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author Miodrag Milanovic <>2016-08-24 15:14:30 +0200
committer Miodrag Milanovic <>2016-08-24 15:16:43 +0200
commita86a53fb64dd4b9e6dfa3d6a1ebd48e30f9d3efa (patch)
parentbade8ef9a962e7bcd83414c9e12e42d21cb51203 (diff)
remove old doc content (nw)
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 4649 deletions
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-CC0 1.0 Universal
-Statement of Purpose
-The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
-exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and
-subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
-authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
-Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the
-purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific
-works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later
-claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse
-and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any
-purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may
-contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the
-further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain
-reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and
-efforts of others.
-For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation
-of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a
-Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright
-and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work
-and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her
-Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal
-effect of CC0 on those rights.
-1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
-protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
-Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited
-to, the following:
- i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate,
- and translate a Work;
- ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
- iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness
- depicted in a Work;
- iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
- subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
- v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in
- a Work;
- vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
- European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
- protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof,
- including any amended or successor version of such directive); and
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-2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of,
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-and Related Rights and associated claims and causes of action, whether now
-known or unknown (including existing as well as future claims and causes of
-action), in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum
-duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time
-extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of
-copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation
-commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes
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-any other legal or equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work
-by the public as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
-3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be
-judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver
-shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account
-Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver
-is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free,
-non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and
-unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in
-the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration
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-promotional purposes (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as
-of the date CC0 was applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the
-License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under
-applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not
-invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby
-affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining
-Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims
-and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to
-Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
-4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
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- discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
- c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
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-For more information, please see
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-# **Docs** #
-Documentation of MAME is work of many different contributors, and contain information about usage and internals of MAME.
-Licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)]( \ No newline at end of file
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-This file describes SDL-specific usage information about MAME. It is
-intended to cover aspects of using and configuring the program that are
-specific to running MAME from the command line on any system which is
-supported by SDL (including Windows).
-In addition to the keys described in config.txt, the following additional
-keys are defined for SDL-specific versions of MAME:
-Debugging options
- Outputs the error.log data to the stderr TTY channel (usually the
- command line window MAME was started in). This can be used at
- the same time as -log to output the log data to both targets as well.
- Default is OFF (-nooslog).
--watchdog <duration> / -wdog <duration>
- Enables an internal watchdog timer that will automatically kill the MAME
- process if more than <duration> seconds passes without a frame update.
- Keep in mind that some games sit for a while during load time without
- updating the screen, so <duration> should be long enough to cover that.
- 10-30 seconds on a modern system should be plenty in general. By default
- there is no watchdog.
-Performance options
--[no]multithreading / -[no]mt
- Enables multithreading for the final drawing operation. This can help
- performance on multicore/hyperthreaded systems with slow video cards,
- but may cause undesired behavior in some games.
- Note that some drivers in MAME and MESS will use multiple threads even
- when this is set to OFF, assuming -numprocessors allows it.
- The default is OFF (-nomultithreading).
--numprocessors <auto|value> / -np <auto|value>
- Specify the number of processors to use for work queues. Specifying
- "auto" will use the value reported by the system or environment
- variable OSDPROCESSORS. To avoid abuse, this value is internally limited
- to 4 times the number of processors reported by the system.
- The default is "auto".
- Enable output of benchmark data on the SDL video subsystem, including
- your system's video driver, X server (if applicable), and OpenGL stack
- in -video opengl mode.
--bench [n]
- Benchmark for [n] number of emulated seconds; implies the command string:
- -str [n] -video none -sound none -nothrottle. Default is OFF (-nobench)
-Video options
--video <soft|opengl|none>
- Specifies which video subsystem to use for drawing. The default for
- Mac OS X is 'opengl' because OS X is guaranteed to have a compliant
- OpenGL stack. The default on all other systems is 'soft'.
--numscreens <count>
- Tells MAME how many output windows to create. For most games, a single
- output window is all you need, but some games originally used multiple
- screens. Each screen (up to 4) has its own independent settings for
- physical monitor, aspect ratio, resolution, and view, which can be
- set using the options below. The default is 1. SDL currently has a
- limit of 1 with the expectation of increasing this when SDL 2.0 is
- released.
--[no]window / -[no]w
- Run MAME in either a window or full screen. The default is OFF
- (-nowindow).
--[no]maximize / -[no]max
- Controls initial window size in windowed mode. If it is set on, the
- window will initially be set to the maximum supported size when you
- start MAME. If it is turned off, the window will start out at the
- smallest supported size. This option only has an effect when the
- -window option is used. The default is ON (-maximize).
--[no]keepaspect / -[no]ka
- Enables aspect ratio enforcement. When this option is on, the game's
- proper aspect ratio (generally 4:3 or 3:4) is enforced, so you get the
- game looking like it should. When running in a window with this option
- on, you can only resize the window to the proper aspect ratio, unless
- you are holding down the CONTROL key. By turning the option off, the
- aspect ratio is allowed to float. In full screen mode, this means that
- all games will stretch to the full screen size (even vertical games).
- In window mode, it means that you can freely resize the window without
- any constraints. The default is ON (-keepaspect).
- Allow non-integer stretch factors allowing for great window sizing
- flexability. The default is ON. (-unevenstretch)
- Center horizontally within the view area. Default is ON (-centerh).
- Center vertically within the view area. Default is ON (-centerv).
- Waits for the refresh period on your computer's monitor to finish
- before starting to draw video to your screen. If this option is off,
- MAME will just draw to the screen at any old time, even in the middle
- of a refresh cycle. This can cause "tearing" artifacts, where the top
- portion of the screen is out of sync with the bottom portion. Tearing
- is not noticeable on all games, and some people hate it more than
- others. However, if you turn this option on, you will waste more of
- your CPU cycles waiting for the proper time to draw, so you will see a
- performance hit. You should only need to turn this on in windowed mode.
- In full screen mode, it is only needed if -triplebuffer does not
- remove the tearing, in which case you should use -notriplebuffer
- -waitvsync. Note that support for this option depends entirely on your
- operating system and video drivers; in general it will not work in
- windowed mode so -video opengl and fullscreen give the greatest chance
- of success.
- The default is OFF (-nowaitvsync).
- Enables speed throttling only to the refresh of your monitor. This
- means that the game's actual refresh rate is ignored; however, the
- sound code still attempts to keep up with the game's original refresh
- rate, so you may encounter sound problems. This option is intended
- mainly for those who have tweaked their video card's settings to
- provide carefully matched refresh rate options. Note that this option
- does not work with -video gdi mode.The default is OFF (-nosyncrefresh).
-Video soft-specific options
- Scale mode: none, async, yv12, yuy2, yv12x2, yuy2x2 (-video soft only)
- Default is 'none'.
-Video OpenGL-specific options
--[no]filter / -[no]flt
- Enable bilinear filtering on the game screen graphics. When disabled,
- point filtering is applied, which is crisper but leads to scaling
- artifacts. If you don't like the filtered look, you are probably better
- off increasing the -prescale value rather than turning off filtering
- altogether. The default is ON (-filter).
--prescale <amount>
- Controls the size of the screen images when they are passed off to the
- graphics system for scaling. At the minimum setting of 1, the screen
- is rendered at its original resolution before being scaled. At higher
- settings, the screen is expanded by a factor of <amount> before being
- scaled. This produces a less blurry image at the expense of some speed
- and also increases the effective resolution of non-screen elements such
- as artwork and fonts. The default is 1.
--[no]gl_forcepow2texture Always use only power-of-2 sized textures (default off)
--[no]gl_notexturerect Don't use OpenGL GL_ARB_texture_rectangle (default on)
--[no]gl_vbo Enable OpenGL VBO, if available (default on)
--[no]gl_pbo Enable OpenGL PBO, if available (default on)
- These 4 options are for compatibility in -video opengl. If you report
- rendering artifacts you may be asked to try messing with them by the
- devs, but normally they should be left at their defaults which results
- in the best possible video performance.
--gl_glsl Enable OpenGL GLSL, if available (default off)
--gl_glsl_filter Enable OpenGL GLSL filtering instead of FF filtering 0-plain,
- 1-bilinear (default)
--glsl_shader_mame0 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 0
--glsl_shader_mame1 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 1
--glsl_shader_mame2 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 2
--glsl_shader_mame3 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 3
--glsl_shader_mame4 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 4
--glsl_shader_mame5 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 5
--glsl_shader_mame6 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 6
--glsl_shader_mame7 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 7
--glsl_shader_mame8 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 8
--glsl_shader_mame9 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader set mame bitmap 9
--glsl_shader_screen0 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 0
--glsl_shader_screen1 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 1
--glsl_shader_screen2 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 2
--glsl_shader_screen3 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 3
--glsl_shader_screen4 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 4
--glsl_shader_screen5 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 5
--glsl_shader_screen6 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 6
--glsl_shader_screen7 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 7
--glsl_shader_screen8 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 8
--glsl_shader_screen9 Custom OpenGL GLSL shader screen bitmap 9
--gl_glsl_vid_attr Enable OpenGL GLSL handling of brightness and contrast.
- Better RGB game performance. Default is on.
-Per-window options
-NOTE: Multiple Screens are limited to 1 until SDL 2.0 is released.
--screen <display>
--screen0 <display>
--screen1 <display>
--screen2 <display>
--screen3 <display>
- Specifies which physical monitor on your system you wish to have each
- window use by default. In order to use multiple windows, you must have
- increased the value of the -numscreens option. The name of each
- display in your system can be determined by running MAME with the
- -verbose option. The display names are typically in the format of:
- \\.\DISPLAYn, where 'n' is a number from 1 to the number of connected
- monitors. The default value for these options is 'auto', which means
- that the first window is placed on the first display, the second
- window on the second display, etc.
- The -screen0, -screen1, -screen2, -screen3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -screen parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
--aspect <width:height> / -screen_aspect <num:den>
--aspect0 <width:height>
--aspect1 <width:height>
--aspect2 <width:height>
--aspect3 <width:height>
- Specifies the physical aspect ratio of the physical monitor for each
- window. In order to use multiple windows, you must have increased the
- value of the -numscreens option. The physical aspect ratio can be
- determined by measuring the width and height of the visible screen
- image and specifying them separated by a colon. The default value for
- these options is 'auto', which means that MAME assumes the aspect
- ratio is proportional to the number of pixels in the desktop video
- mode for each monitor.
- The -aspect0, -aspect1, -aspect2, -aspect3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -aspect parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
--resolution <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution0 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r0 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution1 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r1 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution2 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r2 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution3 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r3 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
- Specifies an exact resolution to run in. In full screen mode, MAME
- will try to use the specific resolution you request. The width and
- height are required; the refresh rate is optional. If omitted or
- set to 0, MAME will determine the mode auomatically. For example,
- -resolution 640x480 will force 640x480 resolution, but MAME is free to
- choose the refresh rate. Similarly, -resolution 0x0@60 will force a
- 60Hz refresh rate, but allows MAME to choose the resolution. The
- string "auto" is also supported, and is equivalent to 0x0@0. In window
- mode, this resolution is used as a maximum size for the window. This
- option requires the -switchres option as well in order to actually
- Enable resolution switching.
- The -resolution0, -resolution1, -resolution2, -resolution3 parameters
- apply to the specific window. The -resolution parameter applies to all
- windows. The window-specific options override values from the all
- window option.
--view <viewname>
--view0 <viewname>
--view1 <viewname>
--view2 <viewname>
--view3 <viewname>
- Specifies the initial view setting for each window. The <viewname>
- does not need to be a perfect match; rather, it will select the first
- view whose name matches all the characters specified by <viewname>.
- For example, -view native will match the "Native (15:14)" view even
- though it is not a perfect match. The value 'auto' is also supported,
- and requests that MAME perform a default selection. The default value
- for these options is 'auto'.
- The -view0, -view1, -view2, -view3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -view parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
-Full screen options
- Enables resolution switching. This option is required for the
- -resolution* options to switch resolutions in full screen mode. On
- modern video cards, there is little reason to switch resolutions unless
- you are trying to achieve the "exact" pixel resolutions of the original
- games, which requires significant tweaking. This option is also useful
- on LCD displays, since they run with a fixed resolution and switching
- resolutions on them is just silly.
- The default is OFF (-noswitchres).
-Sound options
--sound <sdl|none>
- Specifies which sound subsystem to use. 'none' disables sound altogether.
- The default is sdl.
--audio_latency <value>
- This controls the amount of latency built into the audio streaming. By
- default MAME tries to keep the audio buffer between 1/5 and 2/5 full.
- On some systems, this is pushing it too close to the edge, and you get
- poor sound sometimes. The latency parameter controls the lower threshold.
- The default is 2 (meaning lower=2/5 and upper=3/5). Set it to 3
- (-audio_latency 3) to keep the sound buffer between 3/5 and 4/5 full.
- If you crank it up to 4, you can definitely notice the lag.
-SDL Keyboard Mapping
--keymap Enable keymap. Default is OFF (-nokeymap)
--keymap_file Keymap Filename. Default is 'keymap.dat'.
--uimodekey Key to toggle keyboard mode. Default is 'SCRLOCK'
-SDL Joystick Mapping
--joy_idx1 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #1, default is auto.
--joy_idx2 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #2, default is auto.
--joy_idx3 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #3, default is auto.
--joy_idx4 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #4, default is auto.
--joy_idx5 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #5, default is auto.
--joy_idx6 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #6, default is auto.
--joy_idx7 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #7, default is auto.
--joy_idx8 Name of joystick mapped to joystick #8, default is auto.
--sixaxis Use special handling for PS3 Sixaxis controllers.
- Default is OFF (-nosixaxis)
-SDL Lowlevel driver options
--videodriver SDL video driver to use ('x11', 'directfb', ... or 'auto' for SDL default
--audiodriver SDL audio driver to use ('alsa', 'arts', ... or 'auto' for SDL default
--gl_lib Alternative to use; 'auto' for system default
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-This file describes general usage information about MAME. It is intended
-to cover aspects of using and configuring the program that are common
-across operating systems. For additional OS-specific options, please see
-the separate documentation for your particular version of MAME.
-Using the program
-The usual way to run MAME is by telling it to run a particular game:
- mame <gamename> [options]
-For example:
- mame robby -sound none
-...will run Robby Roto without sound. There are many, many options
-available. All commonly supported options are listed below. Options that
-are specific to one operating system or version of MAME will be listed
-in a separate document.
-An alternative way to run MAME is to give it a command:
- mame <command> [parameters]
-For example:
- mame -listsource gridlee
-...will print the name of the source file where the gridlee driver lives
-to the screen. There are just a handful of these commands in MAME. They
-are all listed below, just before the options list.
-Default Keys
-All the keys below are fully configurable in the user interface. This list
-shows the standard keyboard configuration.
-Tab Toggles the configuration menu.
-~ Toggles the On Screen Display. When the on-screen display is
- visible, you can use the following keys to control it:
- Up - select previous parameter to modify
- Down - select next parameter to modify
- Enter - reset parameter value to its default
- Left - decrease the value of the selected parameter
- Control+Left - decrease the value by 10x
- Shift+Left - decrease the value by 0.1x
- Alt+Left - decrease the value by the smallest amount
- Right - increase the value of the selected parameter
- Control+Right - increase the value by 10x
- Shift+Right - increase the value by 0.1x
- Alt+Right - increase the value by the smallest amount
- If you are running with -debug, this key send a 'break'
- in emulation.
-P Pauses the game.
-Shift+P While paused, advances to next frame.
-F2 Service Mode for games that support it.
-F3 Resets the game.
-Shift+F3 Performs a "hard reset", which tears everything down and re-
- creates it from scratch. This is a more thorough and complete
- reset than an F3.
-LCtrl+F3 [SDL ONLY]
- Toggle Uneven stretch.
-F4 Shows the game palette, decoded GFX, and any tilemaps. Use the
- Enter key to switch between the three modes (palette, graphics,
- and tilemaps). Press F4 again to turn off the display. The key
- controls in each mode vary slightly:
- * Palette/colortable mode:
- [ ] - switch between palette and colortable modes
- Up/Down - scroll up/down one line at a time
- Page Up/Page Down - scroll up/down one page at a time
- Home/End - move to top/bottom of list
- -/+ - increase/decrease the number of colors per row
- Enter - switch to graphics viewer
- * Graphics mode:
- [ ] - switch between different graphics sets
- Up/Down - scroll up/down one line at a time
- Page Up/Page Down - scroll up/down one page at a time
- Home/End - move to top/bottom of list
- Left/Right - change color displayed
- R - rotate tiles 90 degrees clockwise
- -/+ - increase/decrease the number of tiles per row
- Enter - switch to tilemap viewer
- * Tilemap mode:
- [ ] - switch between different tilemaps
- Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 8 pixels at a time
- Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 1 pixel at a time
- Control+Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 64 pixels at a time
- R - rotate tilemap view 90 degrees clockwise
- -/+ - increase/decrease the zoom factor
- Enter - switch to palette/colortable mode
- Note: Not all games have decoded graphics and/or tilemaps.
-LCtrl+F4 [SDL ONLY]
- Toggle Keepaspect ratio.
-LCtrl+F5 [SDL ONLY]
- Toggle Filter.
- Toggle HLSL Post-Processing.
-F6 Toggle cheat mode (if started with "-cheat").
-LCtrl+F6 Decrease Prescaling.
-F7 Load a save state. You will be requested to press a key to
- determine which save state you wish to load. Note that the save
- state feature is not supported for a large number of drivers. If
- support is not enabled for a given driver, you will receive a
- warning when attempting to save or load.
-LCtrl+F7 Increase Prescaling.
-Shift+F7 Create a save state. Requires an additional keypress to identify
- the state, similar to the load option above.
-F8 Decrease frame skip on the fly.
-F9 Increase frame skip on the fly.
-F10 Toggle speed throttling.
-F11 Toggles speed display.
-Shift+F11 Toggles internal profiler display (if compiled in).
-Alt+F11 Record HLSL Rendered Video.
-F12 Saves a screen snapshot.
-Alt+F12 Take HLSL Rendered Snapshot.
- Fast forward. While held, runs the game with throttling disabled
- and with the maximum frameskip.
-Alt+ENTER Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode.
-Scroll Lock Default mapping for the uimodekey. This key allows user to
- disable and enable the emulated keyboard in machines that require
- it. All emulations which require emulated keyboards will start in
- that mode and you can only access the internal UI (hitting TAB) by
- first hitting this key. You can change the initial status of the
- emulated keyboard is presented upon start by using -ui_active trigger
- as detailed below.
-Escape Exits emulator.
-Core commands
--help / -h / -?
- Displays current MAME version and copyright notice.
--validate / -valid
- Performs internal validation on every driver in the system. Run this
- before submitting changes to ensure that you haven't violated any of
- the core system rules.
-Configuration commands
--createconfig / -cc
- Creates the default mame.ini file. All the configuration options
- (not commands) described below can be permanently changed by editing
- this configuration file.
--showconfig / -sc
- Displays the current configuration settings. If you route this to a
- file, you can use it as an INI file. For example, the command:
- mame -showconfig >mame.ini
- is equivalent to -createconfig.
--showusage / -su
- Displays a summary of all the command line options. For options that
- are not mentioned here, the short summary given by "mame -showusage"
- is usually sufficient.
-Frontend commands
-Note: By default, all the '-list' commands below write info to the screen.
-If you wish to write the info to a textfile instead, add this to the end
-of your command:
- > filename
-...where 'filename' is the textfile's path and name
-(e.g., c:\mame\list.txt).
--listxml / -lx [<gamename|wildcard>]
- List comprehensive details for all of the supported games. The output
- is quite long, so it is usually better to redirect this into a file.
- The output is in XML format. By default all games are listed; however,
- you can limit this list by specifying a driver name or wildcard after
- the -listxml command.
--listfull / -ll [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of game driver names and descriptions. By default all
- games are listed; however, you can limit this list by specifying a
- driver name or wildcard after the -listfull command.
--listsource / -ls [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of drivers and the names of the source files their
- game drivers live in. Useful for finding which driver a game runs on
- in order to fix bugs. By default all games are listed; however, you
- can limit this list by specifying a driver name or wildcard after
- the -listsource command.
--listclones / -lc [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of clones. By default all clones are listed; however,
- you can limit this list by specifying a driver name or wildcard after
- the -listsource command.
--listbrothers / -lb [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of 'brothers', or rather, other sets which are located
- in the same sourcefile as the gamename searched for.
--listcrc [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a full list of CRCs of all ROM images referenced by all
- drivers within MAME.
--listroms [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of ROM images referenced by the specified game.
--listsamples [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of samples referenced by the specified game.
--verifyroms [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Checks for invalid or missing ROM images. By default all drivers that
- have valid ZIP files or directories in the rompath are verified;
- however, you can limit this list by specifying a driver name or
- wildcard after the -verifyroms command.
--verifysamples [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Checks for invalid or missing samples. By default all drivers that
- have valid ZIP files or directories in the samplepath are verified;
- however, you can limit this list by specifying a driver name or
- wildcard after the -verifyroms command.
--romident [path\to\]
- Attempts to identify ROM files, if they are known to MAME, in the
- specified .zip file or directory. This command can be used to try and
- identify ROM sets taken from unknown boards. On exit, the errorlevel
- is returned as one of the following:
- 0: means all files were identified
- 7: means all files were identified except for 1 or more "non-ROM"
- files
- 8: means some files were identified
- 9: means no files were identified
--listdevices / -ld [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Displays a list of all devices known to be hooked up to a game. The ":"
- is considered the game itself with the devices list being attached to give
- the user a better understanding of what the emulation is using.
--listslots [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Show available slots and options for each slot (if available). Primarily
- used for MESS to allow control over internal plug-in cards, much like PC's
- needing video, sound and other cards.
--listmedia / -lm [<gamename|wildcard>]
- List available media that the chosen game or system allows to be used. This
- includes media types (cartridge, cassette, diskette and more) as well as
- common file extentions which are supported.
--listsoftware [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Posts to screen all software lists which can be used by the entered gamename
- or system. Notice, this is simply a copy/paste of the .XML file which reside
- in the HASH folder which are allowed to be used.
--verifysoftware [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Checks for invalid or missing ROM images in your software lists. By default
- all drivers that have valid ZIP files or directories in the rompath are verified;
- however, you can limit this list by specifying a specific driver name or wildcard
- after the -verifysoftware command.
--getsoftlist [<gamename|wildcard>]
- Posts to screen a specific software list which matches with the gamename
- provided.
--verifysoftlist [softwarelistname]
- Checks a specified software list for missing ROM images if files exist for issued
- softwarelistname. By default, all drivers that have valid ZIP files or directories
- in the rompath are verified; however, you can limit this list by specifying a
- specific softwarelistname (without .XML) after the -verifysoftlist command.
-OSD related options
--uimodekey [keystring]
- Key used to toggle emulated keyboard on and off. Default setting is SCRLOCK.
- Chooses provider for UI font: win, none or auto. The Default setting is AUTO.
-OSD CLI options
- Create a list of available MIDI I/O devices for use with emulation.
- Create a list of available Network Adapters for use with emulation.
-Configuration options
--[no]readconfig / -[no]rc
- Enables or disables the reading of the config files. When enabled
- (which is the default), MAME reads the following config files in order:
- - mame.ini
- - <mymame>.ini (i.e. if MAME was renamed mame060.exe, MAME
- parses mame060.ini here)
- - debug.ini (if the debugger is enabled)
- - <driver>.ini (based on the source filename of the driver)
- - vertical.ini (for games with vertical monitor orientation)
- - horizont.ini (for games with horizontal monitor orientation)
- - arcade.ini (for games in source added with GAME() macro)
- - console.ini (for games in source added with CONS() macro)
- - computer.ini (for games in source added with COMP() macro)
- - othersys.ini (for games in source added with SYST() macro)
- - vector.ini (for vector games only)
- - <parent>.ini (for clones only, may be called recursively)
- - <gamename>.ini
- The settings in the later ini's override those in the earlier ini's.
- So, for example, if you wanted to disable overlay effects in the
- vector games, you can create a vector.ini with the "effect none" line
- in it, and it will override whatever effect value you have in your
- mame.ini. The default is ON (-readconfig).
-Core search path options
--rompath / -rp <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find ROM or hard disk images.
- Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons.
- The default is 'roms' (that is, a directory "roms" in the same directory
- as the MAME executable).
--hashpath <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find Software List HASH files.
- Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons.
- The default is 'hash' (that is, a directory "roms" in the same directory
- as the MAME executable).
--samplepath / -sp <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find sample files. Multiple
- paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The default
- is 'samples' (that is, a directory "samples" in the same directory as
- the MAME executable).
--artpath <path> / -artwork_directory <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find artwork files. Multiple
- paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The default
- is 'artwork' (that is, a directory "artwork" in the same directory as
- the MAME executable).
--ctrlrpath / -ctrlr_directory <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find controller-specific
- configuration files. Multiple paths can be specified by separating
- them with semicolons. The default is 'ctrlr' (that is, a directory
- "ctrlr" in the same directory as the MAME executable).
--inipath <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find .INI files. Multiple
- paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The default
- is '.;ini' (that is, search in the current directory first, and then
- in the directory "ini" in the same directory as the MAME executable).
--fontpath <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find .BDF font files. Multiple
- paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The default
- is '.' (that is, search in the same directory as the MAME executable).
--cheatpath <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find .XML cheat files.
- Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The
- default is 'cheat' (that is, a folder called 'cheat' located in the same
- directory as the as the MAME executable).
--crosshairpath <path>
- Specifies a list of paths within which to find crosshair files. Multiple
- paths can be specified by separating them with semicolons. The default
- is 'crsshair' (that is, a directory "crsshair" in the same directory as
- the MAME executable). If the Crosshair is set to default in the menu,
- MAME will look for gamename\cross#.png and then cross#.png in the
- specified crsshairpath, where # is the player number. Failing that,
- MAME will use built-in default crosshairs.
-Core Output Directory Options
--cfg_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where configuration files are stored.
- Configuration files store user configurable settings that are read at
- startup and written when MAME exits. The default is 'cfg' (that is,
- a directory "cfg" in the same directory as the MAME executable). If
- this directory does not exist, it will be automatically created.
--nvram_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where NVRAM files are stored. NVRAM files
- store the contents of EEPROM and non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) for games
- which used this type of hardware. This data is read at startup and
- written when MAME exits. The default is 'nvram' (that is, a directory
- "nvram" in the same directory as the MAME executable). If this
- directory does not exist, it will be automatically created.
--input_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where input recording files are stored.
- Input recordings are created via the -record option and played back
- via the -playback option. The default is 'inp' (that is, a directory
- "inp" in the same directory as the MAME executable). If this directory
- does not exist, it will be automatically created.
--state_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where save state files are stored. Save
- state files are read and written either upon user request, or when
- using the -autosave option. The default is 'sta' (that is, a directory
- "sta" in the same directory as the MAME executable). If this directory
- does not exist, it will be automatically created.
--snapshot_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where screen snapshots are stored, when
- requested by the user. The default is 'snap' (that is, a directory
- "snap" in the same directory as the MAME executable). If this
- directory does not exist, it will be automatically created.
--diff_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where hard drive differencing files are
- stored. Hard drive differencing files store any data that is written
- back to a hard disk image, in order to preserve the original image.
- The differencing files are created at startup when a game with a hard
- disk image. The default is 'diff' (that is, a directory "diff" in the
- same directory as the MAME executable). If this directory does not
- exist, it will be automatically created.
--comment_directory <path>
- Specifies a single directory where debugger comment files are stored.
- Debugger comment files are written by the debugger when comments are
- added to the disassembly for a game. The default is 'comments' (that
- is, a directory "comments" in the same directory as the MAME
- executable). If this directory does not exist, it will be
- automatically created.
-Core state/playback options
--state <slot>
- Immediately after starting the specified game, will cause the save
- state in the specified <slot> to be loaded.
- When enabled, automatically creates a save state file when exiting
- MAME and automatically attempts to reload it when later starting MAME
- with the same game. This only works for games that have explicitly
- enabled save state support in their driver. The default is OFF
- (-noautosave).
--playback / -pb <filename>
- Specifies a file from which to play back a series of game inputs. This
- feature does not work reliably for all games, but can be used to watch
- a previously recorded game session from start to finish. In order to
- make things consistent, you should only record and playback with all
- configuration (.cfg), NVRAM (.nv), and memory card files deleted. The
- default is NULL (no playback).
--record / -rec <filename>
- Specifies a file to record all input from a game session. This can be
- used to record a game session for later playback. This feature does
- not work reliably for all games, but can be used to watch a previously
- recorded game session from start to finish. In order to make things
- consistent, you should only record and playback with all configuration
- (.cfg), NVRAM (.nv), and memory card files deleted. The default is
- NULL (no recording).
--mngwrite <filename>
- Writes each video frame to the given <filename> in MNG format,
- producing an animation of the game session. Note that -mngwrite only
- writes video frames; it does not save any audio data. Use -wavwrite
- for that, and reassemble the audio/video using offline tools. The
- default is NULL (no recording).
--aviwrite <filename>
- Stream video and sound data to the given <filename> in AVI format,
- producing an animation of the game session complete with sound. The
- default is NULL (no recording).
--wavwrite <filename>
- Writes the final mixer output to the given <filename> in WAV format,
- producing an audio recording of the game session. The default is
- NULL (no recording).
--snapname <name>
- Describes how MAME should name files for snapshots. <name> is a string
- that provides a template that is used to generate a filename. Three
- simple substitutions are provided: the / character represents the
- path separator on any target platform (even Windows); the string %g
- represents the driver name of the current game; and the string %i
- represents an incrementing index. If %i is omitted, then each
- snapshot taken will overwrite the previous one; otherwise, MAME will
- find the next empty value for %i and use that for a filename. The
- default is %g/%i, which creates a separate folder for each game,
- and names the snapshots under it starting with 0000 and increasing
- from there. In addition to the above, for drivers using different
- media, like carts or floppy disks, you can also use the %d_[media]
- indicator. Replace [media] with the media switch you want to use.
- A few examples: if you use 'mame robby -snapname foo/%g%i' snapshots
- will be saved as 'snaps\foo\robby0000.png' , 'snaps\foo\robby0001.png'
- and so on ; if you use 'mess nes -cart robby -snapname %g/%d_cart'
- snapshots will be saved as 'snaps\nes\robby.png' ; if you use
- 'mess c64 -flop1 robby -snapname %g/%d_flop1/%i' snapshots will be
- saved as 'snaps\c64\robby\0000.png'.
--snapsize <width>x<height>
- Hard-codes the size for snapshots and movie recording. By default,
- MAME will create snapshots at the game's current resolution in raw
- pixels, and will create movies at the game's starting resolution in
- raw pixels. If you specify this option, then MAME will create both
- snapshots and movies at the size specified, and will bilinear filter
- the result. Note that this size does not automatically rotate if the
- game is vertically oriented. The default is 'auto'.
--snapview <viewname>
- Specifies the view to use when rendering snapshots and movies. By
- default, both use a special 'internal' view, which renders a separate
- snapshot per screen or renders movies only of the first screen. By
- specifying this option, you can override this default behavior and
- select a single view that will apply to all snapshots and movies.
- Note that <viewname> does not need to be a perfect match; rather, it
- will select the first view whose name matches all the characters
- specified by <viewname>. For example, -snapview native will match the
- "Native (15:14)" view even though it is not a perfect match.
- <viewname> can also be 'auto', which selects the first view with all
- screens present. The default value is 'internal'.
- Specify if the snapshot or movie should have bilinear filtering
- applied. Shutting this off can make a difference in some performance
- while recording video to a file. The default is ON (-snapbilinear).
--statename <name>
- Describes how MAME should store save state files, relative to the
- state_directory path. <name> is a string that provides a template that
- is used to generate a relative path. Two simple substitutions are
- provided: the / character represents the path separator on any target
- platform (even Windows); the string %g represents the driver name of
- the current game. The default is %g, which creates a separate folder for
- each game. In addition to the above, for drivers using different
- media, like carts or floppy disks, you can also use the %d_[media]
- indicator. Replace [media] with the media switch you want to use.
- A few examples: if you use 'mame robby -statename foo/%g' save states
- will be stored inside 'sta\foo\robby\' ; if you use 'mess nes -cart
- robby -statename %g/%d_cart' save states will be stored inside
- 'sta\nes\robby\' ; if you use 'mess c64 -flop1 robby -statename
- %g/%d_flop1' save states will be stored inside 'sta\c64\robby\'.
- Tracks brightness of the screen during play and at the end of
- emulation generates a PNG that can be used to simulate burn-in
- effects on other games. The resulting PNG is created such that the
- least used-areas of the screen are fully white (since burned-in areas
- are darker, all other areas of the screen must be lightened a touch).
- The intention is that this PNG can be loaded via an artwork file with
- a low alpha (e.g, 0.1-0.2 seems to work well) and blended over the
- entire screen. The PNG files are saved in the snap directory under
- the gamename/burnin-<>.png. The default is OFF (-noburnin).
-Core performance options
--[no]autoframeskip / -[no]afs
- Automatically determines the frameskip level while you're playing the
- game, adjusting it constantly in a frantic attempt to keep the game
- running at full speed. Turning this on overrides the value you have
- set for -frameskip below. The default is OFF (-noautoframeskip).
--frameskip / -fs <level>
- Specifies the frameskip value. This is the number of frames out of
- every 12 to drop when running. For example, if you say -frameskip 2,
- then MAME will display 10 out of every 12 frames. By skipping those
- frames, you may be able to get full speed in a game that requires more
- horsepower than your computer has. The default value is -frameskip 0,
- which skips no frames.
--seconds_to_run / -str <seconds>
- This option can be used for benchmarking and automated testing. It tells
- MAME to stop execution after a fixed number of seconds. By combining
- this with a fixed set of other command line options, you can set up a
- consistent environment for benchmarking MAME performance. In addition,
- upon exit, the -str option will write a screenshot called final.png
- to the game's snapshot directory.
- Configures the default thottling setting. When throttling is on, MAME
- attempts to keep the game running at the game's intended speed. When
- throttling is off, MAME runs the game as fast as it can. Note that the
- fastest speed is more often than not limited by your graphics card,
- especially for older games. The default is ON (-throttle).
- Allows MAME to give time back to the system when running with -throttle.
- This allows other programs to have some CPU time, assuming that the
- game isn't taxing 100% of your CPU resources. This option can
- potentially cause hiccups in performance if other demanding programs
- are running. The default is ON (-sleep).
--speed <factor>
- Changes the way MAME throttles gameplay such that the game runs at some
- multiplier of the original speed. A <factor> of 1.0 means to run the
- game at its normal speed. A <factor> of 0.5 means run at half speed,
- and a <factor> of 2.0 means run at 2x speed. Note that changing this
- value affects sound playback as well, which will scale in pitch
- accordingly. The internal resolution of the fraction is two decimal
- places, so a value of 1.002 is the same as 1.0. The default is 1.0.
--[no]refreshspeed / -[no]rs
- Allows MAME to dynamically adjust the gameplay speed such that it does
- not exceed the slowest refresh rate for any targeted monitors in your
- system. Thus, if you have a 60Hz monitor and run a game that is
- actually designed to run at 60.6Hz, MAME will dynamically change the
- speed down to 99% in order to prevent sound hiccups or other
- undesirable side effects of running at a slower refresh rate. The
- default is OFF (-norefreshspeed).
-Core rotation options
- Rotate the game to match its normal state (horizontal/vertical). This
- ensures that both vertically and horizontally oriented games show up
- correctly without the need to rotate your monitor. If you want to keep
- the game displaying 'raw' on the screen the way it would have in the
- arcade, turn this option OFF. The default is ON (-rotate).
- Rotate the game screen to the right (clockwise) or left (counter-
- clockwise) relative to either its normal state (if -rotate is
- specified) or its native state (if -norotate is specified). The
- default for both of these options is OFF (-noror -norol).
- These options are designed for use with pivoting screens that only
- pivot in a single direction. If your screen only pivots clockwise,
- use -autorol to ensure that the game will fill the screen either
- horizontally or vertically in one of the directions you can handle.
- If your screen only pivots counter-clockwise, use -autoror.
- Flip (mirror) the game screen either horizontally (-flipx) or
- vertically (-flipy). The flips are applied after the -rotate and
- -ror/-rol options are applied. The default for both of these options
- is OFF (-noflipx -noflipy).
-Core artwork options
--[no]artwork_crop / -[no]artcrop
- Enable cropping of artwork to the game screen area only. This works
- best with -video gdi or -video d3d, and means that vertically oriented
- games running full screen can display their artwork to the left and
- right sides of the screen. This does not work with -video ddraw
- because of the way the game screens are rendered and scaled after the
- fact. This option can also be controlled via the Video Options menu in
- the user interface. The default is OFF (-noartwork_crop).
--[no]use_backdrops / -[no]backdrop
- Enables/disables the display of backdrops. The default is ON
- (-use_backdrops).
--[no]use_overlays / -[no]overlay
- Enables/disables the display of overlays. The default is ON
- (-use_overlays).
--[no]use_bezels / -[no]bezels
- Enables/disables the display of bezels. The default is ON
- (-use_bezels).
--[no]use_cpanels / -[no]cpanels
- Enables/disables the display of control panels. The default is ON
- (-use_cpanels).
--[no]use_marquees / -[no]marquees
- Enables/disables the display of marquees. The default is ON
- (-use_marquees).
-Core screen options
--brightness <value>
- Controls the default brightness, or black level, of the game screens.
- This option does not affect the artwork or other parts of the display.
- Using the MAME UI, you can individually set the brightness for each
- game screen; this option controls the initial value for all visible
- game screens. The standard value is 1.0. Selecting lower values (down
- to 0.1) will produce a darkened display, while selecting higher values
- (up to 2.0) will give a brighter display. The default is 1.0.
--contrast <value>
- Controls the contrast, or white level, of the game screens. This
- option does not affect the artwork or other parts of the display.
- Using the MAME UI, you can individually set the contrast for each
- game screen; this option controls the initial value for all visible
- game screens. The standard value is 1.0. Selecting lower values (down
- to 0.1) will produce a dimmer display, while selecting higher values
- (up to 2.0) will give a more saturated display. The default is 1.0.
--gamma <value>
- Controls the gamma, which produces a potentially nonlinear black to
- white ramp, for the game screens. This option does not affect the
- artwork or other parts of the display. Using the MAME UI, you can
- individually set the gamma for each game screen; this option controls
- the initial value for all visible game screens. The standard value is
- 1.0, which gives a linear ramp from black to white. Selecting lower
- values (down to 0.1) will increase the nonlinearity toward black,
- while selecting higher values (up to 3.0) will push the nonlinearity
- toward white. The default is 1.0.
--pause_brightness <value>
- This controls the brightness level when MAME is paused. The default
- value is 0.65.
--effect <filename>
- Specifies a single PNG file that is used as an overlay over any game
- screens in the video display. This PNG file is assumed to live in the
- root of one of the artpath directories. The pattern in the PNG file is
- repeated both horizontally and vertically to cover the entire game
- screen areas (but not any external artwork), and is rendered at
- the target resolution of the game image. For -video gdi and -video d3d
- modes, this means that one pixel in the PNG will map to one pixel on
- your output display. For -video ddraw, this means that one pixel in the
- PNG will map to one pixel in the prescaled game screen. If you wish to
- use an effect that requires mapping n PNG pixels to each game screen
- pixel with -video ddraw, you need to specify a -prescale factor of n as
- well. The RGB values of each pixel in the PNG are multiplied against the
- RGB values of the target screen. The default is 'none', meaning no
- effect.
-Core vector options
--beam_width_min <value>
--beam_width_max <value>
- Sets the minimum and maximum width of the vectors. This is a scaling factor
- against the standard vector width, which is interpolated between minimum and
- maximum according to the beam's intensity. A value of 1.0 will keep the default
- vector line width. Smaller values will reduce the width, and larger values
- will increase the width. The default is 1.0.
--beam_intensity_weight <value>
- Applies an exponential weight to the minimum and maximum beam width. For positive
- values the interpolated scaling factor will affect lines with higher intensity
- more than lines with lower intensity. The default is 0.0.
--flicker <value>
- Simulates a vector "flicker" effect, similar to a vector monitor that
- needs adjustment. This option requires a float argument in the range
- of 0.00 - 100.00 (0=none, 100=maximum). The default is 0.
-Core sound options
--samplerate <value> / -sr <value>
- Sets the audio sample rate. Smaller values (e.g. 11025) cause lower
- audio quality but faster emulation speed. Higher values (e.g. 48000)
- cause higher audio quality but slower emulation speed. The default is
- 48000.
- Use samples if available. The default is ON (-samples).
--volume / -vol <value>
- Sets the startup volume. It can later be changed with the user
- interface (see Keys section). The volume is an attenuation in dB:
- e.g., "-volume -12" will start with -12dB attenuation. The default
- is 0.
-Core input options
--[no]coin_lockout / -[no]coinlock
- Enables simulation of the "coin lockout" feature that is implmeneted
- on a number of game PCBs. It was up to the operator whether or not
- the coin lockout outputs were actually connected to the coin
- mechanisms. If this feature is enabled, then attempts to enter a coin
- while the lockout is active will fail and will display a popup message
- in the user interface (In debug mode). If this feature is disabled, the
- coin lockout signal will be ignored. The default is ON (-coin_lockout).
--ctrlr <controller>
- Enables support for special controllers. Configuration files are
- loaded from the ctrlrpath. They are in the same format as the .cfg
- files that are saved, but only control configuration data is read
- from the file. The default is NULL (no controller file).
- Controls whether or not MAME makes use of mouse controllers. When
- this is enabled, you will likely be unable to use your mouse for other
- purposes until you exit or pause the game. The default is OFF
- (-nomouse).
--[no]joystick / -[no]joy
- Controls whether or not MAME makes use of joystick/gamepad controllers.
- When this is enabled, MAME will ask DirectInput about which
- controllers are connected. The default is OFF (-nojoystick).
--[no]lightgun / -[no]gun
- Controls whether or not MAME makes use of lightgun controllers.
- Note that most lightguns map to the mouse, so using -lightgun and
- -mouse together may produce strange results. The default is OFF
- (-nolightgun).
--[no]multikeyboard / -[no]multikey
- Determines whether MAME differentiates between multiple keyboards.
- Some systems may report more than one keyboard; by default, the data
- from all of these keyboards is combined so that it looks like a single
- keyboard. Turning this option on will enable MAME to report keypresses
- on different keyboards independently. The default is OFF
- (-nomultikeyboard).
- Determines whether MAME differentiates between multiple mice. Some
- systems may report more than one mouse device; by default, the data
- from all of these mice is combined so that it looks like a single
- mouse. Turning this option on will enable MAME to report mouse
- movement and button presses on different mice independently. The
- default is OFF (-nomultimouse).
--[no]steadykey / -[no]steady
- Some games require two or more buttons to be pressed at exactly the
- same time to make special moves. Due to limitations in the keyboard
- hardware, it can be difficult or even impossible to accomplish that
- using the standard keyboard handling. This option selects a different
- handling that makes it easier to register simultaneous button presses,
- but has the disadvantage of making controls less responsive. The
- default is OFF (-nosteadykey)
- Enable user interface on top of emulated keyboard (if present). The
- default if OFF (-noui_active)
--[no]offscreen_reload / -[no]reload
- Controls whether or not MAME treats a second button input from a
- lightgun as a reload signal. In this case, MAME will report the gun's
- position as (0,MAX) with the trigger held, which is equivalent to an
- offscreen reload. This is only needed for games that required you to
- shoot offscreen to reload, and then only if your gun does not support
- off screen reloads. The default is OFF (-nooffscreen_reload).
--joystick_map <map> / -joymap <map>
- Controls how joystick values map to digital joystick controls. MAME
- accepts all joystick input from the system as analog data. For true
- analog joysticks, this needs to be mapped down to the usual 4-way or
- 8-way digital joystick values. To do this, MAME divides the analog
- range into a 9x9 grid. It then takes the joystick axis position (for
- X and Y axes only), maps it to this grid, and then looks up a
- translation from a joystick map. This parameter allows you to specify
- the map. The default is 'auto', which means that a standard 8-way,
- 4-way, or 4-way diagonal map is selected automatically based on the
- input port configuration of the current game.
- Maps are defined as a string of numbers and characters. Since the grid
- is 9x9, there are a total of 81 characters necessary to define a
- complete map. Below is an example map for an 8-way joystick:
- 777888999 Note that the numeric digits correspond to the keys
- 777888999 on a numeric keypad. So '7' maps to up+left, '4' maps
- 777888999 to left, '5' maps to neutral, etc. In addition to the
- 444555666 numeric values, you can specify the character 's',
- 444555666 which means "sticky". In this case, the value of the
- 444555666 map is the same as it was the last time a non-sticky
- 111222333 value was read.
- 111222333
- 111222333
- To specify the map for this parameter, you can specify a string of
- rows separated by a '.' (which indicates the end of a row), like so:
- 777888999.777888999.777888999.444555666.444555666.444555666.
- 111222333.111222333.111222333
- However, this can be reduced using several shorthands supported by the
- <map> parameter. If information about a row is missing, then it is
- assumed that any missing data in columns 5-9 are left/right symmetric
- with data in columns 0-4; and any missing data in colums 0-4 is
- assumed to be copies of the previous data. The same logic applies to
- missing rows, except that up/down symmetry is assumed.
- By using these shorthands, the 81 character map can be simply
- specified by this 11 character string: 7778...4445
- Looking at the first row, 7778 is only 4 characters long. The 5th
- entry can't use symmetry, so it is assumed to be equal to the previous
- character '8'. The 6th character is left/right symmetric with the 4th
- character, giving an '8'. The 7th character is left/right symmetric
- with the 3rd character, giving a '9' (which is '7' with left/right
- flipped). Eventually this gives the full 777888999 string of the row.
- The second and third rows are missing, so they are assumed to be
- identical to the first row. The fourth row decodes similarly to the
- first row, producing 444555666. The fifth row is missing so it is
- assumed to be the same as the fourth.
- The remaining three rows are also missing, so they are assumed to be
- the up/down mirrors of the first three rows, giving three final rows
- of 111222333.
--joystick_deadzone <value> / -joy_deadzone <value> / -jdz <value>
- If you play with an analog joystick, the center can drift a little.
- joystick_deadzone tells how far along an axis you must move before the
- axis starts to change. This option expects a float in the range of
- 0.0 to 1.0. Where 0 is the center of the joystick and 1 is the outer
- limit. The default is 0.3.
--joystick_saturation <value> / joy_saturation <value> / -jsat <value>
- If you play with an analog joystick, the ends can drift a little,
- and may not match in the +/- directions. joystick_saturation tells how
- far along an axis movement change will be accepted before it reaches
- the maximum range. This option expects a float in the range of 0.0 to
- 1.0, where 0 is the center of the joystick and 1 is the outer limit.
- The default is 0.85.
- Allows user to specify whether or not to use a natural keyboard or not.
- This allows you to start your game or system in a 'native' mode, depending
- on your region, allowing compatability for non-"QWERTY" style keyboards.
- The default is OFF (-nonatrual)
- Enable contradictory direction digital joystick input at the same time
- such as Left and Right or Up and Down at the same time. The default
- is OFF (-nojoystick_contradictory)
--coin_impulse [n]
- Set coin impulse time based on n (n<0 disable impulse, n==0 obey driver,
- 0<n set time n). Default is 0.
-Core input automatic enable options
--paddle_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a paddle control is present
--adstick_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if an analog joystick control is present
--pedal_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a pedal control is present
--dial_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a dial control is present
--trackball_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a trackball control is present
--lightgun_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a lightgun control is present
--positional_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a positional control is present
--mouse_device enable (none|keyboard|mouse|lightgun|joystick) if a mouse control is present
- Each of these options controls autoenabling the mouse, joystick, or
- lightgun depending on the presence of a particular class of analog
- control for a particular game. For example, if you specify the option
- -paddle mouse, then any game that has a paddle control will
- automatically enable mouse controls just as if you had explicitly
- specified -mouse. Note that these controls override the values of
- -[no]mouse, -[no]joystick, etc.
-Debugging options
--[no]verbose / -[no]v
- Displays internal diagnostic information. This information is very
- useful for debugging problems with your configuration. IMPORTANT: when
- reporting bugs, please run with mame -verbose and include the
- resulting information. The default is OFF (-noverbose).
- Output error.log data to the system debugger. The default is OFF
- (-nooslog).
- Creates a file called error.log which contains all of the internal
- log messages generated by the MAME core and game drivers. The default
- is OFF (-nolog).
- Activates the integrated debugger. By default, the debugger is entered
- by pressing the tilde (~) key during emulation. It is also entered
- immediately at startup. The default is OFF (-nodebug).
--debugscript <filename>
- Specifies a file that contains a list of debugger commands to execute
- immediately upon startup. The default is NULL (no commands).
- Enables updating of the main screen bitmap while the game is paused.
- This means that the VIDEO_UPDATE callback will be called repeatedly
- during pause, which can be useful for debugging. The default is OFF
- (-noupdate_in_pause).
-Core communication options
--comm_localhost <string>
- Local address to bind to. This can be a traditional
- address or a string containing a resolvable hostname. The default is
- value is ""
--comm_localport <string>
- Local port to bind to. This can be any traditional communications port
- as an unsigned 16-bit integer (0-65535). The default value is "15122".
--comm_remotehost <string>
- Remote address to connect to. This can be a traditional
- address or a string containing a resolvable hostname. The default is
- value is ""
--comm_remoteport <string>
- Remote port to connect to. This can be any traditional communications port
- as an unsigned 16-bit integer (0-65535). The default value is "15122".
-Core misc options
- Enable DRC cpu core if available. The default is ON (-drc).
- Force DRC use the C code backend. The default is OFF
- (-nodrc_use_c).
- Write DRC UML disassembly log. The default is OFF
- (-nodrc_log_uml).
- write DRC native disassembly log. The default is OFF
- (-nodrc_log_native).
--bios <biosname>
- Specifies the specific BIOS to use with the current game, for game
- systems that make use of a BIOS. The -listxml output will list all of
- the possible BIOS names for a game. The default is 'default'.
--[no]cheat / -[no]c
- Enables the reading of the cheat database, if present, and the Cheat
- menu in the user interface. The default is OFF (-nocheat).
- Forces MAME to skip displaying the game info screen. The default is
- OFF (-noskip_gameinfo).
--uifont <fontname>
- Specifies the name of a font file to use for the UI font. If this font
- cannot be found or cannot be loaded, the system will fall back to its
- built-in UI font. On some platforms 'fontname' can be a system font
- name (TTF) instead of a (BDF) font file. The default is 'default' (use
- the OSD-determined default font).
--ramsize [n]
- Allows you to change the default RAM size (if supported by driver).
- Display a Confirm Quit dialong to screen on exit, requiring one extra
- step to exit MAME. The default is OFF (-noconfirm_quit).
- Displays a mouse cursor when using the built-in UI for MAME. The default
- is (-noui_mouse).
--autoboot_command "<command>"
- Command string to execute after machine boot (in quotes " "). To issue
- a quote to the emulation, use """ in the string. Using \n will issue a
- create a new line, issuing what was typed prior as a command.
- Example: -autoboot_command "load """$""",8,1\n"
--autoboot_delay [n]
- Timer delay (in seconds) to trigger command execution on autoboot.
--autoboot_script / -script [filename.lua]
- File containing scripting to execute after machine boot.
diff --git a/docs/emscripten.txt b/docs/emscripten.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc8bd5ad48..00000000000
--- a/docs/emscripten.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Compiling MAME to JavaScript via Emscripten
-First, download and install Emscripten by following the instructions at the
-official site:
-Once Emscripten has been installed, it should be possible to compile MAME
-out-of-the-box using Emscripten's 'emmake' tool. Because a full MAME compile is
-too large to load into a web browser at once, you will want to use the SOURCES
-parameter to compile only a subset of the project, e.g. (in the mame directory):
-emmake make SUBTARGET=pacmantest SOURCES=src/mame/drivers/pacman.cpp
-The SOURCES parameter should have the path to at least one driver .cpp file.
-The make process will attempt to locate and include all dependencies necessary
-to produce a complete build including the specified driver(s). However,
-sometimes it is necessary to manually specify additional files (using commas) if
-this process misses something. E.g.:
-emmake make SUBTARGET=apple2e SOURCES=src/mame/drivers/apple2e.cpp,src/mame/machine/applefdc.cpp
-The value of the SUBTARGET parameter serves only to differentiate multiple
-builds and need not be set to any specific value.
-Other make parameters can also be used, e.g. -j for multithreaded compilation.
-When the compilation reaches the emcc phase, you may see a number of "unresolved
-symbol" warnings. At the moment, this is expected for OpenGL-related functions
-such as glPointSize. Any others may indicate that an additional dependency file
-needs to be specified in the SOURCES list. Unfortunately this process is not
-automated and you will need to search the source tree to locate the files
-supplying the missing symbols. You may also be able to get away with ignoring
-the warnings if the code path referencing them is not used at run-time.
-If all goes well, a .js file will be output to the current directory. This file
-cannot be run by itself, but requires an HTML loader to provide it with a canvas
-to output to and pass in command-line parameters. The Emularity project provides
-such a loader:
-There are example .html files in that repository which can be edited to point
-to your newly compiled MAME js filename and pass in whatever parameters you
-desire. You will then need to place all of the following on a web server:
-* The compiled MAME .js file
-* The .js files from the Emularity package (loader.js, browserfs.js, etc.)
-* A .zip file with the ROMs for the MAME driver you would like to run (if any)
-* Any software files you would like to run with the MAME driver
-* An Emularity loader .html modified to point to all of the above
-You need to use a web server instead of opening the local files directly due to
-security restrictions in modern web browsers.
-If the result fails to run, you can open the Web Console in your browser to see
-any error output which may have been produced (e.g. missing or incorrect ROM
-files). A "ReferenceError: foo is not defined" error most likely indicates that
-a needed source file was omitted from the SOURCES list.
diff --git a/docs/floppy.txt b/docs/floppy.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc2331d4f6..00000000000
--- a/docs/floppy.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
-The new floppy subsystem
- 1. Introduction
-The new floppy subsystem aims at emulating the behaviour of floppies
-and floppy controllers at a level low enough that protections work as
-a matter of course. It reaches its goal by following the real
-hardware configuration:
-- a floppy image class keeps in memory the magnetic state of the
- floppy surface and its physical characteristics
-- an image handler class talks with the floppy image class to simulate
- the floppy drive, providing all the signals you have on a floppy drive
- connector
-- floppy controller devices talk with the image handler and provide
- the register interfaces to the host we all know and love
-- format handling classes are given the task of statelessly converting
- to and from an on-disk image format to the in-memory magnetic state
- format the floppy image class manages
- 2. Floppy storage 101
- 2.1. Floppy disk
-A floppy disk is a disc that stores magnetic orientations on their
-surface disposed in a series on concentric circles called tracks or
-cylinders[1]. Its main characteristics are its size (goes from a
-diameter of around 2.8" to 8") , its number of writable sides (1 or 2)
-and its magnetic resistivity. The magnetic resistivity indicates how
-close magnetic orientation changes can happen and the information
-kept. That's one third of what defines the term "density" that is so
-often used for floppies (the other two are floppy drive head size and
-bit-level encoding).
-The magnetic orientations are always binary, e.g. they're one way or
-the opposite, there's no intermediate state. Their direction can
-either be tengentially to the track, e.g in the direction or opposite
-to the rotation, or in the case of perpendicular recording the
-direction is perpendicular to the disc surface (hence the name).
-Perpendicular recording allows for closer orientation changes by
-writing the magnetic information more deeply, but arrived late in the
-technology lifetime. 2.88Mb disks and the floppy children (Zip
-drives, etc) used perpendicular recording. For simulation purposes
-the direction is not important, only the fact that only two
-orientations are possible is. Two more states are possible though: a
-portion of a track can be demagnetized (no orientation) or damaged (no
-orientation and can't be written to).
-A specific position in the disk rotation triggers an index pulse.
-That position can be detected through a hole in the surface (very
-visible in 5.25" and 3" floppies for instance) or through a specific
-position of the rotating center (3.5" floppies, perhaps others). This
-index pulse is used to designate the beginning of the track, but is
-not used by every system. Older 8" floppies have multiple index holes
-used to mark the beginning of sectors (called hard sectoring) but one
-of them is positioned differently to be recognized as the track start,
-and the others are at fixed positions relative to the origin one.
- 2.2 Floppy drive
-A floppy drive is what reads and writes a floppy disk. It includes an
-assembly capable of rotating the disk at a fixed speed and one or two
-magnetic heads tied to a positioning motor to access the tracks.
-The head width and positioning motor step size decides how many tracks
-are written on the floppy. Total number of tracks goes from 32 to 84
-depending on the floppy and drive, with the track 0 being the most
-exterior (longer) one of the concentric circles, and the highest
-numbered the smallest interior circle. As a result the tracks with
-the lowest numbers have the lowest physical magnetic orientation
-density, hence the best reliability. Which is why important and/or
-often changed structures like the boot block or the fat allocation
-table are at track 0. That is also where the terminology "stepping
-in" to increase the track number and "stepping out" to decrease it
-comes from. The number of tracks available is the second part of what
-is usually behind the term "density".
-A sensor detects when the head is on track 0 and the controller is not
-supposed to try to go past it. In addition physical blocks prevent
-the head from going out of the correct track range. Some systems
-(Apple II, some C64) do not take the track 0 sensor into account and
-just wham the head against the track 0 physical block, giving a
-well-known crash noise and eventually damaging the head alignment.
-Also, some systems (Apple II and C64 again) have direct access to the
-phases of the head positioning motor, allowing to trick the head into
-going between tracks, in middle or even quarter positions. That was
-not usable to write more tracks, since the head width did not change,
-but since reliable reading was only possible with the correct position
-it was used for some copy protection systems.
-The disk rotates at a fixed speed for a given track. The most usual
-speed is 300 rpm for every track, with 360 rpm found for HD 5.25"
-floppies and most 8" ones, and a number of different values like 90 rpm
-for the earlier floppies or 150 rpm for an HD floppy in an Amiga.
-Having a fixed rotational speed for the whole disk is called Constant
-Angular Velocity (CAV, almost everybody) or Zoned Constant Angular
-Velocity (ZCAV, C64) depending on whether the read/write bitrate is
-constant or track-dependant. Some systems (Apple II, Mac) vary the
-rotational speed depending on the track (something like 394 rpm up to
-590 rpm) to end up with a Constant Linear Velocity (CLV). The idea
-behind ZCAV/CLV is to get more bits out of the media by keeping the
-minimal spacing between magnetic orientation transitions close to the
-best the support can do. It seems that the complexity was not deemed
-worth it since almost no system does it.
-Finally, after the disc rotates and the head is over the proper track
-reading happens. The reading is done through an inductive head, which
-gives it the interesting characteristic of not reading the magnetic
-orientation directly but instead of being sensitive to orientation
-inversions, called flux transitions. This detection is weak and
-somewhat uncalibrated, so an amplifier with Automatic Gain Calibration
-(AGC) and a peak detector are put behind the head to deliver clean
-pulses. The AGC slowly increases the amplification level until a
-signal goes over the threshold, then modulates its gain so that said
-signal is at a fixed position over the threshold. Afterwards the
-increase happens again. This makes the amplifier calibrate itself to
-the signals read from the floppy as long as flux transitions happen
-often enough. Too long and the amplification level will reach a point
-where the random noise the head picks from the environment is
-amplified over the threshold, creating a pulse where none should be.
-Too long in our case happens to be around 16-20us with no transitions.
-That means a long enough zone with a fixed magnetic orientation or no
-orientation at all (demagnetized or damaged) is going to be read as a
-series of random pulses after a brief delay. This is used by
-protections and is known as "weak bits", which read differently each
-time they're accessed.
-A second level of filtering happens after the peak detector. When two
-transitions are a little close (but still over the media threshold) a
-bouncing effect happens between them giving two very close pulses in
-the middle in addition to the two normal pulses. The floppy drive
-detects when pulses are too close and filter them out, leaving the
-normal ones. As a result, if one writes a train of high-frequency
-pulses to the floppy they will be read back as a train of too close
-pulses (weak because they're over the media tolerance, but picked up
-by the AGC anyway, only somewhat unreliably) they will be all filtered
-out, giving a large amount of time without any pulse in the output
-signal. This is used by some protections since it's not writable with
-a normally clocked controller.
-Writing is symmetrical, with a series of pulses sent which make the
-write head invert the magnetic field orientation each time a pulse is
-So, in conclusion, the floppy drive provides inputs to control disk
-rotation and head position (and choice when double-sided), and the
-data goes both way as a train of pulses representing magnetic
-orientation inversions. The absolute value of the orientation itself
-is never known.
- 2.3 Floppy controller
-The task of the floppy controller is to turn the signals to/from the
-floppy drive into something the main CPU can digest. The level of
-support actually done by the controller is extremely variable from one
-device to the other, from pretty much nothing (Apple II, C64) through
-minimal (Amiga) to complete (Western Digital chips, uPD765 family).
-Usual functions include drive selection, motor control, track seeking
-and of course reading and writing data. Of these only the last two
-need to be described, the rest is obvious.
-The data is structured at two levels: how individual bits (or nibbles,
-or bytes) are encoded on the surface, and how these are grouped in
-individually-addressable sectors. Two standards exist for these,
-called FM and MFM, and in addition a number of systems use their
-home-grown variants. Moreover, some systems such as the Amiga use a
-standard bit-level encoding (MFM) but a homegrown sector-level
- 2.3.1 Bit-level encodings
- Cell organization
-All floppy controllers, even the wonkiest like the Apple II one, start
-by dividing the track in equally-sized cells. They're angular
-sections in the middle of which a magnetic orientation inversion may
-be present. From a hardware point of view the cells are seen as
-durations, which combined with the floppy rotation give the section.
-For instance the standard MFM cell size for a 3" double-density floppy
-is 2us, which combined with the also standard 300 rpm rotational speed
-gives an angular size of 1/100000th of a turn. Another way of saying
-it is that there are 100K cells in a 3" DD track.
-In every cell there may or may not be a magnetic orientation
-transition, e.g. a pulse coming from (reading) or going to (writing)
-the floppy drive. A cell with a pulse is traditionally noted '1', and
-one without '0'. Two constraints apply to the cell contents though.
-First, pulses must not be too close together or they'll blur
-each-other and/or be filtered out. The limit is slightly better than
-1/50000th of a turn for single and double density floppies, half that
-for HD floppys, and half that again for ED floppies with perpendicular
-recording. Second, they must not be too away from each other or
-either the AGC is going to get wonky and introduce phantom pulses or
-the controller is going to lose sync and get a wrong timing on the
-cells on reading. Conservative rule of thumb is not to have more than
-three consecutive '0' cells.
-Of course protections play with that to make formats not reproducible
-by the system controller, either breaking the three-zeroes rule or
-playing with the cells durations/sizes.
-Bit endocing is then the art of transforming raw data into a cell 0/1
-configuration that respects the two constraints.
- FM encoding
-The very first encoding method developed for floppies is called
-Frequency Modulation, or FM. The cell size is set at slighly over the
-physical limit, e.g. 4us. That means it is possible to reliably have
-consecutive '1' cells. Each bit is encoded on two cells:
-- the first cell, called the clock bit, is '1'
-- the second cell, called data bit, is the bit
-Since every other cell at least is '1' there is no risk of going over
-three zeroes.
-The name Frequency Modulation simply derives from the fact that a 0 is
-encoded with one period of a 125Khz pulse train while a 1 is two
-periods of a 250Khz pulse train.
- MFM encoding
-The FM encoding has been superseded by the Modified Frequency
-Modulation encoding, which can cram exactly twice as much data on the
-same surface, hence its other name of "double density". The cell size
-is set at slightly over half the physical limit, e.g. 2us usually.
-The constraint means that two '1' cells must be separated by at least
-one '0' cell. Each bit is once again encoded on two cells:
-- the first cell, called the clock bit, is '1' if both the previous
- and current data bits are 0, '0' otherwise
-- the second cell, called data bit, is the bit
-The minimum space rule is respected since a '1' clock bit is by
-definition surrounded by two '0' data bits, and a '1' data bit is
-surrounded by two '0' clock bits. The longest '0'-cell string
-possible is when encoding 101 which gives x10001, respecting the
-maximum of three zeroes.
- GCR encodings
-Group Coded Recording, or GCR, encodings are a class of encodings
-where strings of bits at least nibble-size are encoded into a given
-cell stream given by a table. It has been used in particular by the
-Apple II, the Mac and the C64, and each system has its own table, or
- Other encodings
-Other encodings exist, like M2FM, but they're very rare and
- Reading back encoded data
-Writing encoded data is easy, you only need a clock at the appropriate
-frequency and send or not a pulse on the clock edges. Reading back
-the data is where the fun is. Cells are a logical construct and not a
-physical measurable entity. Rotational speeds very around the defined
-one (+/- 2% is not rare) and local perturbations (air turbulence,
-surface distance...) make the instant speed very variable in general.
-So to extract the cell values stream the controller must dynamically
-synchronize with the pulse train that the floppy head picks up. The
-principle is simple: a cell-sized duration window is build within
-which the presence of at least one pulse indicates the cell is a '1',
-and the absence of any a '0'. After reaching the end of the window
-the starting time is moved appropriately to try to keep the observed
-pulse at the exact middle of the window. This allows to correct the
-phase on every '1' cell, making the synchronization work if the
-rotational speed is not too off. Subsequent generations of
-controllers used a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) which vary both phase and
-window duration to adapt better to wrong rotational speeds, with
-usually a tolerance of +/- 15%.
-Once the cell data stream is extracted decoding depends on the
-encoding. In the FM and MFM case the only question is to recognize
-data bits from clock bits, while in GCR the start position of the
-first group should be found. That second level of synchronization is
-handled at a higher level using patterns not found in a normal stream.
- 2.3.2 Sector-level organization
-Floppies have been designed for read/write random access to reasonably
-sized blocks of data. Track selection allows for a first level of
-random access and sizing, but the ~6K of a double density track would
-be too big a block to handle. 256/512 bytes are considered a more
-appropriate value. To that end data on a track is organized as a
-series of (sector header, sector data) pairs where the sector header
-indicates important information like the sector number and size, and
-the sector data contains the data. Sectors have to be broken in two
-parts because while reading is easy, read the header then read the
-data if you want it, writing requires reading the header to find the
-correct place then once that is done switching on the writing head for
-the data. Starting writing is not instantaneous and will not be
-perfectly phase-aligned with the read header, so space for
-synchronization is required between header and data.
-In addition somewhere in the sector header and in the sector data are
-pretty much always added some kind of checksum allowing to know
-whether the data was damaged or not.
-FM and MFM have (not always used) standard sector layout methods.
- FM sector layout
-The standard "PC" track/sector layout for FM is as such:
-- A number of FM-encoded 0xff (usually 40)
-- 6 FM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 125KHz pulse train)
-- The 16-cell stream 1111011101111010 (f77a, clock 0xd7, data 0xfc)
-- A number of FM-encoded 0xff (usually 26, very variable)
-Then for each sector:
-- 6 FM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 125KHz pulse train)
-- The 16-cell stream 1111010101111110 (f57e, clock 0xc7, data 0xfe)
-- Sector header, e.g. FM encoded track, head, sector, size code and two bytes of crc
-- 11 FM-encoded 0xff
-- 6 FM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 125KHz pulse train)
-- The 16-cell stream 1111010101101111 (f56f, clock 0xc7, data 0xfb)
-- FM-encoded sector data followed by two bytes of crc
-- A number of FM-encoded 0xff (usually 48, very variable)
-The track is finished with a stream of '1' cells.
-The 125KHz pulse trains are used to lock the PLL to the signal
-correctly. The specific 16-cells streams allow to distinguish between
-clock and data bits by providing a pattern that is not supposed to
-happen in normal FM-encoded data. In the sector header track numbers
-start at 0, heads are 0/1 depending on the size, sector numbers
-usually start at 1 and size code is 0 for 128 bytes, 1 for 256, 2 for
-512, etc.
-The crc is a cyclic redundancy check of the data bits starting with
-the mark just after the pulse train using polynom 0x11021.
-The Western Digital-based controllers usually get rid of everything
-but some 0xff before the first sector and allow a better use of space
-as a result.
- MFM sector layout
-The standard "PC" track/sector layout for MFM is as such:
-- A number of MFM-encoded 0x4e (usually 80)
-- 12 FM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 250KHz pulse train)
-- 3 times the 16-cell stream 0101001000100100 (5224, clock 0x14, data 0xc2)
-- The MFM-encoded value 0xfc
-- A number of MFM-encoded 0x4e (usually 50, very variable)
-Then for each sector:
-- 12 FM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 250KHz pulse train)
-- 3 times the 16-cell stream 0100010010001001 (4489, clock 0x0a, data 0xa1)
-- Sector header, e.g. MFM-encoded 0xfe, track, head, sector, size code and two bytes of crc
-- 22 MFM-encoded 0x4e
-- 12 MFM-encoded 0x00 (giving a steady 250KHz pulse train)
-- 3 times the 16-cell stream 0100010010001001 (4489, clock 0x0a, data 0xa1)
-- MFM-encoded 0xfb, sector data followed by two bytes of crc
-- A number of MFM-encoded 0x4e (usually 84, very variable)
-The track is finished with a stream of MFM-encoded 0x4e.
-The 250KHz pulse trains are used to lock the PLL to the signal
-correctly. The cell pattern 4489 does not appear in normal
-MFM-encoded data and is used for clock/data separation.
-As for FM, the Western Digital-based controllers usually get rid of
-everything but some 0x4e before the first sector and allow a better
-use of space as a result.
- Formatting and write splices
-To be usable, a floppy must have the sector headers and default sector
-data written on every track before using it. The controller starts
-writing at a given place, often the index pulse but on some systems
-whenever the command is sent, and writes until a complete turn is
-done. That's called formatting the floppy. At the point where the
-writing stops there is a synchronization loss since there is no chance
-the cell stream clock warps around perfectly. This brutal phase
-change is called a write splice, specifically the track write splice.
-It is the point where writing should start if one wants to raw copy
-the track to a new floppy.
-Similarly two write splices are created when a sector is written at
-the start and end of the data block part. They're not supposed to
-happen on a mastered disk though, even if there are some rare
- 3 The new implementation
- 3.1 Floppy disk representation
-Th floppy disk contents are represented by the class floppy_image. It
-contains information of the media type and a representation of the
-magnetic state of the surface.
-The media type is divided in two parts. The first half
-indicates the physical form factor, i.e. all medias with that
-form factor can be physically inserted in a reader that handles
-it. The second half indicates the variants which are usually
-detectable by the reader, such as density and number of sides.
-Track data consists of a series of 32-bits lsb-first values
-representing magnetic cells. Bits 0-27 indicate the absolute
-position of the start of the cell (not the size), and bits
-28-31 the type. Type can be:
-- 0, MG_A -> Magnetic orientation A
-- 1, MG_B -> Magnetic orientation B
-- 2, MG_N -> Non-magnetized zone (neutral)
-- 3, MG_D -> Damaged zone, reads as neutral but cannot be changed by writing
-The position is in angular units of 1/200,000,000th of a turn. It
-corresponds to one nanosecond when the drive rotates at 300 rpm.
-The last cell implicit end position is of course 200,000,000.
-Unformatted tracks are encoded as zero-size.
-The "track splice" information indicates where to start writing
-if you try to rewrite a physical disk with the data. Some
-preservation formats encode that information, it is guessed for
-others. The write track function of fdcs should set it. The
-representation is the angular position relative to the index.
- 3.2 Converting to and from the internal representation
- 3.2.1 Class and interface
-We need to be able to convert on-disk formats of the floppy data to
-and from the internal representation. This is done through classes
-derived from floppy_image_format_t. The interface to be implemented
-- name() gives the short name of the on-disk format
-- description() gives a short description of the format
-- extensions() gives a comma-separated list of file name extensions
- found for that format
-- supports_save() returns true is converting to that external format
- is supported
-- identify(file, form factor) gives a 0-100 score for the file to be
- of that format:
- - 0 = not that format
- - 100 = certainly that format
- - 50 = format identified from file size only
-- load(file, form factor, floppy_image) loads an image and converts it
- into the internal representation
-- save(file, floppy_image) (if implemented) converts from the internal
- representation and saves an image
-All these methods are supposed to be stateless.
- 3.2.2 Conversion helper methods
-A number of methods are provided to simplify writing the converter
- Load-oriented conversion methods
-generate_track_from_bitstream(track number,
- head number,
- UINT8 *cell stream,
- int cell count,
- floppy image)
- Takes a stream of cell types (0/1), MSB-first, converts it to the
- internal format and stores it at the given track and head in the
- given image.
-generate_track_from_levels(track number,
- head number,
- UINT32 *cell levels,
- int cell count,
- splice position,
- floppy image)
- Takes a variant of the internal format where each value represents a
- cell, the position part of the values is the size of the cell and
- the level part is MG_0, MG_1 for normal cell types, MG_N, MG_D for
- unformatted/damaged cells, and MG_W for Dungeon-Master style weak
- bits. Converts it into the internal format. The sizes are
- normalized so that they total to a full turn.
-normalize_times(UINT32 *levels,
- int level_count)
- Takes an internal-format buffer where the position part represents
- angle until the next change and turns it into a normal positional
- stream, first ensuring that the total size is normalized to a full
- turn.
- Save-oriented conversion methods
-generate_bitstream_from_track(track number,
- head number,
- base cell size,
- UINT8 *cell stream,
- int &cell_stream_size,
- floppy image)
- Extract a cell 0/1 stream from the internal format using a PLL setup
- with an initial cell size set to 'base cell size' and a +/- 25%
- tolerance.
-struct desc_xs { int track, head, size; const UINT8 *data }
-extract_sectors_from_bitstream_fm_pc(const UINT8 *cell stream,
- int cell_stream_size,
- desc_xs *sectors,
- UINT8 *sectdata,
- int sectdata_size)
- Extract standard mfm or fm sectors from a regenerated
- cell stream. Sectors must point to an array of 256 desc_xs.
- An existing sector is recognizable by having ->data non-null.
- Sector data is written in sectdata up to sectdata_size bytes.
-get_geometry_fm_pc(floppy image,
- base cell size,
- int &track_count,
- int &head_count,
- int &sector_count)
- Extract the geometry (heads, tracks, sectors) from a pc-ish floppy
- image by checking track 20.
-get_track_data_fm_pc(track number,
- head number,
- floppy image,
- base cell size,
- sector size,
- sector count,
- UINT8 *sector data)
- Extract what you'd get by reading in order 'sector size'-sized
- sectors from number 1 to sector count and put the result in sector
- data.
- 3.3 Floppy drive
-The class floppy_image_interface simulates the floppy drive. That
-includes a number of control signals, reading, and writing. Control
-signal changes must be synchronized, e.g. fired off a timer to ensure
-the current time is the same for all devices.
- 3.3.1 Control signals
-Due to the way they're usually connected to CPUs (e.g. directly on an
-I/O port), the control signals work with physical instead of logical
-values. Which means than in general 0 means active, 1 means inactive.
-Some signals also have a callback associated called when they change.
-mon_w(state) / mon_r()
- Motor on signal, rotates on 0.
-idx_r() / setup_index_pulse_cb(cb)
- Index signal, goes 0 at start of track for about 2ms. Callback is
- synchronized. Only happens when a disk is in and the motor is
- running.
-ready_r() / setup_ready_cb(cb)
- Ready signal, goes to 1 when the disk is removed or the motor
- stopped. Goes to 0 after two index pulses.
-wpt_r() / setup_wpt_cb(cb)
- Write protect signal (1 = readonly). Callback is unsynchronized.
- Disk change signal, goes to 1 when a disk is change, goes to 0 on
- track change.
- Selects track stepping direction (1 = out = decrease track number).
- Step signal, moves by one track on 1->0 transistion.
- Track 0 sensor, returns 0 when on track 0.
-ss_w(ss) / ss_r()
- Side select
- 3.3.2 Read/write interface
-The read/write interface is designed to work asynchronously,
-e.g. somewhat independently of the current time.
-[1] Cylinder is a hard-drive term somewhat improperly used for
- floppies. It comes from the fact that hard-drives are similar to
- floppies but include a series of stacked disks with a read/write head
- on each. The heads are physically linked and all point to the same
- circle on every disk at a given time, making the accessed area look
- like a cylinder. Hence the name.
diff --git a/docs/hlsl.txt b/docs/hlsl.txt
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index 00facb0649a..00000000000
--- a/docs/hlsl.txt
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-HLSL-Related Enable Switches
-Name Values Description
-hlsl_enable 0 or 1 Enables HLSL post-processing in Direct3D 9 modes.
-hlsl_oversampling 0 or 1 Enables HLSL oversampling.
-yiq_enable 0 or 1 Enables YIQ-colorspace post-processing. Causes a
- performance drop but gives a much more authentic
- NTSC TV appearance on TV-based systems when configured
- properly.
-hlslpath [path] Path to the .fx files that are in use. (default: hlsl)
-hlsl_write [filename] Enables HLSL AVI writing. (huge disk bandwidth suggested)
-hlsl_snap_width [width] HLSL upscaled-snapshot width. (default: 2048)
-hlsl_snap_height [height] HLSL upscaled-snapshot height. (default: 1536)
-Surface/Color Processing Parameters
-Name Values Description
-shadow_mask_tile_mode 0 or 1 0 for screen based tile mode or 1 for source based tile mode.
-shadow_mask_alpha 0.0 to 1.0 The ovearll darkness of each shadow mask pixel.
-shadow_mask_texture [filename] A PNG that defines the shadow mask for each pixel.
-shadow_mask_x_count 1+ The number of pixels one shadow mask tile uses on screen.
-shadow_mask_y_count 1+ This stretches the shadow mask tiles on X and Y axis.
-shadow_mask_usize 0.0 to 1.0 The size of one shadow mask tile in U/V coordinate.
-shadow_mask_vsize 0.0 to 1.0 The shadow mask textures always has a size of power-of-two.
-shadow_mask_voffset -1.0 to 1.0 The offset of the shadow mask texture in U/V coordinates.
-shadow_mask_voffset -1.0 to 1.0 An offset of 1.0 repressents one pixel on screen.
-distortion -1.0 to 1.0 Distortion amount of the screen.
-cubic_distortion -1.0 to 1.0 Cubic Distortion amount of the screen.
-distort_corner 0.0 to 1.0 Distorted corners amount of the screen.
-round_corner 0.0 to 1.0 Rounded corners amount of the screen.
-smooth_border 0.0 to 1.0 Smooth borders amount of the screen.
-reflection 0.0 to 1.0 Refelection amount of the screen highlight.
-vignetting 0.0 to 1.0 Vignetting amount of the image.
-scanline_alpha 0.0 to 1.0 The overall darkness of each scanline furrow.
-scanline_size 0.0 to 4.0 The overall height of each scanline.
-scanline_height [height] Individual height scaling value for scanlines.
-scanline_bright_scale 0.0 to 2.0 The overall brightness multiplier for each scanline.
-scanline_bright_offset 0.0 to 1.0 The overall brightness additive value for each scanline.
-scanline_jitter 0.0 to 1.0 The relative scanline movement per field.
-hum_bar_alpha 0.0 to 1.0 The maximum darkness of the hum bar gradient.
-defocus [xval,yval] This defines the overall defocus radius for the three
- post-converged beams. Values allowed range from 0.0 to
- 10.0.
-converge_x [r,g,b] Convergence in screen-relative X direction.
-converge_y [r,g,b] Convergence in screen-relative Y direction.
-radial_converge_x [r,g,b] Radial convergence in screen-relative X direction.
-radial_converge_y [r,g,b] Radial convergence in screen-relative Y direction.
- Allowed values for convergence: -10.0 to 10.0 for each color.
-red_ratio [r,g,b] These parameters define a 3x3 matrix which is multiplied
-grn_ratio [r,g,b] by the incoming RGB signal. This can be used for any
-blu_ratio [r,g,b] standard matrix convolution, including H/S/V or simply
- affecting the TV-style tint.
-saturation 0.0 to 4.0 This parameter defines the amount each color channel is
- raised above said channel's baseline grayscale value.
- A value of 0.0 gives a gamma-correct grayscale image,
- whereas 1.0 is full saturation, with each channel being
- oversaturated equally beyond that.
-offset [r,g,b] These parameters define a value for each color channel
- that is added to said channel after scaling and after
- matrix convolution. (-2.0 to 2.0)
-scale [r,g,b] These parameters define a value for each color channel
- that is multiplied with said channel after matrix
- convolution. (-2.0 to 2.0)
-power [r,g,b] These parameters define the exponent for each color
- channel that is applied after scaling, offsetting,
- saturation and matrix convolution. (-4.0 to 4.0)
-floor [r,g,b] These parameters define the lower limit of each final
- color channel value; 0.05, for example, raises the
- minimum to 0.05 but re-scales to leave the max at 1.0.
-phosphor_life [r,g,b] These parameters define the phosphor lifetime for each
- channel, with 0.0 representing no phosphorescence and
- 1.0 leaving the channel on indefinitely. Values allowed
- range from 0.0 to 1.0.
-NTSC Processing Parameters
-Name Default Values Description
-yiq_jitter 0.0 Jitter for the NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 1.0)
-yiq_cc 3.57954545 Color Carrier frequency for NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 6.0)
-yiq_a 0.5 A value for NTSC signal processing. (-1.0 to 1.0)
-yiq_b 0.5 B value for NTSC signal processing. (-1.0 to 1.0)
-yiq_o 0.0 Outgoing Color Carrier phase offset for NTSC signal processing. (-3.0 to 3.0)
-yiq_p 1.0 Incoming Pixel Clock scaling value for NTSC signal processing. (-3.0 to 3.0)
-yiq_n 1.0 Y filter notch width for NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 6.0)
-yiq_y 6.0 Y filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 6.0)
-yiq_i 1.2 I filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 6.0)
-yiq_q 0.6 Q filter cutoff frequency for NTSC signal processing. (0.0 to 6.0)
-yiq_scan_time 52.6 Horizontal scanline duration for NTSC signal processing. (usec)
-yiq_phase_count 2 Phase Count value for NTSC signal processing. (3 for NES, else 2)
-Vector Post-Processing Options
-Name Default Values Description
-vector_beam_smooth 0.0 The vector beam smoothness. (0.00 to 1.00)
-vector_length_scale 0.5 The maximum vector attenuation. (0.00 to 1.00)
-vector_length_ratio 0.5 The minimum vector length (vector length to screen size ratio)
- that is affected by the attenuation (0.000 to 1.000)
-Bloom Post-Processing Options
-Name Default Values Description
-bloom_blend_mode 0 or 1 0 for brighten blend mode or 1 for darken blend mode.
-bloom_scale 0.0 Bloom intensity factor. (0.000 to 2.000)
-bloom_overdrive 0.0,0.0,0.0 Bloom overdrive factor to bright full saturated colors. (0.000 to 2.000)
-bloom_lvl0_weight 1.00 Bloom level 0 weight. (full-size target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl1_weight 0.64 Bloom level 1 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 0 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl2_weight 0.32 Bloom level 2 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 1 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl3_weight 0.16 Bloom level 3 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 2 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl4_weight 0.08 Bloom level 4 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 3 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl5_weight 0.06 Bloom level 5 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 4 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl6_weight 0.04 Bloom level 6 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 5 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl7_weight 0.02 Bloom level 7 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 6 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-bloom_lvl8_weight 0.01 Bloom level 8 weight. (1/4 smaller that level 7 target) (0.00 to 1.00)
-../ini/presets/raster.ini for raster screens
-../ini/presets/vector.ini for color vector screens
-../ini/presets/vector-mono.ini for monochrome vector screens (rename to vector.ini or <system>.ini)
-../ini/presets/lcd.ini for screens with TFT color LCD
-../ini/presets/lcd-matrix.ini for screens with STN LCD matrix (rename to lcd.ini or <system>.ini)
-../ini/presets/gameboy.ini for Game Boy screen (same as lcd-matrix.ini with greenish color transformation)
-../ini/presets/gba.ini for Game Boy Advance screen (same as lcd.ini)
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-Imgtool - A generic image manipulation tool for MESS
-Imgtool is a tool for the maintenance and manipulation of disk and other types
-of images that MESS users need to deal with. Functions include retrieving and
-storing files and CRC checking/validation.
-Imgtool is part of the MESS project. It shares large portions of code with
-MESS/MAME, and its existence would not be if it were not for MESS. As such,
-the distribution terms are the same as MESS. Please read mess.txt thoroughly.
-Some portions in Imgtool is Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the
-University of California. All rights reserved.
-Using Imgtool
-Imgtool is a command line program that contains several "subcommands" that
-actually do all of the work. Most commands are invoked in a manner along the
-lines of this:
- imgtool <subcommand> <format> <image> ...
-<subcommand> is the name of the subcommand
-<format> is the format of the image
-<image> is the filename of the image
-Further details vary with each subcommand. Also note that not all subcommands
-are applicable or supported for different image formats.
-Certain Imgtool subcommands (info, crc, good) make use of the CRC files, so if
-you use these commands, make sure that your CRC directory is set up.
-Imgtool Subcommands
-create Creates an image
-dir Lists the contents of an image
-get Gets a single file from an image
-put Puts a single file on an image (wildcards supported)
-getall Gets all files off an image
-del Deletes a file on an image
-info Retrieves info about an image (by reading CRC files)
-crc Retrieves info about an image in the same format used by the
- CRC files
-good CRC checks a set of images and for matching images, copy into
- a new directory
-listformats Lists all image file formats supported by imgtool
-listfilters Lists all filters supported by imgtool
-listdriveroptions Lists all format-specific options for the 'put' and 'create'
- commands
-Filters are a means to process data being written into or read out of an image
-in a certain way. Filters can be specified on the get, put, and getall
-commands by specifying --filter=xxxx on the command line. Currently, only
-three filters are supported:
- ascii Translates end-of-lines to the appropriate format
- cocobas Processes tokenized CoCo BASIC programs
- dragonbas Processes tokenized Dragon BASIC programs
-Format Info
-rsdos CoCo Disks
-Fully implemented. This format supports two format-specific options on the put
- --ftype=(basic|data|binary|assembler) Specifies the file type
- --ascii=(ascii|binary) Specifies the ASCII flag
-cococas CoCo Cassettes
-Both .cas and .wav supported, but read only.
-lnx Commodore 64 Lynx Archive
-only for early revisions of lynx archivs
-only extraction supported
-not heavily tested
-Lynx archivs could and should be handled in a c64 emulation
-with the native lynx tool
-t64 Commodore 64/C64S Archive for Tapes
-not heavily tested
-further creation/use of these archivs discouraged
-c64crt/crt Commodore 64 Cartridge
-for professional use only (cartridge dumper)
-not heavily tested
-d64 Commodore SX64/VC1541/1551/2031 Diskette
-x64 VICE variant of the above
-d71 Commodore 128D/1571 Diskette
-d81 Commodore 65/1565/1581 Diskette
-not heavily tested
-x64: further creation/use discouraged
-msdos/fat Microsoft DOS Diskette
-directories not finished
-not heavily tested
-Formatting (low and high level) must be done with the msdos utility format!
-Boot structures must be installed on these disks with the msdos utility sys!
-standard parameter for common disk formats:
-type 0: 5 1/4 inch, double density, single sided, 160kb: sectors 8, heads 1, tracks 40
-type 1: 5 1/4 inch, DD, SS, 180kb: sectors 9, heads 1, tracks 40
-type 2: 5 1/4 inch, DD, double sided, 320kb: sectors 8, heads 2, tracks 40
-type 3: 5 1/4 inch, DD, DS, 360kb: sectors 9, heads 2, tracks 40
-type 4: 3 1/2 inch, DD, DS, 720kb: sectors 9, heads 2, tracks 80
-at disk controller necessary for high density
-type 5: 5 1/4 inch, high density, DS, 1.2mb: sectors 15, heads 2, tracks 80
- 3 1/2 inch, HD, DS, 1.2mb: sectors 15, heads 2, tracks 80
-type 6: 3 1/2 inch, HD, DS, 1.44mb: sectors 18, heads 2, tracks 80
-special disk controller necessary for enhanced density
-type 7: 3 1/2 inch, enhanced density, DS, 2.88mb: sectors 36, heads 2, tracks 80
-unix with bash: use
-dd if=/dev/zero of=<name.dsk> bs=512 count=$((9*2*40))
-to generate standard blank 360kb image
-msdoshd/fat Microsoft DOS Harddisk/PC Partition Table
-not finished and not working
-(see also unter msdos/fat)
-No low level format necessary with image files
-Partitioning must be done with the msdos utility fdisk
-Then you can format each partition with msdos utility format
-standard parameter for common disk formats:
-type 0: 20mb standard pc/xt harddisk: 17 sectors, 4 heads, 615 cylinders
-unix with bash: use
-dd if=/dev/zero of=<name.dsk> bs=512 count=$((17*4*615))
-to generate standard blank 20mb pc xt harddisk image
-Virtual MSX tape archive
-Converts .tap files from Virtual MSX 1.x to .cas files. It is not
-Virtual MSX Game Master 2 SRAM file
-Very simple, not overly useful but some might want it. Virtual MSX stored the
-SRAM of Konami's Game Master 2 in "gmaster2.ram". To convert this to something
-useful with MESS and other MSX emulators, go:
-imgtool getall vmsx_gm2 gmaster2.ram
-You'll get a file called gmaster2.mem, which must place in the correct directory
-of mess to use (MESS\MEMCARD\GameMaster2 if your Game Master 2 .rom file is
-called GameMaster2.rom). It's ~/.xmess/memcard/GameMaster2.mem for xmess.
-fMSX style .cas file
-Converts .cas files to .wav files. The MSX driver can use .cas files directly
-so you don't have to convert them. You can use it to export files to a real
-MSX. Connect the MSX to the line out of your computer. Give the apropriate
-command on the MSX (BLOAD "CAS:",R for example) and then play the .wav file
-on your computer.
-imgtool dir fmsx_cas file.cas
-imgtool getall fmsx_cas file.cas
-imgtool get fmsx_cas file.cas file.wav newfile.wav
-XelaSoft Archive (.xsa)
-The XelaSoft Archive is a compressed file. It can only contain one
-file. Although it can contain any file, it's always used for MSX disk
-images. The were programs written by XelaSoft which made a dump
-of a disk, and compressing them at the same time. Very useful to store
-a disk dump on another disk. zip/gzip offer much better compression and
-are mainstream, so let's stick with that.
-imgtool uses XSA code developed by Alex Wulms/XelaSoft.
-Various bogus MSX disk images (img/ddi/msx/multidisks)
-These are formats you might come across, which have no actual added value
-whatsoever. The only format MESS will support, like most other MSX
-emulators, is .dsk (a plain dump without any header information). This
-filetype converts them all to .dsk format.
-msx_img are disk images with an extra byte at the beginning. It' 1 (0x01)
-for single-sided images and 2 (0x02) for double-side images. These
-files are at: The extension is .img
-msx_ddi are DiskDupe 5.12 disk images. There is a 0x1800 bytes header
-at the beginning. The CompuJunkS MSX emulator used these files. The header
-often contain garbage so it's simply stripped. The extension is .ddi
-msx_msx are disk images with a weird sector order. You can find them
-at: The extension is .msx
-msx_mul are "multi disk" images, used by fmsx-dos 1.6. It is simply
-more than one .dsk image appended to one another. The extension is
-still .dsk, but the file is larger than 720kB (actually always a
-multiple of 720kB.
-rom16 16 bit wide rom image
-allows easy access to even and odd parts
-file even: even bytes
-file odd: odd bytes
-Amstrad NC100/NC150/NC200 PCMCIA Ram Card Images (crd/card)
-The card filesystem is similar to FAT, but not identical.
-The maximum card size is 1mb, and maximum file size is 64k.
-(Files will be cut at 64k if they are larger - e.g. when putting a large file)
-As far as I know there is no directory system, however there is always a
-system "NC100" directory which points to the root directory. (Like the DOS "."
-Using imgtool, you can put, get and delete files.
-At this time only ascii file type is supported. These files can be loaded
-into the internal wordprocessor,or,if the file is a BASIC listing, it can
-be loaded into basic with "*EXEC <filename>" at the ">" prompt.
-From BASIC you can get a directory listing of the card filesystem with "*."
-at the ">" prompt.
-The file date information is not supported at this time.
-The card filesystem reading/writing in imgtool has not been heavily tested.
-TI99 floppy disk images (v9t9/pc99fm/pc99mfm/ti99_old)
-These modules enable you to create and catalog ti99 images, to delete
-individual files and directories, and to get and put files in TIFILE format.
-Note that you cannot create images in pc99 format.
-The v9t9 module supports the v9t9 disk images that is used by MESS, the pc99fm
-module supports FM-encoded pc99 images, and the pc99mfm supports MFM-encoded
-pc99 images, and the ti99_old module supports the now obsolete image format
-that was used by MESS versions prior to .69. The MESS ti99 drivers supports
-the v9t9 disk image format only. (Note that the old MESS format was identical
-to the V9T9 format for single-sided disks, but that the track order was
-completely different for double-sided disks, which caused the two formats to be
-incompatible for double-sided disk images. I have changed the format to v9t9
-as this format is used by most other TI99 utilities and emulators.)
-The TIFILE format is a file format that is supported by many ti99 utilities: it
-encodes a TI99 file as a flat stream of bytes, which enables to store it on
-file systems that do not support the TI99 file structure and to transmit it
-through networks. This format uses a data format similar to the one used on
-ti99 floppies (i.e. logical records are grouped in physical records of 256
-bytes), with a custom 128-byte header.
-Legal characters for volume and file names are upper case ASCII characters,
-except period ('.') and space (' '). Lower case characters are not recommended
-because they are not supported by TI99/4. You had better avoid control
-characters and non-ASCII characters, too. (Additionally, the NULL character is
-forbidden in file names, but I think nobody in his right sense would even try
-to enter a NULL character in a file name.) The restriction on the period ('.')
-character may sound strange to users of other OSes, but this character is used
-as a path separator by TI systems. (As a matter of fact, no TI99 floppy disk
-DSR (except the HFDC DSR) implements disk directories, but other TI systems
-implement this convention extensively.) Since period is used as the path
-separator, TI99 users often use the slash ('/') or dash ('-') characters as
-file extension separators; note, however, that the use of file extensions is
-never systematic in TI99: you may use file extensions if you find them useful,
-just like you may use any other file naming scheme, but no program enforce or
-require filename extensions as it is often the case in the DOS/windows world.
-Parameters for create:
---label=...: an optional string of up to 10 characters.
---sides=[1|2]: 1 for single-sided, 2 for double-sided.
---tracks=[1-80]: number of track per side. Should be 40 for a 40-track disk,
- and 80 for an 80-track disk.
---sectors=[1-36]: number of sectors per track. Should be 9 in single density
- (FM), 18 in double density (MFM), and 36 in high density (MFM).
---protection=[0|1]: when set to 1, the disk will be protected and some (but not
- all) TI99 programs won't overwrite the disk.
---density=[Auto|SD|DD|HD]: you should probably leave this parameter to Auto, so
- that imgtool picks the correct value automatically (according to the number
- of sectors per track). If you really need to, SD forces single density
- (FM), DD forces double density (MFM), and HD forces high density (MFM).
-Supported geometries for create:
- description |sides|tracks|sectors| size | FDC Compatibility (1)
- | | | | |
-SSSD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 1 | 40 | 9 | 90K | All
- | | | | |
-DSSD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 40 | 9 | 180K | All
- | | | | |
-DSDD 48TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 40 | 18 | 360K | SNUG BwG, Myarc HFDC
- | | | | |
-DSDD 96TPI 5"1/4 | 2 | 80 | 18 | 720K | Myarc HFDC (2)
-or DSDD 3"1/2 | | | | |
- | | | | |
-DSHD 3"1/2 | 2 | 80 | 36 |1.44M | Myarc HFDC (Geneve Only) (3)
-(1) Only emulated controllers are listed in this table
-(2) SNUG BwG can read such images, but it will corrupt them when writing new
- data to them
-(3) You cannot boot from such images (this is because the Geneve MDOS operating
- system needs to replaces the incomplete HFDC DSR with a better DSR to
- support HD: since MDOS is not loaded yet at boot time, you cannot boot from
- a HD disk).
-List the catalog of image test.dsk:
-imgtool dir v9t9 test.dsk
-Extract file FILE1 located on image test.dsk:
-imgtool get v9t9 test.dsk FILE1
-Extract file FILE1 located in subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
-imgtool get v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1.FILE1
-Write file FILE1 on image test.dsk:
-imgtool put v9t9 test.dsk FILE1
-(Note that file FILE1 must not exist before the command is run. Use the delete
-command first if you need to overwrite an existing file.)
-Delete file FILE1 located in subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
-imgtool delete v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1.FILE1
-Delete subdirectory SUBDIR1 on image test.dsk:
-imgtool delete v9t9 test.dsk SUBDIR1
-(Subdirectory SUBDIR1 must be empty.)
-Create a SSSD image compatible with all controllers:
-imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=1 --tracks=40 --sectors=9
-Create a DSSD image compatible with all controllers:
-imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=40 --sectors=9
-Create a DSDD image compatible with BwG and HFDC controllers:
-imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=40 --sectors=18
-Create a 80-track DSDD image compatible with the HFDC controller:
-imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=80 --sectors=18
-Create a DSHD image compatible with the Geneve with a HFDC controller:
-imgtool create v9t9 test.dsk --sides=2 --tracks=80 --sectors=36
-TI99 hard disk images (ti99hd)
-This module can catalog ti99 hard disk images, delete individual files and
-directories, and get and put files in TIFILE format. Only images in HFDC
-format are supported for now (no SCSI format).
-TI990 disk images (ti990hd)
-This module supports disk images in DNOS format (which appears to be virtually
-identical to DX10 3.x format). Although the module is named ti990hd, this
-module will work fine with floppy images as well as hard disk images: just make
-sure that the disks are formatted in the proper format, as neither DX10 2.x nor
-TX990 formats are supported.
-Parameters for create:
-The most interesting command is create, as you cannot create new images within
---cylinders: number of cylinders
---heads: number of heads
---sectors: number of sectors per track
---seclen: bytes per sector
-Known restrictions on geometry:
-256 < bytes per sector < 512 (arbitrary restriction, actual TI990s might
- accept values out of this range)
-bytes per sector must be even
-3 < # cylinders < 2047
-1 < # heads < 31
-1 < sectors per track < 256
-(sectors per track) * (bytes per sector) < 2^17 = 131072 (which implies
- (sectors per track) < 255 if sectors are 512-byte long)
-(There are probably other restrictions, so you had better stick to values
-similar to the ones used by actual disk units... Also note that according to
-the Spectra 126-Plus manual, ADU size limitations prevent most operating
-systems from supporting units larger than 500MBytes.)
-Known drive geometries:
-(Sources: 946250-9703 p. 3-14, 2270512-9701 p. 11-3, 945250-9701 pp. 5-20
-through 5-28, 946250-9701B pp. 2-1 through 2-3, 2540219A-0001 pp. 4-2 and 4-3,
-2306140-9701 p. 1-15, 223439B-9701 pp. 3-14 and 3-28. See also "Spectra
-126-Plus Product Reference Manual" by Cipher P/N 8500055 revision A4 page 2-8.)
-Disk Type Units Size (MB) Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track Bytes/Sector
-FD800 (min) 1 .244 77 1 26 128
-FD800 (max) 1 .978??? 77 2??? 26??? 256???
-FD1000 1 1.15 77 2 26 288
-DS31/DS32 1 2.81 203 2 24 288
-DS10 2 4.70 408 2(*2) 20 288
-DS25 1 22.3 408 5 38 288
-DS50 1 44.6 815 5 38 288
-DS200 1 169.5 815 19 38 288
-CD1400-32 2 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
-CD1400-64 (rem) 1 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
-CD1400-64 (fix) 1 38.5 821(h) 3 64 256
-CD1400-96 (rem) 1 13.5 821(h) 1 64 256
-CD1400-96 (fix) 1 67.3 821(h) 5 64 256
-DS80 1 62.7 803(g) 5 61 256
-DS300 1 238.3 803(c) 19 61 256
-WD800-18 1 18.5 651(b) 3 37 256
-WD800-43 1 43.2 651(b) 7 37 256
-WD800A/38 1 38.5 911(d) 5 33 256
-WD800A/69 1 69.3 911(d) 9 33 256
-WD800A/114 1 114.6 904(d) 15 33 256
-WD500 1 4.92 150(a) 4 32 256
-WD500A 1 17.1 694(a) 3 32 256
-WD900-138 1 138.1 805(e) 10 67 256
-WD900-138/2 2 69.0 805(e) 5(*2) 67 256
-WD900-425 1 425.8 693(e) 24 100 256
-WD900-425/2 2 212.9 693(e) 12(*2) 100 256
-MSU II 1 158.8 957(f) 9 36 512
-MSU IIA 1 332.9 1204(f) 15 36 512
-a) some extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics
-b) 6 extra cylinders are reserved for storage system use (including 2 for
- diagnostics)
-c) some extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics, and 10 extra cylinders
- are reserved to replace bad tracks
-d) 4 extra cylinders are reserved for storage system use (including 2 for
- diagnostics), and 10 extra cylinders are reserved to replace bad tracks
-e) 16 extra cylinders are reserved for bad track relocation
-f) there are extra cylinders, and the way logical addresses relates to physical
- address is so complex I don't even want to talk about it
-g) 2 extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics, and 10 extra cylinders are
- reserved to replace bad tracks
-h) 2 extra cylinders are reserved for diagnostics
-Note that 2270512-9701 and 946250-9703 describe more disk units (namely CMD 16,
-CMD 80, WD800A-43 and WD800A-100 for the former, and WD500-10 for the later).
-Since there are no other references anywhere and DX-10 does not seem to know
-about them, I assume that these models were uncommon.
-FD800 is a 8" floppy disc unit that is not emulated, and it is only cited for
-completeness. (The FD800 controller is connected to the CRU bus instead of the
-TILINE bus, and it is the only disc controller that is supported by non-TILINE
-FD1000 is a 8" floppy disc unit.
-DS31/DS32 was the first hard disk unit for ti990. The only difference between
-DS31 and DS32 is that DS32 does not require a screwdriver to change the disc
-DS10 has one 5-mb fixed platter and one 5mb disk cartridge.
-CD1400-32 and CD1400-96 have a one-platter 16-mb removable unit, and a fixed
-unit (16 mb for CD1400-32 and 80 mb for CD1400-96).
-WDxxx units are Winchester drives that connect to a proprietary PBUS bus
-interface. This bus is a built-in interface in BS300 and BS300A systems, and
-the TPBI card enables any TILINE 990 system to support it. WD800s are 8"
-drives with integrated tape backup, WD500s are 5"1/4 drives with integrated
-FD1000 backup, and WD900s are 9" drives. The WD900 controller can optionally
-partition the disc into two partitions: the set-up with no partitioning is
-listed as WD900-138 and WD900-425, whereas the set-up with partitioning is
-listed as WD900-138/2 and WD900-425/2.
-MSU II and MSU IIa are SCSI units to be connected to the 990/SCSI controller
-Macintosh floppy disk images (mac)
-This module supports MFS (Macintosh File System) and HFS (Hierarchical File
-System) floppy disk images, either in diskcopy 4.2 or raw image format (the raw
-image format is partially compatible with diskcopy 6 format).
-This module can catalog images, and get files in MacBinary format. You can put
-files on MFS-formatted images, too, but not on HFS-formatted images.
-The module does not support folders in MFS format, because MFS folders are not
-documented by Apple.
-Extracted files are in MacBinary III format (which is fully compatible with
-MacBinary I and II). The MacBinary III format joins both macintosh file forks,
-the comment field, and most file info in one single file: it is supported by
-several Macintosh utilities.
-Texas Instruments calculators variable files
-| Format | Description | Extension |
-| ti85p | TI-85 program file | 85p |
-| ti85s | TI-85 string file (also ZShell programs) | 85s |
-| ti85i | TI-85 picture file (85-image) | 85i |
-| ti85n | TI-85 real number file | 85n |
-| ti85c | TI-85 complex number file | 85c |
-| ti85l | TI-85 list (real or complex) | 85l |
-| ti85k | TI-85 constant file | 85k |
-| ti85m | TI-85 matrix (real or complex) file | 85m |
-| ti85v | TI-85 vector (real or complex) file | 85v |
-| ti85d | TI-85 graphics database file | 85d |
-| ti85e | TI-85 equation file | 85e |
-| ti85r | TI-85 range settings file | 85r |
-| ti85g | TI-85 grouped file | 85g |
-| ti85 | TI-85 generic file | 85? |
-| ti86p | TI-86 program file | 86p |
-| ti86s | TI-86 string file | 86s |
-| ti86i | TI-86 picture file (85-image) | 86i |
-| ti86n | TI-86 real number file | 86n |
-| ti86c | TI-86 complex number file | 86c |
-| ti86l | TI-86 list (real or complex) file | 86l |
-| ti86k | TI-86 constant file | 86k |
-| ti86m | TI-86 matrix (real or complex) file | 86m |
-| ti86v | TI-86 vector (real or complex) file | 86v |
-| ti86d | TI-86 graphics database file | 86d |
-| ti86e | TI-86 equation file | 86e |
-| ti86r | TI-86 range settings file | 86r |
-| ti86g | TI-86 grouped file | 86g |
-| ti86 | TI-86 generic file | 86? |
-Grouped formats (ti85g and ti86g) can keep more than one variable.
-Generic formats (ti85 and ti86) can be used for all types of variable files.
-For all types of variable files dir, create, put, get and delete commands are
-Texas Instruments calculators memory backup files
-| Format | Description | Extension |
-| ti85b | TI-85 memory backup file | 85b |
-For TI memory backup files only dir command is supported.
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-# Scripting MAME via LUA
-## Introduction
-It is now possible to externally drive MAME via LUA scripts.
-This feature initially appeared in version 0.148, when a minimal `luaengine`
-was implemented. Nowadays, the LUA interface is rich enough
-to let you inspect and manipulate devices state, access CPU
-registers, read and write memory, and draw a custom HUD on screen.
-Internally, MAME makes extensive use of `luabridge` to implement
-this feature: the idea is to transparently expose as many of
-the useful internals as possible.
-Finally, a warning: LUA API is not yet declared stable and may
-suddenly change without prior notice.
-However, we expose methods to let you know at runtime which API
-version you are running against, and you can introspect most of the
-objects at runtime.
-## Features
-The API is not yet complete, but this is a partial list of capabilities
-currently available to LUA scripts:
- * machine metadata (app version, current rom, rom details)
- * machine control (starting, pausing, resetting, stopping)
- * machine hooks (on frame painting and on user events)
- * machine options (hard reset required for options to take affect)
- * devices introspection (device tree listing, memory and register enumeration)
- * screens introspection (screens listing, screen details, frames counting)
- * screen snaps and HUD drawing (text, lines, boxes on multiple screens)
- * memory read/write (8/16/32/64 bits, signed and unsigned)
- * registers and states control (states enumeration, get and set)
-## Usage
-MAME supports external scripting via LUA (>= 5.3) scripts, either
-written on the interactive console or loaded as a file.
-To reach the console, just run MAME with `-console`; you will be
-greeted by a naked `>` prompt where you can input your script.
-To load a whole script at once, store it in a plaintext file and
-pass it via the `-autoboot_script`. Please note that script
-loading may be delayed (few seconds by default), but you can
-override the default with the `-autoboot_delay` argument.
-To control the execution of your code, you can use a loop-based or
-an event-based approach. The former is not encouraged as it is
-resource-intensive and makes control flow unnecessarily complex.
-Instead, we suggest to register custom hooks to be invoked on specific
-events (eg. at each frame rendering).
-## Walktrough
-Let's first run MAME in a terminal to reach the LUA console:
-$ mame -console YOUR_ROM
-M.A.M.E. v0.158 (Feb 5 2015) - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
-Copyright Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team
-Lua 5.3.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
-At this point, your game is probably running in demo mode, let's pause it:
-> emu.pause()
-Even without textual feedback on the console, you'll notice the game is now paused.
-In general, commands are quiet and only print back error messages.
-You can check at runtime which version of MAME you are running, with:
-> print(emu.app_name() .. " " .. emu.app_version())
-mame 0.158
-We now start exploring screen related methods. First, let's enumerate available screens:
-> for i,v in pairs(manager:machine().screens) do print(i) end
-`manager:machine()` is the root object of your currently running machine:
-we will be using this often. `screens` is a table with all available screens;
-most machines only have one main screen.
-In our case, the main and only screen is tagged as `:screen`, and we can further
-inspect it:
-> -- let's define a shorthand for the main screen
-> s = manager:machine().screens[":screen"]
-> print(s:width() .. "x" .. s:height())
-We have several methods to draw on the screen a HUD composed of lines, boxes and text:
-> -- we define a HUD-drawing function, and then call it
-> function draw_hud()
->> s:draw_text(40, 40, "foo"); -- (x0, y0, msg)
->> s:draw_box(20, 20, 80, 80, 0, 0xff00ffff); -- (x0, y0, x1, y1, fill-color, line-color)
->> s:draw_line(20, 20, 80, 80, 0xff00ffff); -- (x0, y0, x1, y1, line-color)
->> end
-> draw_hud();
-This will draw some useless art on the screen. However, when unpausing the game, your HUD
-needs to be refreshed otherwise it will just disappear. In order to do this, you have to register
-your hook to be called on every frame repaint:
-> emu.sethook(draw_hud, "frame")
-All colors are expected in ARGB format (32b unsigned), while screen origin (0,0)
-normally corresponds to the top-left corner.
-Similarly to screens, you can inspect all the devices attached to a
-> for k,v in pairs(manager:machine().devices) do print(k) end
-On some of them, you can also inspect and manipulate memory and state:
-> cpu = manager:machine().devices[":maincpu"]
-> -- enumerate, read and write state registers
-> for k,v in pairs(cpu.state) do print(k) end
-> print(cpu.state["D0"].value)
-> cpu.state["D0"].value = 255
-> print(cpu.state["D0"].value)
-> -- inspect memory
-> for k,v in pairs(cpu.spaces) do print(k) end
-> mem = cpu.spaces["program"]
-> print(mem:read_i8(0xC000))
-> opts = manager:machine():options()
-> for k, entry in pairs(opts.entries) do print(string.format("%10s: %s\n%11s %s", k, entry:value(), "", entry:description())) end
-diff_directory: diff
- directory to save hard drive image differeVnce files
-joystick_contradictory: false
- enable contradictory direction digital joystick input at the same time
- scalemode: none
- Scale mode: none, hwblit, hwbest, yv12, yuy2, yv12x2, yuy2x2 (-video soft only)
- oslog: false
- output error.log data to the system debugger
-> print(opts.entries["sleep"]:value())
-> print(opts.entries["sleep"]:value("invalid"))
-Illegal boolean value for sleep: "invalid"; reverting to 1
-> print(opts.entries["sleep"]:value(false))
-individual screen snapshots
-> local screen = manager:machine().screens[":screen"]
-> screen:snapshot()
-saved snap/gridlee/0000.png
-> screen:snapshot('%g.png')
-saved snap/gridlee.png
diff --git a/docs/m6502.txt b/docs/m6502.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d09954719bd..00000000000
--- a/docs/m6502.txt
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@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-The new 6502 family implementation
- 1. Introduction
-The new 6502 family implementation has been created to reach
-sub-instruction accuracy in observable behaviour. It is designed with
-3 goals in mind:
-- every bus cycle must happen at the exact time it would happen in a
- real cpu, and every access the real cpu does is done
-- instructions can be interrupted at any time in the middle then
- restarted at that point transparently
-- instructions can be interrupted even from within a memory handler
- for bus contention/wait states emulation purposes
-Point 1 has been ensured through bisimulation with the gate-level
-simulation perfect6502. Point 2 has been ensured structurally through
-a code generator which will be explained in section 8. Point 3 is not
-done yet due to lack of support on the memory subsystem side, but
-section 9 shows how it will be handled.
- 2. The 6502 family
-The MOS 6502 family has been large and productive. A large number of
-variants exist, varying on bus sizes, i/o, and even opcodes. Some
-offshots (g65c816, hu6280) even exist that live elsewhere in the mame
-tree. The final class hierarchy is this:
- 6502
- |
- +------+--------+--+--+-------+-------+
- | | | | | |
- 6510 deco16 6504 6509 n2a03 65c02
- | |
- +-----+-----+ r65c02
- | | | |
-6510t 7501 8502 +---+---+
- | |
- 65ce02 65sc02
- |
- 4510
-The 6510 adds an up to 8 bits i/o port, with the 6510t, 7501 and 8502
-being software-identical variants with different pin count (hence i/o
-count), die process (nmos, hnmos, etc) and clock support.
-The deco16 is a Deco variant with a small number of not really understood
-additional instructions and some i/o.
-The 6504 is a pin and address-bus reduced version.
-The 6509 adds internal support for paging.
-The n2a03 is the nes variant with the D flag disabled and sound
-functionality integrated.
-The 65c02 is the very first cmos variant with some additional
-instructions, some fixes, and most of the undocumented instructions
-turned into nops. The R (rockwell, but eventually produced by wdc too
-among others) variant adds a number of bitwise instructions and also
-stp and wai. The sc variant, used by the Lynx portable console, looks
-identical to the R variant. The 's' probably indicates a
-static-ram-cell process allowing full dc-to-max clock control.
-The 65ce02 is the final evolution of the ISA in this hierarchy, with
-additional instructions, registers, and removals of a lot of dummy
-accesses that slowed the original 6502 down by at least 25%. The 4510
-is a 65ce02 with integrated mmu and gpio support.
- 3. Usage of the classes
-All the cpus are standard modern cpu devices, with all the normal
-interaction with the device infrastructure. To include one of these
-cpu in your driver you need to include "cpu/m6502/<cpu>.h" and then do
-a MCFG_CPU_ADD("tag", <CPU>, clock).
-6510 variants port i/o callbacks are setup through:
- MCFG_<CPU>_PORT_CALLBACKS(READ8(type, read_method), WRITE8(type, write_method))
-And the pullup and floating lines mask is given through:
- MCFG_<CPU>_PORT_PULLS(pullups, floating)
-In order to see all bus accesses on the memory handlers it is possible
-to disable accesses through the direct map (at a cpu cost, of course)
-In that case, transparent decryption support is also disabled,
-everything goes through normal memory-map read/write calls. The state
-of the sync line is given by the cpu method get_sync(), making
-implementing the decryption in the handler possible.
-Also, as for every executable device, the cpu method total_cycles()
-gives the current time in cycles since the start of the machine from
-the point of view of the cpu. Or, in other words, what is usually
-called the cycle number for the cpu when somebody talks about bus
-contention or wait states. The call is designed to be fast (no
-system-wide sync, no call to machine.time()) and is precise. Cycle
-number for every access is exact at the sub-instruction level.
-The 4510 special nomap line is accessible through get_nomap().
-Other than these specifics, these are perfectly normal cpu classes.
- 4. General structure of the emulations
-Each variant is emulated through up to 4 files:
-- <cpu>.h = header for the cpu class
-- <cpu>.c = implementation of most of the cpu class
-- d<cpu>.lst = dispatch table for the cpu
-- o<cpu>.lst = opcode implementation code for the cpu
-The last two are optional. They're used to generate a <cpu>.inc file
-in the object directory which is included by the .c file.
-At a minimum, the class must include a constructor and an enum picking
-up the correct input line ids. See m65sc02 for a minimalist example.
-The header can also include specific configuration macros (see m8502)
-and also the class can include specific memory accessors (more on
-these later, simple example in m6504).
-If the cpu has its own dispatch table, the class must also include the
-declaration (but not definition) of disasm_entries, do_exec_full and
-do_exec_partial, the declaration and definition of disasm_disassemble
-(identical for all classes but refers to the class-specific
-disasm_entries array) and include the .inc file (which provides the
-missing definitions). Support for the generation must also be added
-to cpu.mak.
-If the cpu has in addition its own opcodes, their declaration must be
-done through a macro, see f.i. m65c02. The .inc file will provide the
- 5. Dispatch tables
-Each d<cpu>.lst is the dispatch table for the cpu. Lines starting
-with '#' are comments. The file must include 257 entries, the first
-256 being opcodes and the 257th what the cpu should do on reset. In
-the 6502 irq and nmi actually magically call the "brk" opcode, hence
-the lack of specific description for them.
-Entries 0 to 255, i.e. the opcodes, must have one of these two
-- opcode_addressing-mode
-- opcode_middle_addressing-mode
-Opcode is traditionally a three-character value. Addressing mode must
-be a 3-letter value corresponding to one of the DASM_* macros in
-m6502.h. Opcode and addressing mode are used to generate the
-disassembly table. The full entry text is used in the opcode
-description file and the dispatching methods, allowing for per-cpu
-variants for identical-looking opcodes.
-An entry of "." was usable for unimplemented/unknown opcodes,
-generating "???" in the disassembly, but is not a good idea at this
-point since it will infloop in execute() if encountered.
- 6. Opcode descriptions
-Each o<cpu>.lst file includes the cpu-specific opcodes descriptions.
-An opcode description is a series of lines starting by an opcode entry
-by itself and followed by a series of indented lines with code
-executing the opcode.
-For instance the asl <absolute address> opcode looks like this:
- TMP = read_pc();
- TMP = set_h(TMP, read_pc());
- TMP2 = read(TMP);
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- TMP2 = do_asl(TMP2);
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- prefetch();
-First the low part of the address is read, then the high part (read_pc
-is auto-incrementing). Then, now that the address is available the
-value to shift is read, then re-written (yes, the 6502 does that),
-shifted then the final result is written (do_asl takes care of the
-flags). The instruction finishes with a prefetch of the next
-instruction, as all non-cpu-crashing instructions do.
-Available bus-accessing functions are:
-- read(adr) - standard read
-- read_direct(adr) - read from program space
-- read_pc() - read at the PC address and increment it
-- read_pc_noinc() - read at the PC address
-- read_9() - 6509 indexed-y banked read
-- write(adr, val) - standard write
-- prefetch() - instruction prefetch
-- prefetch_noirq() - instruction prefetch without irq check
-Cycle counting is done by the code generator which detects (through
-string matching) the accesses and generates the appropriate code. In
-addition to the bus-accessing functions a special line can be used to
-wait for the next event (irq or whatever). "eat-all-cycles;" on a
-line will do that wait then continue. It is used by wai_imp and
-stp_imp for the m65c02.
-Due to the constraints of the code generation, some rules have to be
-- in general, stay with one instruction/expression per line
-- there must be no side effects in the parameters of a bus-accessing
- function
-- local variables lifetime must not go past a bus access. In general,
- it's better to leave them to helper methods (like do_asl) which do not
- do bus accesses. Note that "TMP" and "TMP2" are not local variables,
- they're variables of the class.
-- single-line then or else constructs must have braces around them if
- they're calling a bus-accessing function
-The per-opcode generated code are methods of the cpu class. As such
-they have complete access to other methods of the class, variables of
-the class, everything.
- 7. Memory interface
-For better opcode reuse with the mmu/banking variants, a memory access
-subclass has been created. It's called memory_interface, declared in
-m6502_device, and provides the following accessors:
-- UINT8 read(UINT16 adr) - normal read
-- UINT8 read_sync(UINT16 adr) - opcode read with sync active (first byte of opcode)
-- UINT8 read_arg(UINT16 adr) - opcode read with sync inactive (rest of opcode)
-- void write(UINT16 adr, UINT8 val) - normal write
-- UINT8 read_9(UINT16 adr) - special y-indexed 6509 read, defaults to read()
-- void write_9(UINT16 adr, UINT8 val); - special y-indexed 6509 write, defaults to write()
-Two implementations are given by default, one usual,
-mi_default_normal, one disabling direct access, mi_default_nd. A cpu
-that wants its own interface (see 6504 or 6509 for instance) must
-override device_start, intialize mintf there then call init().
- 8. The generated code
-A code generator is used to support interrupting and restarting an
-instruction in the middle. This is done through a two-level state
-machine with updates only at the boundaries. More precisely,
-inst_state tells you which main state you're in. It's equal to the
-opcode byte when 0-255, and 0xff00 means reset. It's always valid and
-used by instructions like rmb. inst_substate indicates at which step
-we are in an instruction, but it set only when an instruction has been
-interrupted. Let's go back to the asl <abs> code:
- TMP = read_pc();
- TMP = set_h(TMP, read_pc());
- TMP2 = read(TMP);
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- TMP2 = do_asl(TMP2);
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- prefetch();
-The complete generated code is:
-void m6502_device::asl_aba_partial()
-switch(inst_substate) {
-case 0:
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 1; return; }
-case 1:
- TMP = read_pc();
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 2; return; }
-case 2:
- TMP = set_h(TMP, read_pc());
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 3; return; }
-case 3:
- TMP2 = read(TMP);
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 4; return; }
-case 4:
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- icount--;
- TMP2 = do_asl(TMP2);
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 5; return; }
-case 5:
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 6; return; }
-case 6:
- prefetch();
- icount--;
- inst_substate = 0;
-One can see that the initial switch() restarts the instruction at the
-appropriate substate, that icount is updated after each access, and
-upon reaching 0 the instruction is interrupted and the substate
-updated. Since most instructions are started from the beginning a
-specific variant is generated for when inst_substate is known to be 0:
-void m6502_device::asl_aba_full()
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 1; return; }
- TMP = read_pc();
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 2; return; }
- TMP = set_h(TMP, read_pc());
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 3; return; }
- TMP2 = read(TMP);
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 4; return; }
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- icount--;
- TMP2 = do_asl(TMP2);
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 5; return; }
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 6; return; }
- prefetch();
- icount--;
-That variant removes the switch, avoiding a costly computed branch and
-also an inst_substate write. There is in addition a fair chance that
-the decrement-test with zero pair is compiled into something
-All these opcode functions are called through two virtual methods,
-do_exec_full and do_exec_partial, which are generated into a 257-entry
-switch statement. Pointers-to-methods being expensive to call, a
-virtual function implementing a switch has a fair chance of being
-The execute main call ends up very simple:
-void m6502_device::execute_run()
- if(inst_substate)
- do_exec_partial();
- while(icount > 0) {
- if(inst_state < 0x100) {
- PPC = NPC;
- inst_state = IR;
- if(machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED)
- debugger_instruction_hook(this, NPC);
- }
- do_exec_full();
- }
-If an instruction was partially executed finish it (icount will then
-be zero if it still doesn't finish). Then try to run complete
-instructions. The NPC/IR dance is due to the fact that the 6502 does
-instruction prefetching, so the instruction PC and opcode come from
-the prefetch results.
- 9. Future bus contention/delay slot support
-Supporting bus contention and delay slots in the context of the code
-generator only requires being able to abort a bus access when not
-enough cycles are available into icount, and restart it when cycles
-have become available again. The implementation plan is to:
-- Have a delay() method on the cpu that removes cycles from icount.
- If icount becomes zero or less, having it throw a suspend() exception.
-- Change the code generator to generate this:
-void m6502_device::asl_aba_partial()
-switch(inst_substate) {
-case 0:
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 1; return; }
-case 1:
- try {
- TMP = read_pc();
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 1; return; }
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 2; return; }
-case 2:
- try {
- TMP = set_h(TMP, read_pc());
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 2; return; }
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 3; return; }
-case 3:
- try {
- TMP2 = read(TMP);
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 3; return; }
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 4; return; }
-case 4:
- try {
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 4; return; }
- icount--;
- TMP2 = do_asl(TMP2);
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 5; return; }
-case 5:
- try {
- write(TMP, TMP2);
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 5; return; }
- icount--;
- if(icount == 0) { inst_substate = 6; return; }
-case 6:
- try {
- prefetch();
- } catch(suspend) { inst_substate = 6; return; }
- icount--;
- inst_substate = 0;
-A modern try/catch costs nothing if an exception is not thrown. Using
-this the control will go back to the main loop, which will then look
-like this:
-void m6502_device::execute_run()
- if(waiting_cycles) {
- icount -= waiting_cycles;
- waiting_cycles = 0;
- }
- if(icount > 0 && inst_substate)
- do_exec_partial();
- while(icount > 0) {
- if(inst_state < 0x100) {
- PPC = NPC;
- inst_state = IR;
- if(machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED)
- debugger_instruction_hook(this, NPC);
- }
- do_exec_full();
- }
- waiting_cycles = -icount;
- icount = 0;
-A negative icount means that the cpu won't be able to do anything for
-some time in the future, because it's either waiting for the bus to be
-free or for a peripheral to answer. These cycles will be counted
-until elapsed and then normal processing will go on. It's important
-to note that the exception path only happens when the contention/wait
-state goes further than the scheduling slice of the cpu. That should
-not usually be the case, so the cost should be minimal.
- 10. Multi-dispatch variants
-Some variants currently in the process of being supported change
-instruction set depending on an internal flag, either switching to a
-16-bits mode or changing some register accesses to memory accesses.
-This is handled by having multiple dispatch tables for the cpu, the
-d<cpu>.lst not being 257 entries anymore but 256*n+1. The variable
-inst_state_base must select which instruction table to use at a given
-time. It must be a multiple of 256, and is in fact simply or-ed to
-the first instruction byte to get the dispatch table index (aka
- 11. Current TODO
-- Implement the bus contention/wait states stuff, but that requires
- support on the memory map side first.
-- Integrate the i/o subsystems in the 4510
-- Possibly integrate the sound subsytem in the n2a03
-- Add decent hookups for the apple 3 madness
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-Copyright (c) 1997-2016 by MAMEdev and contributors
-MAME is a registered trademark of Nicola Salmoria
-I. Purpose
-MAME main purpose is to be a reference to the inner workings of the
-emulated machines. This is done both for educational purposes and for
-preservation purposes, in order to prevent historical software from
-disappearing forever once the hardware it runs on stops working. Of
-course, in order to preserve the software and demonstrate that the
-emulated behavior matches the original, one must also be able to
-actually use the software. This is considered a nice side effect, and is
-not MAME's primary focus.
-It is not our intention to infringe on any copyrights or patents on the
-original games. All of MAME's source code is either our own or freely
-available. To operate, the emulator requires images of the original
-ROMs, CDs, hard disks or other media from the machines, which must be
-provided by the user. No portions of the original game code are included
-in the executable.
-II. Cost
-MAME is free. Its source code is free. The project as whole is
-distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later
-(GPL-2.0+), but most of code (including core functionality) is also
-available under the 3-clause BSD license (BSD-3-clause).
-III. Software Image Files
-ROM, CD, hard disk and other media images are all copyrighted material.
-They cannot be distributed without the explicit permission of the
-copyright holder(s). They are not "abandonware", nor has any of the
-software supported by MAME passed out of copyright.
-MAME is not intended to be used as a tool for mass copyright
-infringement. Therefore, it is strongly against the authors' wishes to
-sell, advertise, or link to resources that provide illegal copies of
-ROM, CD, hard disk or other media images.
-IV. Derivative Works
-Because the name MAME is trademarked, you must abide by the rules set
-out for trademark usage if you wish to use "MAME" as part of the name
-your derivative work. In general, this means you must request
-permission, which requires that you follow the guidelines above.
-The version number of any derivative work should reflect the version
-number of the MAME release from which it was was derived.
-V. Official Contact Information
-For questions regarding the MAME license, trademark, or other usage, go
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-This article originally appeared in a slightly different form at
- You should read this if you are used to how
-MAME's video system worked prior to 0.107 and you want to understand
-how you should configure MAME with the new rendering system in place.
-The New Video Landscape
-Since its inception 9 years ago, MAME's video system has defaulted to
-a mode where it tries to change resolutions on you. And since the
-first port of the core to Windows 5 years ago, it has defaulted to
-using your graphics card to stretch the video to that resolution.
-I'm sure a lot of you out there have taken a lot of time to tweak the
-current set of video options to make them work the way you like. But
-every once in a while, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate
-the situation. The current video system has been in place for 5 years
-now without much substantial change. And with the recent rewrite,
-you're almost certainly going to want to rethink the way you have
-things configured.
-At the highest level, there are really three different ways you can
-configure the new system. Placing yourself into one of these three
-categories will help you get the initial settings right. From there,
-you can tweak with the settings to figure out what works best.
-Category 1: Bells and whistles. People who fall into this category
-would include anyone with a modern system and a decent video card
-(decent in this context means at least 16MB of VRAM and built in the
-last 5 years or so -- we're not talking cutting edge here). Any decent
-video card will be able to render the simple MAME graphics at pretty
-much any resolution without breaking a sweat. Configure your desktop
-to the video mode you want (preferably something high like 1024x768
-or greater with a high refresh rate, unless you are running on a
-fixed-mode LCD, in which case just match what your LCD panel is),
-and tell MAME to leave the resolution alone. In this day and age,
-there is little reason to switch resolutions at all, unless you
-fall into Category 3, below. In this mode, you will have full access
-to artwork options, and you'll get your artwork scaled to full
-resolution and with full alpha blending effects. Vector games will
-look crisp, you can use decent fonts, and you can see a whole lot
-more of the world when using the graphics/tilemap viewer. This mode
-uses Direct3D, so you should configure yourself like this:
- -video d3d -noswitchres [-triplebuffer] [-nofilter]
-The -noswitchres option tells MAME to just run at the current
-resolution. Although you can let MAME pick a resolution for you, it
-doesn't really make much sense in D3D mode, and in fact I may even
-remove that feature altogether. To avoid tearing artifacts, I
-recommend using the -triplebuffer option as well. Just make sure your
-monitor's refresh rate is higher than the game you are running. If
-you dislike the blurry look of the graphics, you can specify the
--nofilter option to disable bilinear filtering, though that will
-produce blocky artifacts. Alternatively, you can use the -prescale
-option which is described at the end of this article.
-Category 2: Like the old days. I really didn't even want to support
-this mode at all, but certain vocal MAMEdevs would have skinned me
-alive otherwise. People who fall into this category include those who
-have weak systems that worked fine with previous versions of MAME,
-but who don't run well with Direct3D rendering. (Note that just
-because Space Invaders runs unthrottled at 2000fps with DirectDraw
-and 1000fps with Direct3D doesn't mean that Direct3D is going to be
-a serious issue when playing at a regular 60fps, so if you're unsure,
-give the Direct3D route a try for a while.) In this mode, MAME will
-draw the game screen and artwork at the game's resolution, just like
-it did in MAME 0.106 and earlier; however, some artwork options,
-such as -artcrop, won't work as you might expect, and some alpha
-blending artwork modes (specifically overlays) will operate with a
-performance penality. MAME will then use your video card to stretch
-the video to the proper aspect ratio.
- -video ddraw -hwstretch [-switchres] [-triplebuffer]
-The -switchres is optional here. If your video card is really ancient
-and struggles expanding the screen to fit your desktop resolution,
-you might want to turn it on. Again, to avoid tearing artifacts, I
-recommend using the -triplebuffer option as well, but make sure your
-monitor's refresh rate is higher than the game you are running
-(-switchres will do that for you if you use it). If your video card
-produces blurry pixels which you don't like, try the -prescale option
-described at the end of this article.
-Category 3: Anal video mode types. These are the guys who have
-generally built their own cabinets and set them up with a CRT display
-where they have several dozen carefully hand-tweaked video modes that
-approximate the original video modes the games ran at. They want MAME
-to pick that hand-tweaked mode and use it, drawing one pixel on the
-screen for each pixel in the original game. They don't give a whit
-about artwork or anything other than the raw pixels going to the
-right place. Fortunately, you can still configure MAME for this case
-as well:
- -video ddraw -nohwstretch -switchres [-triplebuffer]
-Obviously in this case, the -switchres is required. You also want to
-disable hardware stretching, otherwise you won't get that "perfect"
-1:1 pixel mapping. Triple buffering may or may not help.
-So, I recommend starting with these initial options and then tweaking
-from there. One additional option you might want to try in
-combination with the above is the -prescale option. -prescale takes
-an integer parameter from 1 to 3, and specifies a magnification
-amount by which the screen pixels are expanded before they are drawn
-to the screen. Why is this useful? And how much of a performance
-impact does it have? Well, that depends on the mode you are running
-If you are running in Category 1 (-video d3d), then -prescale will
-use your video card to scale the game graphics up before rendering
-them to the screen. Depending on the video card, this is usually a
-small performance hit, but not too significant. The benefit is that
-each prescale factor reduces the blurriness of the pixels.
--prescale 1 is the default, which does no scaling. -prescale 2 will
-double each pixel, and -prescale 3 will triple each pixel. For my
-money, -prescale 2 is sufficient, but people with super high
-resolution displays claim that larger -prescale factors work even
-If you are running in Category 2 (-video ddraw -hwstretch), then
--prescale will cause MAME to compose the screen graphics at the
-specified scale factor. This is unfortunately done in software, but
-carries the benefit that artwork, fonts, and the graphics viewer can
-take advantage of the additional resolution to produce nicer results.
-The end effect is that you will get less blurry pixels, just like the
-Category 1 case, plus higher quality artwork, fonts, and more visible
-area in the graphics viewer.
-If you are running in Category 3 (-video ddraw -nohwstretch), then
--prescale will cause MAME to pick a video mode that is the prescale
-factor times the raw screen resolution, and then MAME will, in
-software, compose the screen graphics at the specified scale factor.
-This has all the advantages of the Category 2 case, except that since
-there wasn't any pixel blurring to begin with, there is no additional
-crispness that comes about as a result.
-Finally, you may be wondering about effects (and yes, scanlines are
-an "effect"). Effects are no longer hard-coded into the system.
-Rather, you can provide a PNG file in the artwork directory that will
-be loaded and overlaid on top of screen bitmaps. See the description
-of -effect in windows.txt for more details.
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-The new SCSI subsystem
- 1. Introduction
-The nscsi subsystem was created to allow an implementation to be
-closer to the physical reality, making it easier (hopefully) to
-implement new controller chips from the documentations.
- 2. Global structure
-Parallel SCSI is built around a symmetric bus to which a number of
-devices are connected. The bus is composed of 9 control lines (for
-now, later scsi versions may have more) and up to 32 data lines (but
-currently implemented chips only handle 8). All the lines are open
-collector, which means that either one or multiple chip connect the
-line to ground and the line, of course, goes to ground, or no chip
-drives anything and the line stays at Vcc. Also, the bus uses
-inverted logic, where ground means 1. SCSI chips traditionally work
-in logical and not physical levels, so the nscsi subsystem also works
-in logical levels and does a logical-or of all the outputs of the
-Structurally, the implementation is done around two main classes:
-nscsi_bus_devices represents the bus, and nscsi_device represents an
-individual device. A device only communicate with the bus, and the
-bus takes care of transparently handling the device discovery and
-communication. In addition the nscsi_full_device class proposes a
-scsi device with the scsi protocol implemented making building generic
-scsi devices like harddrives or cdrom readers easier.
- 3. Plugging in a scsi bus in a driver
-The nscsi subsystem leverages the slot interfaces and the device
-naming to allow for a configurable yet simple bus implementation.
-First you need to create a list of acceptable devices to plug on the
-bus. This usually comprises of cdrom, harddisk and the controller
-chip. For instance:
-static SLOT_INTERFACE_START( next_scsi_devices )
-The _INTERNAL interface indicates a device that is not
-user-selectable, which is useful for the controller.
-Then in the machine config (or in a fragment config) you need to first
-add the bus, and then the (potential) devices as subdevices of the bus
-with the scsi id as the name. For instance you can use:
- MCFG_NSCSI_BUS_ADD("scsibus")
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:0", next_scsi_devices, "cdrom", 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:1", next_scsi_devices, "harddisk", 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:2", next_scsi_devices, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:3", next_scsi_devices, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:4", next_scsi_devices, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:5", next_scsi_devices, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:6", next_scsi_devices, 0, 0, 0, 0, false)
- MCFG_NSCSI_ADD("scsibus:7", next_scsi_devices, "ncr5390", 0, &next_ncr5390_interface, 10000000, true)
-That configuration puts as default a cdrom reader on scsi id 0 and a
-hard drive on scsi id 1, and forces the controller on id 7. The
-parameters of add are:
-- device tag, comprised of bus-tag:scsi-id
-- the list of acceptable devices
-- the device name as per the list, if one is to be there by default
-- the device input config, if any (and there usually isn't one)
-- the device configuration structure, usually for the controller only
-- the frequency, usually for the controller only
-- "false" for a user-modifyable slot, "true" for a fixed slot
-The full device name, for mapping purposes, will be
-bus-tag:scsi-id:device-type, i.e. "scsibus:7:ncr5390" for our
-controller here.
- 4. Creating a new scsi device using nscsi_device
-The base class "nscsi_device" is to be used for down-to-the-metal
-devices, i.e. scsi controller chips. The class provides three
-variables and one method. The first variable, scsi_bus, is a pointer
-to the nscsi_bus_device. The second, scsi_refid, is an opaque
-reference to pass to the bus on some operations. Finally, scsi_id
-gives the scsi id as per the device tag. It's written once at startup
-and never written or read afterwards, the device can do whatever it
-wants with the value or the variable.
-The virtual method scsi_ctrl_changed is called when watched-for
-control lines change. Which lines are watched is defined through the
-The bus proposes five methods to access the lines. The read methods
-are ctrl_r() and data_r(). The meaning of the control bits are
-defined in the S_* enum of nscsi_device. The bottom three bits (INP,
-CTL and MSG) are setup so that masking with 7 (S_PHASE_MASK) gives the
-traditional numbers for the phases, which are also available with the
-S_PHASE_* enum.
-Writing the data lines is done with data_w(scsi_refid, value).
-Writing the control lines is done with ctrl_w(scsi_refid, value,
-mask-of-lines-to-change). To change all control lines in one call use
-S_ALL as the mask.
-Of course, what is read is the logical-or of all of what is driven by
-all devices.
-Finally, the method ctrl_wait_w(scsi_id, value,
-mask-of-wait-lines-to-change) allows to select which control lines are
-watched. The watch mask is per-device, and the device method
-scsi_ctrl_changed is called whenever a control line in the mask
-changes due to an action of another device (not itself, to avoid an
-annoying and somewhat useless recursion).
-Implementing the controller is then just a matter of following the
-state machines descriptions, at least if they're available. The only
-part often not described is the arbitration/selection, which is
-documented in the scsi standard though. For an initiator (which is
-what the controller essentially always is), it goes like this:
-- wait for the bus to be idle
-- assert the data line which number is your scsi_id (1 << scsi_id)
-- assert the busy line
-- wait the arbitration time
-- check that the of the active data lines the one with the highest number is yours
- - if no, the arbitration was lost, stop driving anything and restart at the beginning
-- assert the select line (at that point, the bus is yours)
-- wait a short while
-- keep your data line asserted, assert the data line which number is the scsi id of the target
-- wait a short while
-- assert the atn line if needed, deassert busy
-- wait for busy to be asserted or timeout
- - timeout means nobody is answering at that id, deassert everything and stop
-- wait a short while for deskewing
-- deassert the data bus and the select line
-- wait a short while
-and then you're done, you're connected with the target until the
-target deasserts the busy line, either because you asked it to or just
-to annoy you. The deassert is called a disconnect.
-The ncr5390 is an example of how to use a two-level state machine to
-handle all the events.
- 5. Creating a new scsi device using nscsi_full_device
-The base class "nscsi_full_device" is used to create HLE-d scsi
-devices intended for generic uses, like hard drives, cdroms, perhaps
-scanners, etc. The class provides the scsi protocol handling, leaving
-only the command handling and (optionally) the message handling to the
-The class currently only support target devices.
-The first method to implement is scsi_command(). That method is
-called when a command has fully arrived. The command is available in
-scsi_cmdbuf[], and its length is in scsi_cmdsize (but the length is
-generally useless, the command first byte giving it). The 4096-bytes
-scsi_cmdbuf array is then freely modifiable.
-In scsi_command(), the device can either handle the command or pass it
-up with nscsi_full_device::scsi_command().
-To handle the command, a number of methods are available:
-- get_lun(lua-set-in-command) will give you the lun to work on (the
- in-command one can be overriden by a message-level one).
-- bad_lun() replies to the host that the specific lun is unsupported.
-- scsi_data_in(buffer-id, size) sends size bytes from buffer buffer-id
-- scsi_data_out(buffer-id, size) recieves size bytes into buffer buffer-id
-- scsi_status_complete(status) ends the command with a given status.
-- sense(deferred, key) prepares the sense buffer for a subsequent
- request-sense command, which is useful when returning a
- check-condition status.
-The scsi_data_* and scsi_status_complete commands are queued, the
-command handler should call them all without waiting.
-buffer-id identifies a buffer. 0, aka SBUF_MAIN, targets the
-scsi_cmdbuf buffer. Other acceptable values are 2 or more. 2+ ids
-are handled through the scsi_get_data method for read and
-scsi_put_data for write.
-UINT8 device::scsi_get_data(int id, int pos) must return byte pos of
-buffer id, upcalling in nscsi_full_device for id < 2.
-void device::scsi_put_data(int id, int pos, UINT8 data) must write
-byte pos in buffer id, upcalling in nscsi_full_device for id < 2.
-scsi_get_data and scsi_put_data should do the external reads/writes
-when needed.
-The device can also override scsi_message to handle scsi messages
-other than the ones generically handled, and it can also override some
-of the timings (but a lot of them aren't used, beware).
-A number of enums are defined to make things easier. The SS_* enum
-gives status returns (with SS_GOOD for all's well). The SC_* enum
-gives the scsi commands. The SM_* enum gives the scsi messages, with
-the exception of identify (which is 80-ff, doesn't really fit in an
- 6. What's missing
- 6.1. What's missing in scsi_full_device
-Initiator support - we have no initiator device to HLE at that point.
-Delays - a scsi_delay command would help giving more realistic timings
-to the cdrom reader in particular.
-Disconnected operation - would first require delays and in addition an
-emulated OS that can handle it.
-16-bits wide operation - needs an OS and an initiator that can handle
- 6.2. What's missing in the ncr5390 (and probably future other controllers)
-Bus free detection. Right now the bus is considered free if the
-controllers isn't using it, which is true. This may change once
-disconnected operation is in.
-Target commands, we don't emulate (vs. HLE) any target yet.
diff --git a/docs/windows.txt b/docs/windows.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd14a19359..00000000000
--- a/docs/windows.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-This file describes Windows-specific usage information about MAME. It is
-intended to cover aspects of using and configuring the program that are
-specific to running MAME from the command line on a Windows-based system.
-For common options that apply to all systems, please see config.txt.
-In addition to the keys described in config.txt, the following additional
-keys are defined for Windows versions of MAME:
-Windows debugging options
- Outputs the error.log data to the Windows debugger. This can be used at
- the same time as -log to output the log data to both targets as well.
- Default is OFF (-nooslog).
--watchdog <duration> / -wdog <duration>
- Enables an internal watchdog timer that will automatically kill the MAME
- process if more than <duration> seconds passes without a frame update.
- Keep in mind that some games sit for a while during load time without
- updating the screen, so <duration> should be long enough to cover that.
- 10-30 seconds on a modern system should be plenty in general. By default
- there is no watchdog.
--debugger_font <fontname> / -dfont <fontname>
- Specifies the name of the font to use for debugger windows. By default,
- the font is Lucida Console.
--debugger_font_size <points> / -dfontsize <points>
- Specifies the size of the font to use for debugger windows, in points.
- By default, this is set to 9pt.
-Windows performance options
--priority <priority>
- Sets the thread priority for the MAME threads. By default the priority
- is left alone to guarantee proper cooperation with other applications.
- The valid range is -15 to 1, with 1 being the highest priority. The
- default is 0 (NORMAL priority).
--[no]multithreading / -[no]mt
- Enables multithreading within MAME. At the moment, this causes the
- window and all DirectDraw/Direct3D code to execute on a second thread,
- which can improve performance on hyperthreaded and multicore systems.
- The default is OFF (-nomultithreading).
--numprocessors <auto|value> / -np <auto|value>
- Specify the number of processors to use for work queues. Specifying
- "auto" will use the value reported by the system or environment
- variable OSDPROCESSORS. To avoid abuse, this value is internally limited
- to 4 times the number of processors reported by the system.
- The default is "auto".
--profile [n]
- Enables profiling, specifying the stack depth of [n] to track.
--bench [n]
- Benchmark for [n] number of emulated seconds; implies the command string:
- -str [n] -video none -sound none -nothrottle
-Windows video options
--video <gdi|ddraw|d3d|none>
- Specifies which video subsystem to use for drawing. By specifying 'gdi'
- here, you tell MAME to render video using standard Windows graphics
- drawing calls. This is the slowest but most compatible option.
- Specifying 'ddraw' instructs MAME to use DirectDraw for rendering.
- This causes MAME to render everything at a lower resolution and then
- upscale the results at the end. This produces high performance,
- especially on older or low-power video cards, but has a noticeably
- lower output quality. Specifying 'd3d' tells MAME to use Direct3D for
- rendering. This produces the highest quality output and enables all
- rendering options. It is recommended if you have a recent (2002+)
- video card. The final option 'none' displays no windows and does no
- drawing. This is primarily present for doing CPU benchmarks without
- the overhead of the video system. The default is d3d.
--numscreens <count>
- Tells MAME how many output windows to create. For most games, a single
- output window is all you need, but some games originally used multiple
- screens. Each screen (up to 4) has its own independent settings for
- physical monitor, aspect ratio, resolution, and view, which can be
- set using the options below. The default is 1.
--[no]window / -[no]w
- Run MAME in either a window or full screen. The default is OFF
- (-nowindow).
--[no]maximize / -[no]max
- Controls initial window size in windowed mode. If it is set on, the
- window will initially be set to the maximum supported size when you
- start MAME. If it is turned off, the window will start out at the
- smallest supported size. This option only has an effect when the
- -window option is used. The default is ON (-maximize).
--[no]keepaspect / -[no]ka
- Enables aspect ratio enforcement. When this option is on, the game's
- proper aspect ratio (generally 4:3 or 3:4) is enforced, so you get the
- game looking like it should. When running in a window with this option
- on, you can only resize the window to the proper aspect ratio, unless
- you are holding down the CONTROL key. By turning the option off, the
- aspect ratio is allowed to float. In full screen mode, this means that
- all games will stretch to the full screen size (even vertical games).
- In window mode, it means that you can freely resize the window without
- any constraints. The default is ON (-keepaspect).
--prescale <amount>
- Controls the size of the screen images when they are passed off to the
- graphics system for scaling. At the minimum setting of 1, the screen
- is rendered at its original resolution before being scaled. At higher
- settings, the screen is expanded by a factor of <amount> before being
- scaled. With -video ddraw or -video d3d, this produces a less blurry
- image at the expense of some speed. In -video ddraw mode, this also
- increases the effective resolution of non-screen elements such as
- artwork and fonts. The default is 1.
- Waits for the refresh period on your computer's monitor to finish
- before starting to draw video to your screen. If this option is off,
- MAME will just draw to the screen at any old time, even in the middle
- of a refresh cycle. This can cause "tearing" artifacts, where the top
- portion of the screen is out of sync with the bottom portion. Tearing
- is not noticeable on all games, and some people hate it more than
- others. However, if you turn this option on, you will waste more of
- your CPU cycles waiting for the proper time to draw, so you will see a
- performance hit. You should only need to turn this on in windowed mode.
- In full screen mode, it is only needed if -triplebuffer does not
- remove the tearing, in which case you should use -notriplebuffer
- -waitvsync. Note that this option does not work with -video gdi mode.
- The default is OFF (-nowaitvsync).
- Enables speed throttling only to the refresh of your monitor. This
- means that the game's actual refresh rate is ignored; however, the
- sound code still attempts to keep up with the game's original refresh
- rate, so you may encounter sound problems. This option is intended
- mainly for those who have tweaked their video card's settings to
- provide carefully matched refresh rate options. Note that this option
- does not work with -video gdi mode.The default is OFF (-nosyncrefresh).
-DirectDraw-specific options
--[no]hwstretch / -[no]hws
- When enabled, MAME uses the hardware stretching abilities of your
- video card to scale the game image and associated artwork to the
- target resolution. Depending on the quality of your graphic card and
- its drivers, this may be a fractional, antialiased scaling (nice) or
- an integer, blocky scaling (not so nice), in which case you might want
- to disable this option. In addition, if you have configured specific
- arcade-like video modes for MAME and don't want MAME to perform any
- non-integral scaling of the image, you should also disable this option.
- The default is ON (-hwstretch).
-Direct3D-specific options
--[no]filter / -[no]d3dfilter / -[no]flt
- Enable bilinear filtering on the game screen graphics. When disabled,
- point filtering is applied, which is crisper but leads to scaling
- artifacts. If you don't like the filtered look, you are probably better
- off increasing the -prescale value rather than turning off filtering
- altogether. The default is ON (-filter).
-Per-window options
--screen <display>
--screen0 <display>
--screen1 <display>
--screen2 <display>
--screen3 <display>
- Specifies which physical monitor on your system you wish to have each
- window use by default. In order to use multiple windows, you must have
- increased the value of the -numscreens option. The name of each
- display in your system can be determined by running MAME with the
- -verbose option. The display names are typically in the format of:
- \\.\DISPLAYn, where 'n' is a number from 1 to the number of connected
- monitors. The default value for these options is 'auto', which means
- that the first window is placed on the first display, the second
- window on the second display, etc.
- The -screen0, -screen1, -screen2, -screen3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -screen parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
--aspect <width:height> / -screen_aspect <num:den>
--aspect0 <width:height>
--aspect1 <width:height>
--aspect2 <width:height>
--aspect3 <width:height>
- Specifies the physical aspect ratio of the physical monitor for each
- window. In order to use multiple windows, you must have increased the
- value of the -numscreens option. The physical aspect ratio can be
- determined by measuring the width and height of the visible screen
- image and specifying them separated by a colon. The default value for
- these options is 'auto', which means that MAME assumes the aspect
- ratio is proportional to the number of pixels in the desktop video
- mode for each monitor.
- The -aspect0, -aspect1, -aspect2, -aspect3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -aspect parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
--resolution <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution0 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r0 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution1 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r1 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution2 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r2 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
--resolution3 <widthxheight[@refresh]> / -r3 <widthxheight[@refresh]>
- Specifies an exact resolution to run in. In full screen mode, MAME
- will try to use the specific resolution you request. The width and
- height are required; the refresh rate is optional. If omitted or
- set to 0, MAME will determine the mode auomatically. For example,
- -resolution 640x480 will force 640x480 resolution, but MAME is free to
- choose the refresh rate. Similarly, -resolution 0x0@60 will force a
- 60Hz refresh rate, but allows MAME to choose the resolution. The
- string "auto" is also supported, and is equivalent to 0x0@0. In window
- mode, this resolution is used as a maximum size for the window. This
- option requires the -switchres option as well in order to actually
- enable resolution switching with -video ddraw or -video d3d. The
- default value for these options is 'auto'.
- The -resolution0, -resolution1, -resolution2, -resolution3 parameters
- apply to the specific window. The -resolution parameter applies to all
- windows. The window-specific options override values from the all
- window option.
--view <viewname>
--view0 <viewname>
--view1 <viewname>
--view2 <viewname>
--view3 <viewname>
- Specifies the initial view setting for each window. The <viewname>
- does not need to be a perfect match; rather, it will select the first
- view whose name matches all the characters specified by <viewname>.
- For example, -view native will match the "Native (15:14)" view even
- though it is not a perfect match. The value 'auto' is also supported,
- and requests that MAME perform a default selection. The default value
- for these options is 'auto'.
- The -view0, -view1, -view2, -view3 parameters apply to the
- specific window. The -view parameter applies to all windows. The
- window-specific options override values from the all window option.
-Full screen options
--[no]triplebuffer / -[no]tb
- Enables or disables "triple buffering". Normally, MAME just draws
- directly to the screen, without any fancy buffering. But with this
- option enabled, MAME creates three buffers to draw to, and cycles
- between them in order. It attempts to keep things flowing such that one
- buffer is currently displayed, the second buffer is waiting to be
- displayed, and the third buffer is being drawn to. -triplebuffer will
- override -waitvsync, if the buffer is sucessfully created. This option
- does not work with -video gdi. The default is OFF (-notriplebuffer).
- Enables resolution switching. This option is required for the
- -resolution* options to switch resolutions in full screen mode. On
- modern video cards, there is little reason to switch resolutions unless
- you are trying to achieve the "exact" pixel resolutions of the original
- games, which requires significant tweaking. This option is also useful
- on LCD displays, since they run with a fixed resolution and switching
- resolutions on them is just silly. This option does not work with
- -video gdi. The default is OFF (-noswitchres).
--full_screen_brightness / -fsb <value>
- Controls the brightness, or black level, of the entire display. The
- standard value is 1.0. Selecting lower values (down to 0.1) will produce
- a darkened display, while selecting higher values (up to 2.0) will
- give a brighter display. Note that not all video cards have hardware to
- support this option. This option does not work with -video gdi. The
- default is 1.0.
--full_screen_contrast / -fsc <value>
- Controls the contrast, or white level, of the entire display. The
- standard value is 1.0. Selecting lower values (down to 0.1) will produce
- a dimmer display, while selecting higher values (up to 2.0) will
- give a more saturated display. Note that not all video cards have
- hardware to support this option. This option does not work with
- -video gdi. The default is 1.0.
--full_screen_gamma / -fsg <value>
- Controls the gamma, which produces a potentially nonlinear black to
- white ramp, for the entire display. The standard value is 1.0, which
- gives a linear ramp from black to white. Selecting lower values (down
- to 0.1) will increase the nonlinearity toward black, while selecting
- higher values (up to 3.0) will push the nonlinearity toward white. Note
- that not all video cards have hardware to support this option. This
- option does not work with -video gdi. The default is 1.0.
-Windows sound options
--sound <dsound|sdl|none>
- Specifies which sound subsystem to use. 'none' disables sound altogether.
- The default is dsound.
--audio_latency <value>
- This controls the amount of latency built into the audio streaming. By
- default MAME tries to keep the DirectSound audio buffer between 1/5 and
- 2/5 full. On some systems, this is pushing it too close to the edge,
- and you get poor sound sometimes. The latency parameter controls the
- lower threshold. The default is 1 (meaning lower=1/5 and upper=2/5).
- Set it to 2 (-audio_latency 2) to keep the sound buffer between 2/5 and
- 3/5 full. If you crank it up to 4, you can definitely notice the lag.
-Input device options
--[no]dual_lightgun / -[no]dual
- Controls whether or not MAME attempts to track two lightguns connected
- at the same time. This option requires -lightgun. This option is a hack
- for supporting older dual lightgun setups. If you have multiple
- lightguns connected, you will probably just need to enable -mouse and
- configure each lightgun independently. The default is OFF
- (-nodual_lightgun).