path: root/3rdparty/lsqlite3/doc/lsqlite3.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+B<LuaSQLite 3> - a Lua 5.1 wrapper for the SQLite3 library
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+B<LuaSQLite 3> is a thin wrapper around the public domain SQLite3
+database engine.
+The C<lsqlite3> module supports the creation and manipulation of
+SQLite3 databases. After a C<require('lsqlite3')> the exported
+functions are called with prefix C<sqlite3>. However, most sqlite3
+functions are called via an object-oriented interface to either
+database or SQL statement objects; see below for details.
+This documentation does not attempt to describe how SQLite3 itself
+works, it just describes the Lua binding and the available functions.
+For more information about the SQL features supported by SQLite3 and
+details about the syntax of SQL statements and queries, please see the
+B<SQLite3 documentation> L<>. Using some of the
+advanced features (how to use callbacks, for instance) will require
+some familiarity with the SQLite3 API.
+=head1 DOWNLOAD
+B<LuaSQLite 3> source code can be downloaded from its
+LuaForge (L<>) page.
+You will also need to build or obtain an SQLite3 loadable library
+(DLL or .so). See L<> for obtaining SQLite3
+source code or downloading a binary SQLite3 library.
+A I<Makefile> is provided; it assumes an SQLite3 library is already
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+The distribution contains an I<examples> directory. The unit tests
+also show some example use.
+The distribution contains some units tests using Michael Roth's
+C<lunit> (which is also included). Some of the tests were also derived
+from Michael's B<lua-sqlite3> module, and more unit tests added by
+Doug Currie.
+The distribution also contains some functional tests by Tiago.
+This version of C<lsqlite3> was tested with SQLite 3.4.2.
+=head1 SQLite3 functions
+=head2 sqlite3.complete
+ sqlite3.complete(sql)
+Returns true if the string C<sql> comprises one or more complete SQL
+statements and false otherwise.
+Opens (or creates if it does not exist) an SQLite database with name
+C<filename> and returns its handle as userdata (the returned object
+should be used for all further method calls in connection with this
+specific database, see L</Database methods>). Example:
+'MyDatabase.sqlite3') -- open
+ -- do some database calls...
+ myDB:close() -- close
+In case of an error, the function returns nil, an error code and an
+error message.
+=head2 sqlite3.open_memory
+ sqlite3.open_memory()
+Opens an SQLite database B<in memory> and returns its handle as
+userdata. In case of an error, the function returns nil, an error code
+and an error message. (In-memory databases are volatile as they are
+never stored on disk.)
+=head2 sqlite3.temp_directory
+ sqlite3.temp_directory([temp])
+Sets or queries the directory used by SQLite for temporary files. If
+string C<temp> is a directory name or nil, the temporary directory is
+set accordingly and the old value is returned. If C<temp> is missing,
+the function simply returns the current temporary directory.
+=head2 sqlite3.version
+ sqlite3.version()
+Returns a string with SQLite version information, in the form 'x.y[.z]'.
+=head1 Database methods
+After opening a database with L<C<>|/> or
+the returned database object should be used for all further method calls
+in connection with that database. An open database object supports the
+following methods.
+=head2 db:busy_handler
+ db:busy_handler([func[,udata]])
+Sets or removes a busy handler for a database. C<func> is either a Lua
+function that implements the busy handler or nil to remove a previously
+set handler. This function returns nothing.
+The handler function is called with two parameters: C<udata> and the
+number of (re-)tries for a pending transaction. It should return nil,
+false or 0 if the transaction is to be aborted. All other values will
+result in another attempt to perform the transaction. (See the SQLite
+documentation for important hints about writing busy handlers.)
+=head2 db:busy_timeout
+ db:busy_timeout(t)
+Sets a busy handler that waits for C<t> milliseconds if a transaction
+cannot proceed. Calling this function will remove any busy handler set
+by L<C<db:busy_handler()>|/db:busy_handler>; calling it with an argument
+less than or equal to 0 will turn off all busy handlers.
+=head2 db:changes
+ db:changes()
+This function returns the number of database rows that were changed (or
+inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement. Only changes that
+are directly specified by INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements are
+counted. Auxiliary changes caused by triggers are not counted. Use
+L<C<db:total_changes()>|/db:total_changes> to find the total number of
+=head2 db:close
+ db:close()
+Closes a database. All SQL statements prepared using
+L<C<db:prepare()>|/db:prepare> should
+have been finalized before this function is called. The function returns
+C<sqlite3.OK> on success or else a numerical error code (see the list of
+L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+=head2 db:close_vm
+ db:close_vm(temponly)
+Finalizes all statements that have not been explicitly finalized. If
+C<temponly> is true, only internal, temporary statements are finalized.
+This function returns nothing.
+=head2 db:create_aggregate
+ db:create_aggregate(name,nargs,step,final)
+This function creates an aggregate callback function. Aggregates perform
+an operation over all rows in a query. C<name> is a string with the name
+of the aggregate function as given in an SQL statement; C<nargs> is the
+number of arguments this call will provide. C<step> is the actual Lua
+function that gets called once for every row; it should accept a function
+context (see L</Methods for callback contexts>) plus the same number of
+parameters as given in C<nargs>. C<final> is a function that is called
+once after all rows have been processed; it receives one argument, the
+function context.
+The function context can be used inside the two callback functions to
+communicate with SQLite3. Here is a simple example:
+ db:exec[=[
+ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1,11);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2,22);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3,33);
+ ]=]
+ local num_sum=0
+ local function oneRow(context,num) -- add one column in all rows
+ num_sum=num_sum+num
+ end
+ local function afterLast(context) -- return sum after last row has been processed
+ context:result_number(num_sum)
+ num_sum=0
+ end
+ db:create_aggregate("do_the_sums",1,oneRow,afterLast)
+ for sum in db:urows('SELECT do_the_sums(num1) FROM numbers') do print("Sum of col 1:",sum) end
+ for sum in db:urows('SELECT do_the_sums(num2) FROM numbers') do print("Sum of col 2:",sum) end
+This prints:
+ Sum of col 1: 6
+ Sum of col 2: 66
+=head2 db:create_collation
+ db:create_collation(name,func)
+This creates a collation callback. A collation callback is used to
+establish a collation order, mostly for string comparisons and sorting
+purposes. C<name> is a string with the name of the collation to be created;
+C<func> is a function that accepts two string arguments, compares them
+and returns 0 if both strings are identical, -1 if the first argument is
+lower in the collation order than the second and 1 if the first argument
+is higher in the collation order than the second. A simple example:
+ local function collate(s1,s2)
+ s1=s1:lower()
+ s2=s2:lower()
+ if s1==s2 then return 0
+ elseif s1<s2 then return -1
+ else return 1 end
+ end
+ db:exec[=[
+ INSERT INTO test VALUES(NULL,'hello world');
+ INSERT INTO test VALUES(NULL,'Buenos dias');
+ ]=]
+ db:create_collation('CINSENS',collate)
+ for row in db:nrows('SELECT * FROM test') do print(,row.content) end
+=head2 db:create_function
+ db:create_function(name,nargs,func)
+This function creates a callback function. Callback function are called
+by SQLite3 once for every row in a query. C<name> is a string with the
+name of the callback function as given in an SQL statement; C<nargs> is
+the number of arguments this call will provide. C<func> is the actual Lua
+function that gets called once for every row; it should accept a
+function context (see L</Methods for callback contexts>) plus the same
+number of parameters as given in nargs. Here is an example:
+ db:exec'CREATE TABLE test(col1,col2,col3)'
+ db:exec'INSERT INTO test VALUES(1,2,4)'
+ db:exec'INSERT INTO test VALUES(2,4,9)'
+ db:exec'INSERT INTO test VALUES(3,6,16)'
+ db:create_function('sum_cols',3,function(ctx,a,b,c)
+ ctx:result_number(a+b+c)
+ end))
+ for col1,col2,col3,sum in db:urows('SELECT *,sum_cols(col1,col2,col3) FROM test') do
+ util.printf('%2i+%2i+%2i=%2i\n',col1,col2,col3,sum)
+ end
+=head2 db:errcode
+ db:errcode()
+ db:error_code()
+Returns the numerical result code (or extended result code) for the most
+recent failed call associated with database db. See
+L</Numerical error and result codes> for details.
+=head2 db:errmsg
+ db:errmsg()
+ db:error_message()
+Returns a string that contains an error message for the most recent
+failed call associated with database db.
+=head2 db:exec
+ db:exec(sql[,func[,udata]])
+ db:execute(sql[,func[,udata]])
+Compiles and executes the SQL statement(s) given in string C<sql>. The
+statements are simply executed one after the other and not stored. The
+function returns C<sqlite3.OK> on success or else a numerical error code
+(see L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+If one or more of the SQL statements are queries, then the callback
+function specified in C<func> is invoked once for each row of the query
+result (if C<func> is nil, no callback is invoked). The callback receives
+four arguments: C<udata> (the third parameter of the C<db:exec()> call),
+the number of columns in the row, a table with the column values and
+another table with the column names. The callback function should return
+0. If the callback returns a non-zero value then the query is aborted,
+all subsequent SQL statements are skipped and C<db:exec()> returns
+C<sqlite3.ABORT>. Here is a simple example:
+ sql=[=[
+ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2,str);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1,11,"ABC");
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2,22,"DEF");
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3,33,"UVW");
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(4,44,"XYZ");
+ SELECT * FROM numbers;
+ ]=]
+ function showrow(udata,cols,values,names)
+ assert(udata=='test_udata')
+ print('exec:')
+ for i=1,cols do print('',names[i],values[i]) end
+ return 0
+ end
+ db:exec(sql,showrow,'test_udata')
+=head2 db:interrupt
+ db:interrupt()
+This function causes any pending database operation to abort and return
+at the next opportunity. This function returns nothing.
+=head2 db:isopen
+ db:isopen()
+Returns true if database db is open, false otherwise.
+=head2 db:last_insert_rowid
+ db:last_insert_rowid()
+This function returns the rowid of the most recent INSERT into the
+database. If no inserts have ever occurred, 0 is returned. (Each row in
+an SQLite table has a unique 64-bit signed integer key called the
+'rowid'. This id is always available as an undeclared column named
+ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_. If the table has a column of type INTEGER
+PRIMARY KEY then that column is another alias for the rowid.)
+If an INSERT occurs within a trigger, then the rowid of the inserted row
+is returned as long as the trigger is running. Once the trigger
+terminates, the value returned reverts to the last value inserted before
+the trigger fired.
+=head2 db:nrows
+ db:nrows(sql)
+Creates an iterator that returns the successive rows selected by the SQL
+statement given in string C<sql>. Each call to the iterator returns a
+table in which the named fields correspond to the columns in the database.
+Here is an example:
+ db:exec[=[
+ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1,11);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2,22);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3,33);
+ ]=]
+ for a in db:nrows('SELECT * FROM numbers') do table.print(a) end
+This script prints:
+ num2: 11
+ num1: 1
+ num2: 22
+ num1: 2
+ num2: 33
+ num1: 3
+=head2 db:prepare
+ db:prepare(sql)
+This function compiles the SQL statement in string C<sql> into an internal
+representation and returns this as userdata. The returned object should
+be used for all further method calls in connection with this specific
+SQL statement (see L</Methods for prepared statements>).
+=head2 db:progress_handler
+ db:progress_handler(n,func,udata)
+This function installs a callback function C<func> that is invoked
+periodically during long-running calls to L<C<db:exec()>|/db:exec>
+or L<C<stmt:step()>|/stmt:step>. The
+progress callback is invoked once for every C<n> internal operations,
+where C<n> is the first argument to this function. C<udata> is passed to
+the progress callback function each time it is invoked. If a call to
+C<db:exec()> or C<stmt:step()> results in fewer than C<n> operations
+being executed, then the progress callback is never invoked. Only a
+single progress callback function may be registered for each opened
+database and a call to this function will overwrite any previously set
+callback function. To remove the progress callback altogether, pass nil
+as the second argument.
+If the progress callback returns a result other than 0, then the current
+query is immediately terminated, any database changes are rolled back
+and the containing C<db:exec()> or C<stmt:step()> call returns
+C<sqlite3.INTERRUPT>. This feature can be used to cancel long-running
+=head2 db:rows
+ db:rows(sql)
+Creates an iterator that returns the successive rows selected by the SQL
+statement given in string C<sql>. Each call to the iterator returns a table
+in which the numerical indices 1 to n correspond to the selected columns
+1 to n in the database. Here is an example:
+ db:exec[=[
+ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1,11);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2,22);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3,33);
+ ]=]
+ for a in db:rows('SELECT * FROM numbers') do table.print(a) end
+This script prints:
+ 1: 1
+ 2: 11
+ 1: 2
+ 2: 22
+ 1: 3
+ 2: 33
+=head2 db:total_changes
+ db:total_changes()
+This function returns the number of database rows that have been
+modified by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements since the database was
+opened. This includes UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements executed as
+part of trigger programs. All changes are counted as soon as the
+statement that produces them is completed by calling either
+L<C<stmt:reset()>|/stmt:reset> or L<C<stmt:finalize()>|/stmt:finalize>.
+=head2 db:trace
+ db:trace(func,udata)
+This function installs a trace callback handler. C<func> is a Lua
+function that is called by SQLite3 just before the evaluation of an SQL
+statement. This callback receives two arguments: the first is the
+C<udata> argument used when the callback was installed; the second is a
+string with the SQL statement about to be executed.
+=head2 db:urows
+ db:urows(sql)
+Creates an iterator that returns the successive rows selected by the SQL
+statement given in string C<sql>. Each call to the iterator returns the
+values that correspond to the columns in the currently selected row.
+Here is an example:
+ db:exec[=[
+ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1,11);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2,22);
+ INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3,33);
+ ]=]
+ for num1,num2 in db:urows('SELECT * FROM numbers') do print(num1,num2) end
+This script prints:
+ 1 11
+ 2 22
+ 3 33
+=head1 Methods for prepared statements
+After creating a prepared statement with L<C<db:prepare()>|/db:prepare>
+the returned statement object should be used for all further calls in
+connection with that statement. Statement objects support the following
+=head2 stmt:bind
+ stmt:bind(n[,value])
+Binds value to statement parameter C<n>. If the type of value is string
+or number, it is bound as text or double, respectively. If C<value> is a
+boolean or nil or missing, any previous binding is removed. The function
+returns C<sqlite3.OK> on success or else a numerical error code (see
+L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+=head2 stmt:bind_blob
+ stmt:bind_blob(n,blob)
+Binds string C<blob> (which can be a binary string) as a blob to
+statement parameter C<n>. The function returns C<sqlite3.OK> on success
+or else a numerical error code (see L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+=head2 stmt:bind_names
+ stmt:bind_names(nametable)
+Binds the values in C<nametable> to statement parameters. If the
+statement parameters are named (i.e., of the form ":AAA" or "$AAA")
+then this function looks for appropriately named fields in C<nametable>;
+if the statement parameters are
+not named, it looks for numerical fields 1 to the number of statement
+parameters. The function returns C<sqlite3.OK> on success or else a
+numerical error code (see L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+=head2 stmt:bind_parameter_count
+ stmt:bind_parameter_count()
+Returns the largest statement parameter index in prepared statement
+C<stmt>. When the statement parameters are of the forms ":AAA" or "?",
+then they are assigned sequentially increasing numbers beginning with
+one, so the value returned is the number of parameters. However if the
+same statement parameter name is used multiple times, each occurrence
+is given the same number, so the value returned is the number of unique
+statement parameter names.
+If statement parameters of the form "?NNN" are used (where NNN is an
+integer) then there might be gaps in the numbering and the value
+returned by this interface is the index of the statement parameter with
+the largest index value.
+=head2 stmt:bind_parameter_name
+ stmt:bind_parameter_name(n)
+Returns the name of the C<n>-th parameter in prepared statement C<stmt>.
+Statement parameters of the form ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$VVV" have a name
+which is the string ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$VVV". In other words, the
+initial ":" or "$" or "@" is included as part of the name. Parameters
+of the form "?" or "?NNN" have no name. The first bound parameter has
+an index of 1.
+If the value C<n> is out of range or if the C<n>-th parameter is
+nameless, then nil is returned. The function returns C<sqlite3.OK> on
+success or else a numerical error code (see
+L</Numerical error and result codes>)
+=head2 stmt:bind_values
+ stmt:bind_values(value1,value2,...,valueN)
+Binds the given values to statement parameters. The function returns
+C<sqlite3.OK> on success or else a numerical error code (see
+L</Numerical error and result codes>).
+=head2 stmt:columns
+ stmt:columns()
+Returns the number of columns in the result set returned by statement
+stmt or 0 if the statement does not return data (for example an UPDATE).
+=head2 stmt:finalize
+ stmt:finalize()
+This function frees prepared statement stmt. If the statement was
+executed successfully, or not executed at all, then C<sqlite3.OK> is
+returned. If execution of the statement failed then an error code is
+=head2 stmt:get_name
+ stmt:get_name(n)
+Returns the name of column C<n> in the result set of statement stmt. (The
+left-most column is number 0.)
+=head2 stmt:get_named_types
+ stmt:get_named_types()
+Returns a table with the names and types of all columns in the result
+set of statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:get_named_values
+ stmt:get_named_values()
+This function returns a table with names and values of all columns in
+the current result row of a query.
+=head2 stmt:get_names
+ stmt:get_names()
+This function returns an array with the names of all columns in the
+result set returned by statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:get_type
+ stmt:get_type(n)
+Returns the type of column C<n> in the result set of statement stmt. (The
+left-most column is number 0.)
+=head2 stmt:get_types
+ stmt:get_types()
+This function returns an array with the types of all columns in the
+result set returned by statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:get_unames
+ stmt:get_unames()
+This function returns a list with the names of all columns in the result
+set returned by statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:get_utypes
+ stmt:get_utypes()
+This function returns a list with the types of all columns in the result
+set returned by statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:get_uvalues
+ stmt:get_uvalues()
+This function returns a list with the values of all columns in the
+current result row of a query.
+=head2 stmt:get_value
+ stmt:get_value(n)
+Returns the value of column C<n> in the result set of statement stmt. (The
+left-most column is number 0.)
+=head2 stmt:get_values
+ stmt:get_values()
+This function returns an array with the values of all columns in the
+result set returned by statement stmt.
+=head2 stmt:isopen
+ stmt:isopen()
+Returns true if stmt has not yet been finalized, false otherwise.
+=head2 stmt:nrows
+ stmt:nrows()
+Returns an function that iterates over the names and values of the
+result set of statement C<stmt>. Each iteration returns a table with the
+names and values for the current row.
+This is the prepared statement equivalent of L<C<db:nrows()>|/db:nrows>.
+=head2 stmt:reset
+ stmt:reset()
+This function resets SQL statement C<stmt>, so that it is ready to be
+re-executed. Any statement variables that had values bound to them using
+the C<stmt:bind*()> functions retain their values.
+=head2 stmt:rows
+ stmt:rows()
+Returns an function that iterates over the values of the result set of
+statement stmt. Each iteration returns an array with the values for the
+current row.
+This is the prepared statement equivalent of L<C<db:rows()>|/db:rows>.
+=head2 stmt:step
+ stmt:step()
+This function must be called to evaluate the (next iteration of the)
+prepared statement stmt. It will return one of the following values:
+=over 4
+=item *
+C<sqlite3.BUSY>: the engine was unable to acquire the locks needed. If the
+statement is a COMMIT or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then
+you can retry the statement. If the statement is not a COMMIT and occurs
+within a explicit transaction then you should rollback the transaction
+before continuing.
+=item *
+C<sqlite3.DONE>: the statement has finished executing successfully.
+L<C<stmt:step()>|/stmt:step> should not be called again on this statement
+without first calling L<C<stmt:reset()>|/stmt:reset> to reset the virtual
+machine back to the initial state.
+=item *
+C<sqlite3.ROW>: this is returned each time a new row of data is ready for
+processing by the caller. The values may be accessed using the column
+access functions. L<C<stmt:step()>|/stmt:step> can be called again to
+retrieve the next row of data.
+=item *
+C<sqlite3.ERROR>: a run-time error (such as a constraint violation) has
+occurred. L<C<stmt:step()>|/stmt:step> should not be called again. More
+information may be found by calling L<C<db:errmsg()>|/db:errmsg>. A more
+specific error
+code (can be obtained by calling L<C<stmt:reset()>|/stmt:reset>.
+=item *
+C<sqlite3.MISUSE>: the function was called inappropriately, perhaps
+because the statement has already been finalized or a previous call to
+L<C<stmt:step()>|/stmt:step> has returned C<sqlite3.ERROR> or
+=head2 stmt:urows
+ stmt:urows()
+Returns an function that iterates over the values of the result set of
+statement stmt. Each iteration returns the values for the current row.
+This is the prepared statement equivalent of L<C<db:urows()>|/db:urows>.
+=head1 Methods for callback contexts
+A callback context is available as a parameter inside the callback
+functions L<C<db:create_aggregate()>|/db:create_aggregate> and
+L<C<db:create_function()>|/db:create_function>. It can be used
+to get further information about the state of a query.
+=head2 context:aggregate_count
+ context:aggregate_count()
+Returns the number of calls to the aggregate step function.
+=head2 context:get_aggregate_data
+ context:get_aggregate_data()
+Returns the user-definable data field for callback funtions.
+=head2 context:set_aggregate_data
+ context:set_aggregate_data(udata)
+Set the user-definable data field for callback funtions to C<udata>.
+=head2 context:result
+ context:result(res)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to res. The type of
+the result depends on the type of res and is either a number or a string
+or nil. All other values will raise an error message.
+=head2 context:result_null
+ context:result_null()
+This function sets the result of a callback function to nil. It returns
+=head2 context:result_number
+ context:result_number(number)
+ context:result_double(number)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to the value
+C<number>. It returns nothing.
+=head2 context:result_int
+ context:result_int(number)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to the integer
+value in C<number>. It returns nothing.
+=head2 context:result_text
+ context:result_text(str)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to the string in
+C<str>. It returns nothing.
+=head2 context:result_blob
+ context:result_blob(blob)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to the binary
+string in C<blob>. It returns nothing.
+=head2 context:result_error
+ context:result_error(err)
+This function sets the result of a callback function to the error value
+in C<err>. It returns nothing.
+=head2 context:user_data
+ context:user_data()
+Returns the userdata parameter given in the call to install the callback
+function (see L<C<db:create_aggregate()>|/db:create_aggregate> and
+L<C<db:create_function()>|/db:create_function> for details).
+=head1 Numerical error and result codes
+The following constants are defined by module sqlite3:
+ NOTADB: 26 ROW: 100 DONE: 101
+For details about their exact meaning please see the B<SQLite3
+documentation> L<>.
+=head1 VERSION
+This is C<lsqlite3> subversion 6, also known as "devel-0.6".
+=head1 CREDITS
+C<lsqlite3> was developed by Tiago Dionizio and Doug Currie with
+contributions from Thomas Lauer and Michael Roth.
+This documentation is based on the "(very) preliminary" documents
+for the Idle-SQLite3 database module. Thanks to Thomas Lauer for
+making it available.
+=head1 LICENSE
+ /************************************************************************
+ * lsqlite3 *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Tiago Dionizio, Doug Currie *
+ * All rights reserved. *
+ * Author : Tiago Dionizio <> *
+ * Author : Doug Currie <> *
+ * Library : lsqlite3 - a SQLite 3 database binding for Lua 5 *
+ * *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining *
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *
+ * the following conditions: *
+ * *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *
+ * *
+ ************************************************************************/