path: root/3rdparty/portmidi/pm_common/pmutil.h
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diff --git a/3rdparty/portmidi/pm_common/pmutil.h b/3rdparty/portmidi/pm_common/pmutil.h
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index 00000000000..ef5ee4bf84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/portmidi/pm_common/pmutil.h
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+/* pmutil.h -- some helpful utilities for building midi
+ applications that use PortMidi
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+typedef void PmQueue;
+ A single-reader, single-writer queue is created by
+ Pm_QueueCreate(), which takes the number of messages and
+ the message size as parameters. The queue only accepts
+ fixed sized messages. Returns NULL if memory cannot be allocated.
+ This queue implementation uses the "light pipe" algorithm which
+ operates correctly even with multi-processors and out-of-order
+ memory writes. (see Alexander Dokumentov, "Lock-free Interprocess
+ Communication," Dr. Dobbs Portal,,
+ articleID=189401457, June 15, 2006. This algorithm requires
+ that messages be translated to a form where no words contain
+ zeros. Each word becomes its own "data valid" tag. Because of
+ this translation, we cannot return a pointer to data still in
+ the queue when the "peek" method is called. Instead, a buffer
+ is preallocated so that data can be copied there. Pm_QueuePeek()
+ dequeues a message into this buffer and returns a pointer to
+ it. A subsequent Pm_Dequeue() will copy from this buffer.
+ This implementation does not try to keep reader/writer data in
+ separate cache lines or prevent thrashing on cache lines.
+ However, this algorithm differs by doing inserts/removals in
+ units of messages rather than units of machine words. Some
+ performance improvement might be obtained by not clearing data
+ immediately after a read, but instead by waiting for the end
+ of the cache line, especially if messages are smaller than
+ cache lines. See the Dokumentov article for explanation.
+ The algorithm is extended to handle "overflow" reporting. To report
+ an overflow, the sender writes the current tail position to a field.
+ The receiver must acknowlege receipt by zeroing the field. The sender
+ will not send more until the field is zeroed.
+ Pm_QueueDestroy() destroys the queue and frees its storage.
+ */
+PMEXPORT PmQueue *Pm_QueueCreate(long num_msgs, int32_t bytes_per_msg);
+PMEXPORT PmError Pm_QueueDestroy(PmQueue *queue);
+ Pm_Dequeue() removes one item from the queue, copying it into msg.
+ Returns 1 if successful, and 0 if the queue is empty.
+ Returns pmBufferOverflow if what would have been the next thing
+ in the queue was dropped due to overflow. (So when overflow occurs,
+ the receiver can receive a queue full of messages before getting the
+ overflow report. This protocol ensures that the reader will be
+ notified when data is lost due to overflow.
+ */
+PMEXPORT PmError Pm_Dequeue(PmQueue *queue, void *msg);
+ Pm_Enqueue() inserts one item into the queue, copying it from msg.
+ Returns pmNoError if successful and pmBufferOverflow if the queue was
+ already full. If pmBufferOverflow is returned, the overflow flag is set.
+ */
+PMEXPORT PmError Pm_Enqueue(PmQueue *queue, void *msg);
+ Pm_QueueFull() returns non-zero if the queue is full
+ Pm_QueueEmpty() returns non-zero if the queue is empty
+ Either condition may change immediately because a parallel
+ enqueue or dequeue operation could be in progress. Furthermore,
+ Pm_QueueEmpty() is optimistic: it may say false, when due to
+ out-of-order writes, the full message has not arrived. Therefore,
+ Pm_Dequeue() could still return 0 after Pm_QueueEmpty() returns
+ false. On the other hand, Pm_QueueFull() is pessimistic: if it
+ returns false, then Pm_Enqueue() is guaranteed to succeed.
+ Error conditions: Pm_QueueFull() returns pmBadPtr if queue is NULL.
+ Pm_QueueEmpty() returns FALSE if queue is NULL.
+ */
+PMEXPORT int Pm_QueueFull(PmQueue *queue);
+PMEXPORT int Pm_QueueEmpty(PmQueue *queue);
+ Pm_QueuePeek() returns a pointer to the item at the head of the queue,
+ or NULL if the queue is empty. The item is not removed from the queue.
+ Pm_QueuePeek() will not indicate when an overflow occurs. If you want
+ to get and check pmBufferOverflow messages, use the return value of
+ Pm_QueuePeek() *only* as an indication that you should call
+ Pm_Dequeue(). At the point where a direct call to Pm_Dequeue() would
+ return pmBufferOverflow, Pm_QueuePeek() will return NULL but internally
+ clear the pmBufferOverflow flag, enabling Pm_Enqueue() to resume
+ enqueuing messages. A subsequent call to Pm_QueuePeek()
+ will return a pointer to the first message *after* the overflow.
+ Using this as an indication to call Pm_Dequeue(), the first call
+ to Pm_Dequeue() will return pmBufferOverflow. The second call will
+ return success, copying the same message pointed to by the previous
+ Pm_QueuePeek().
+ When to use Pm_QueuePeek(): (1) when you need to look at the message
+ data to decide who should be called to receive it. (2) when you need
+ to know a message is ready but cannot accept the message.
+ Note that Pm_QueuePeek() is not a fast check, so if possible, you
+ might as well just call Pm_Dequeue() and accept the data if it is there.
+ */
+PMEXPORT void *Pm_QueuePeek(PmQueue *queue);
+ Pm_SetOverflow() allows the writer (enqueuer) to signal an overflow
+ condition to the reader (dequeuer). E.g. when transfering data from
+ the OS to an application, if the OS indicates a buffer overrun,
+ Pm_SetOverflow() can be used to insure that the reader receives a
+ pmBufferOverflow result from Pm_Dequeue(). Returns pmBadPtr if queue
+ is NULL, returns pmBufferOverflow if buffer is already in an overflow
+ state, returns pmNoError if successfully set overflow state.
+ */
+PMEXPORT PmError Pm_SetOverflow(PmQueue *queue);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */