path: root/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/Test/spv.130.frag
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/Test/spv.130.frag')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/Test/spv.130.frag b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/Test/spv.130.frag
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7fdd388989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/Test/spv.130.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#version 140
+#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
+vec3 a;
+float b;
+in vec4 i;
+out vec4 o;
+out ivec3 io;
+out uvec4 uo;
+flat in float fflat;
+smooth in float fsmooth;
+noperspective in float fnop;
+uniform samplerCube sampC;
+#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
+uniform sampler2D samp2D;
+uniform sampler2DShadow samp2DS;
+uniform sampler2DRect samp2DR;
+uniform sampler2DArray samp2DA;
+void bar3()
+ o += textureGatherOffset(samp2D, vec2(0.3), ivec2(1));
+ o += textureGatherOffset(samp2DA, vec3(0.3), ivec2(1));
+#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
+void bar4()
+ o += textureGatherOffset(samp2DR, vec2(0.3), ivec2(1));
+ o += textureGatherOffset(samp2DS, vec2(0.3), 1.3, ivec2(1));
+ o += textureGatherOffset(samp2D, vec2(0.3), ivec2(1), 2);
+#extension GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array : enable
+uniform samplerCubeArray Sca;
+uniform isamplerCubeArray Isca;
+uniform usamplerCubeArray Usca;
+uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow Scas;
+void bar5()
+ io = textureSize(Sca, 3);
+ o += texture(Sca, i);
+ io += texture(Isca, i, 0.7).xyz;
+ uo = texture(Usca, i);
+ o += textureLod(Sca, i, 1.7);
+ a = textureSize(Scas, 3);
+ float f = texture(Scas, i, i.y);
+ ivec4 c = textureGrad(Isca, i, vec3(0.1), vec3(0.2));
+ o += vec4(a, f + c);
+#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable
+const int ai[3] = { 10, 23, 32 };
+uniform layout(binding=0) sampler2D bounds;
+void bar6()
+ mat4x3 m43;
+ float a1 = m43[3].y;
+ //int a2 = m43.length(); // ERROR until shading_language_420pack is fully implemented
+ const float b = 2 * a1;
+ //a.x = gl_MinProgramTexelOffset + gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset; // ERROR until shading_language_420pack is fully implemented
+#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
+#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : require
+uniform sampler2D s2D;
+uniform sampler2DRect s2DR;
+uniform sampler2DRectShadow s2DRS;
+uniform sampler1D s1D;
+uniform sampler2DShadow s2DS;
+void main()
+ o = textureGather(sampC, vec3(0.2));
+ o.y = gl_ClipDistance[3];
+ bar3();
+ bar4();
+ bar5();
+ bar6();
+} \ No newline at end of file