path: root/3rdparty/jsoncpp/devtools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/jsoncpp/devtools/')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/jsoncpp/devtools/ b/3rdparty/jsoncpp/devtools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b7b4ca297e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/jsoncpp/devtools/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Baptiste Lepilleur, 2009
+from __future__ import print_function
+from dircache import listdir
+import re
+import fnmatch
+import os.path
+# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to prune the directory tree
+# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
+prune_dirs = '.git .bzr .hg .svn _MTN _darcs CVS SCCS '
+# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs
+# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
+##exclude_pats = prune_pats + '*~ #*# .#* %*% ._* .gitignore .cvsignore vssver.scc .DS_Store'.split()
+# These ant_glob expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs and also prune the directory tree
+# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
+default_excludes = '''
+**/.DS_Store '''
+DIR = 1
+FILE = 2
+_ANT_RE = re.compile( r'(/\*\*/)|(\*\*/)|(/\*\*)|(\*)|(/)|([^\*/]*)' )
+def ant_pattern_to_re( ant_pattern ):
+ """Generates a regular expression from the ant pattern.
+ Matching convention:
+ **/a: match 'a', 'dir/a', 'dir1/dir2/a'
+ a/**/b: match 'a/b', 'a/c/b', 'a/d/c/b'
+ *.py: match '' but not 'a/'
+ """
+ rex = ['^']
+ next_pos = 0
+ sep_rex = r'(?:/|%s)' % re.escape( os.path.sep )
+## print 'Converting', ant_pattern
+ for match in _ANT_RE.finditer( ant_pattern ):
+## print 'Matched',
+## print match.start(0), next_pos
+ if match.start(0) != next_pos:
+ raise ValueError( "Invalid ant pattern" )
+ if # /**/
+ rex.append( sep_rex + '(?:.*%s)?' % sep_rex )
+ elif # **/
+ rex.append( '(?:.*%s)?' % sep_rex )
+ elif # /**
+ rex.append( sep_rex + '.*' )
+ elif # *
+ rex.append( '[^/%s]*' % re.escape(os.path.sep) )
+ elif # /
+ rex.append( sep_rex )
+ else: # somepath
+ rex.append( re.escape( )
+ next_pos = match.end()
+ rex.append('$')
+ return re.compile( ''.join( rex ) )
+def _as_list( l ):
+ if isinstance(l, basestring):
+ return l.split()
+ return l
+def glob(dir_path,
+ includes = '**/*',
+ excludes = default_excludes,
+ entry_type = FILE,
+ prune_dirs = prune_dirs,
+ max_depth = 25):
+ include_filter = [ant_pattern_to_re(p) for p in _as_list(includes)]
+ exclude_filter = [ant_pattern_to_re(p) for p in _as_list(excludes)]
+ prune_dirs = [p.replace('/',os.path.sep) for p in _as_list(prune_dirs)]
+ dir_path = dir_path.replace('/',os.path.sep)
+ entry_type_filter = entry_type
+ def is_pruned_dir( dir_name ):
+ for pattern in prune_dirs:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch( dir_name, pattern ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def apply_filter( full_path, filter_rexs ):
+ """Return True if at least one of the filter regular expression match full_path."""
+ for rex in filter_rexs:
+ if rex.match( full_path ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def glob_impl( root_dir_path ):
+ child_dirs = [root_dir_path]
+ while child_dirs:
+ dir_path = child_dirs.pop()
+ for entry in listdir( dir_path ):
+ full_path = os.path.join( dir_path, entry )
+## print 'Testing:', full_path,
+ is_dir = os.path.isdir( full_path )
+ if is_dir and not is_pruned_dir( entry ): # explore child directory ?
+## print '===> marked for recursion',
+ child_dirs.append( full_path )
+ included = apply_filter( full_path, include_filter )
+ rejected = apply_filter( full_path, exclude_filter )
+ if not included or rejected: # do not include entry ?
+## print '=> not included or rejected'
+ continue
+ link = os.path.islink( full_path )
+ is_file = os.path.isfile( full_path )
+ if not is_file and not is_dir:
+## print '=> unknown entry type'
+ continue
+ if link:
+ entry_type = is_file and FILE_LINK or DIR_LINK
+ else:
+ entry_type = is_file and FILE or DIR
+## print '=> type: %d' % entry_type,
+ if (entry_type & entry_type_filter) != 0:
+## print ' => KEEP'
+ yield os.path.join( dir_path, entry )
+## else:
+## print ' => TYPE REJECTED'
+ return list( glob_impl( dir_path ) )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import unittest
+ class AntPatternToRETest(unittest.TestCase):
+## def test_conversion( self ):
+## self.assertEqual( '^somepath$', ant_pattern_to_re( 'somepath' ).pattern )
+ def test_matching( self ):
+ test_cases = [ ( 'path',
+ ['path'],
+ ['somepath', 'pathsuffix', '/path', '/path'] ),
+ ( '*.py',
+ ['', '', '.py'],
+ ['path/', '/.py', '', 'z.pyc', 'z.c'] ),
+ ( '**/path',
+ ['path', '/path', '/a/path', 'c:/a/path', '/a/b/path', '//a/path', '/a/path/b/path'],
+ ['path/', 'a/path/b', '', 'somepath', 'pathsuffix', 'a/somepath'] ),
+ ( 'path/**',
+ ['path/a', 'path/path/a', 'path//'],
+ ['path', 'somepath/a', 'a/path', 'a/path/a', 'pathsuffix/a'] ),
+ ( '/**/path',
+ ['/path', '/a/path', '/a/b/path/path', '/path/path'],
+ ['path', 'path/', 'a/path', '/pathsuffix', '/somepath'] ),
+ ( 'a/b',
+ ['a/b'],
+ ['somea/b', 'a/bsuffix', 'a/b/c'] ),
+ ( '**/*.py',
+ ['', 'src/', 'a/b/', '/a/b/'],
+ ['script.pyc', 'script.pyo', ''] ),
+ ( 'src/**/*.py',
+ ['src/', 'src/dir/'],
+ ['a/src/', '/src/'] ),
+ ]
+ for ant_pattern, accepted_matches, rejected_matches in list(test_cases):
+ def local_path( paths ):
+ return [ p.replace('/',os.path.sep) for p in paths ]
+ test_cases.append( (ant_pattern, local_path(accepted_matches), local_path( rejected_matches )) )
+ for ant_pattern, accepted_matches, rejected_matches in test_cases:
+ rex = ant_pattern_to_re( ant_pattern )
+ print('ant_pattern:', ant_pattern, ' => ', rex.pattern)
+ for accepted_match in accepted_matches:
+ print('Accepted?:', accepted_match)
+ self.assertTrue( rex.match( accepted_match ) is not None )
+ for rejected_match in rejected_matches:
+ print('Rejected?:', rejected_match)
+ self.assertTrue( rex.match( rejected_match ) is None )
+ unittest.main()