get pointers to the start of the depth buffer and destination scanlines
+ uint16_t *depth = &object.depth->pix(y);
+ uint32_t *dest = &object.dest->pix(y);
+ // get the starting 1/Z value and the delta per X
+ float ooz = extent.param[0].start;
+ float doozdx = extent.param[0].dpdx;
+ // get the starting R,G,B values and the delta per X as 8.24 fixed-point values
+ uint32_t r = uint32_t(extent.param[1].start * float(1 << 24));
+ uint32_t drdx = uint32_t(extent.param[1].dpdx * float(1 << 24));
+ uint32_t g = uint32_t(extent.param[2].start * float(1 << 24));
+ uint32_t dgdx = uint32_t(extent.param[2].dpdx * float(1 << 24));
+ uint32_t b = uint32_t(extent.param[3].start * float(1 << 24));
+ uint32_t dbdx = uint32_t(extent.param[3].dpdx * float(1 << 24));
+ // iterate over the extent
+ for (int x = extent.startx; x < extent.stopx; x++)
+ {
+ // convert the 1/Z value into an integral depth value
+ uint16_t depthval = ooz_to_depthval(ooz);
+ // if closer than the current pixel, assemble the color
+ if (depthval < depth[x])
+ {
+ dest[x] = rgb_t(r >> 24, g >> 24, b >> 24);
+ depth[x] = depthval;
+ }
+ // regardless, update the 1/Z and R,G,B values for the next pixel
+ ooz += doozdx;
+ r += drdx;
+ g += dgdx;
+ b += dbdx;
+ }
+ }
+This follows the same pattern as the flat-shaded callback, except we have 4 iterated parameters
+to step through.
+Note that even though the iterated parameters are of ``float`` type, we convert the
+color values to fixed-point integers when iterating over them. This saves us doing 3
+float-to-int conversions each pixel. The original RGB values were 0-255, so interpolation
+can only produce values in the 0-255 range. Thus we can use 24 bits of a 32-bit integer as
+the fraction, which is plenty accurate for this case.
+Advanced Topic: the poly_array class
+**poly_array** is a template class that is used to manage a dynamically-sized vector of
+objects whose lifetime starts at allocation and ends when ``reset()`` is called. The
+**poly_manager** class uses several **poly_array** objects internally, including one for
+allocated **ObjectType** data, one for each primitive rendered, and one for holding all
+allocated extents.
+**poly_array** has an additional property where after a reset it retains a copy of the most
+recently allocated object. This ensures that callers can always call ``last()`` and get
+a valid object, even immediately after a reset.
+The **poly_array** class requires two template parameters::
+ template<class ArrayType, int TrackingCount>
+ class poly_array;
+These parameters are:
+* **ArrayType** is the type of object you wish to allocate and manage.
+* **TrackingCount** is the number of objects you wish to preserve after a reset. Typically
+ this value is either 0 (you don’t care to track any objects) or 1 (you only need one
+ object); however, if you are using **poly_array** to manage a shared collection of
+ objects across several independent consumers, it can be higher. See below for an example
+ where this might be handy.
+Note that objects allocated by **poly_array** are owned by **poly_array** and will be
+automatically freed upon exit.
+**poly_array** is optimized for use in high frequency multi-threaded systems. Therefore,
+one added feature of the class is that it rounds the allocation size of **ArrayType** to
+the nearest cache line boundary, on the assumption that neighboring entries could be
+accessed by different cores simultaneously. Keeping each **ArrayType** object in its
+own cache line ensures no false sharing performance impacts.
+Currently, **poly_array** has no mechanism to determine cache line size at runtime, so
+it presumes that 64 bytes is a typical cache line size, which is true for most x64 and ARM
+chips as of 2021. This value can be altered by changing the **CACHE_LINE_SHIFT** constant
+defined at the top of the class.
+Objects allocated by **poly_array** are created in 64k chunks. At construction time, one
+chunk’s worth of objects is allocated up front. The chunk size is controlled by the
+**CHUNK_GRANULARITY** constant defined at the top of the class.
+As more objects are allocated, if **poly_array** runs out of space, it will dynamically
+allocate more. This will produce discontiguous chunks of objects until the next ``reset()``
+call, at which point **poly_array** will reallocate all the objects into a contiguous
+vector once again.
+For the case where **poly_array** is used to manage a shared pool of objects, it can be
+configured to retain multiple most recently allocated items by using a **TrackingCount**
+greater than 1. For example, if **poly_array** is managing objects for two texture units,
+then it can set **TrackingCount** equal to 2, and pass the index of the texture unit in
+calls to ``next()`` and ``last()``. After a reset, **poly_array** will remember the most
+recently allocated object for each of the units independently.
+ poly_array();
+The **poly_array** contructor requires no parameters and simply pre-allocates one
+chunk of objects in preparation for future allocations.
+ u32 count() const;
+**Return value:** the number of objects currently allocated.
+ u32 max() const;
+**Return value:** the maximum number of objects ever allocated at one time.
+ size_t itemsize() const;
+**Return value:** the size of an object, rounded up to the nearest cache line boundary.
+ u32 allocated() const;
+**Return value:** the number of objects that fit within what’s currently been allocated.
+ ArrayType &byindex(u32 index);
+Returns a reference to an object in the array by index. Equivalent to [**index**] on a
+normal array:
+* **index** is the index of the item you wish to reference.
+**Return value:** a reference to the object in question. Since a reference is returned,
+it is your responsibility to ensure that **index** is less than ``count()`` as there
+is no mechanism to return an invalid result.
+ ArrayType *contiguous(u32 index, u32 count, u32 &chunk);
+Returns a pointer to the base of a contiguous section of **count** items starting at
+**index**. Because **poly_array** dynamically resizes, it may not be possible to access
+all **count** objects contiguously, so the number of actually contiguous items is
+returned in **chunk**:
+* **index** is the index of the first item you wish to access contiguously.
+* **count** is the number of items you wish to access contiguously.
+* **chunk** is a reference to a variable that will be set to the actual number of
+ contiguous items available starting at **index**. If **chunk** is less than **count**,
+ then the caller should process the **chunk** items returned, then call ``countiguous()``
+ again at (**index** + **chunk**) to access the rest.
+**Return value:** a pointer to the first item in the contiguous chunk. No range checking
+is performed, so it is your responsibility to ensure that **index** + **count** is less
+than or equal to ``count()``.
+ int indexof(ArrayType &item) const;
+Returns the index within the array of the given item:
+* **item** is a reference to an item in the array.
+**Return value:** the index of the item. It should always be the case that::
+ array.indexof(array.byindex(index)) == index
+ void reset();
+Resets the **poly_array** by semantically deallocating all objects. If previous allocations
+created a discontiguous array, a fresh vector is allocated at this time so that future
+allocations up to the same level will remain contiguous.
+Note that the **ArrayType** destructor is *not* called on objects as they are deallocated.
+**Return value:** none.
+ ArrayType &next(int tracking_index = 0);
+Allocates a new object and returns a reference to it. If there is not enough space for
+a new object in the current array, a new discontiguous array is created to hold it:
+* **tracking_index** is the tracking index you wish to assign the new item to. In the
+ common case this is 0, but could be non-zero if using a **TrackingCount** greater than 1.
+**Return value:** a reference to the object. Note that the placement new operator is
+called on this object, so the default **ArrayType** constructor will be invoked here.
+ ArrayType &last(int tracking_index = 0) const;
+Returns a reference to the last object allocated:
+* **tracking_index** is the tracking index whose object you want. In the
+ common case this is 0, but could be non-zero if using a **TrackingCount** greater than 1.
+ **poly_array** remembers the most recently allocated object independently for each
+ **tracking_index**.
+**Return value:** a reference to the last allocated object.