diff options
author David Haywood <>2015-05-27 15:12:52 +0100
committer David Haywood <>2015-05-27 15:12:52 +0100
commit8745daaca2674aab99398f31bbebb362530b0e30 (patch)
parentb5e87dec5239789fe41b585ffff2886247201c81 (diff)
parentfe71f92dd24270ae7c5621166b096c665ca0e4f5 (diff)
Merge pull request #190 from ImJezze/master
Changed vignetting and fixed rounded corners
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/hlsl/post.fx b/hlsl/post.fx
index 48722f07399..78e4b648ddf 100644
--- a/hlsl/post.fx
+++ b/hlsl/post.fx
@@ -173,14 +173,12 @@ float GetVignetteFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
float2 VignetteCoord = coord;
- float VignetteBlur = amount * 2.0f;
+ float VignetteLength = length(VignetteCoord);
+ float VignetteBlur = (amount * 0.75f) + 0.25;
// 0.5 full screen fitting circle
- float VignetteRadius = 1.0f - amount * 0.5f;
- float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, length(VignetteCoord));
- // reduce strength to 50%
- Vignette = lerp(1.0, 1.0 * Vignette, 0.5f);
+ float VignetteRadius = 1.0f - (amount * 0.25f);
+ float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, VignetteLength);
return saturate(Vignette);
@@ -214,30 +212,33 @@ float RoundBox(float2 p, float2 b, float r)
float GetRoundCornerFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
- float2 HalfSourceDims = SourceDims * 0.5f;
+ float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / SourceRect;
+ float2 SourceRes = SourceDims * SourceRect;
+ float2 SourceRatio = float2(1.0f, SourceRes.y / SourceRes.x);
float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
+ // base on the default ratio of 4:3
+ float2 RoundCoordScale = (SourceDims / SourceArea / SourceRatio) * ScreenRatio;
- // hint: roundness correction (base on the default ratio of 4:3)
float2 RoundCoord = coord;
- RoundCoord -= SourceTexelDims;
- RoundCoord *= SourceTexelDims + 1.0f;
- RoundCoord *= SourceDims / ScreenRatio;
+ // hint: alignment correction
+ RoundCoord -= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea;
+ RoundCoord *= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea + 1.0f;
+ // hint: roundness correction
+ RoundCoord *= RoundCoordScale;
float radius = amount * 50.0f;
- // compute box
- float box = RoundBox(RoundCoord.xy, HalfSourceDims / ScreenRatio, radius);
- float solidBorder = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.5f, box);
- // apply blur
- float blur = 1.0f / max(2.0f, amount * 100.0f); // blur amount
- box *= blur * 2.0f; // blur stength
- box += 1.0f - pow(blur * 0.5f, 0.5f); // blur offset
+ // compute box (base on the default ratio of 4:3)
+ float box = RoundBox(RoundCoord.xy, (RoundCoordScale * 0.5f), radius);
- float blurBorder = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.5f, box);
+ // // apply blur
+ // float blurAmount = 1.0f / max(1.0f, amount * 25.0f);
+ // float blueOffset = 1.0f - pow(blurAmount * 0.5f, 0.5f);
+ // box *= blurAmount;
+ // box += blueOffset;
- float border = solidBorder * (blurBorder + 0.5f);
+ float border = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.5f, box);
return saturate(border);
@@ -247,53 +248,53 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float2 ScreenTexelDims = 1.0f / ScreenDims;
float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
- float2 UsedArea = 1.0f / SourceRect;
- float2 HalfRect = SourceRect * 0.5f;
+ float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / SourceRect;
+ float2 HalfSourceRect = SourceRect * 0.5f;
// Screen Curvature
float2 CurvatureUnitCoord =
- * UsedArea * 2.0f -
+ * SourceArea * 2.0f -
float2 CurvatureCurve =
* pow(length(CurvatureUnitCoord), 2.0f)
- / pow(length(UsedArea), 2.0f)
+ / pow(length(SourceArea), 2.0f)
* CurvatureAmount * 0.25f; // reduced curvature
float2 CurvatureZoom =
1.0f -
- UsedArea * 2.0f
- / pow(length(UsedArea), 2.0f)
+ SourceArea * 2.0f
+ / pow(length(SourceArea), 2.0f)
* CurvatureAmount * 0.25f; // reduced curvature
float2 ScreenCoord = Input.ScreenCoord / ScreenDims;
- ScreenCoord -= HalfRect;
+ ScreenCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
ScreenCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- ScreenCoord += HalfRect;
+ ScreenCoord += HalfSourceRect;
ScreenCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
float2 BaseCoord = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoord -= HalfRect;
+ BaseCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
BaseCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- BaseCoord += HalfRect;
+ BaseCoord += HalfSourceRect;
BaseCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
float2 BaseCoordCentered = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoordCentered -= HalfRect;
+ BaseCoordCentered -= HalfSourceRect;
BaseCoordCentered *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
BaseCoordCentered += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
- // float2 BaseAreaRatioCoord = BaseCoord;
- // BaseAreaRatioCoord *= UsedArea * ScreenRatio;
+ float2 BaseAreaCoord = BaseCoord;
+ BaseAreaCoord *= SourceArea;
- float2 BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered *= UsedArea * ScreenRatio;
+ float2 BaseAreaCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
+ BaseAreaCoordCentered *= SourceArea;
- // float2 BaseAreaCoord = BaseCoord;
- // BaseAreaCoord *= UsedArea;
+ float2 BaseAreaRatioCoord = BaseAreaCoord;
+ BaseAreaRatioCoord *= ScreenRatio;
- float2 BaseAreaCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaCoordCentered *= UsedArea;
+ float2 BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
+ BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered *= ScreenRatio;
// // Alpha Clipping (round corners applies smoother clipping when screen is curved)
// clip((BaseCoord < SourceTexelDims) ? -1 : 1);
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
BaseColor.a = 1.0f;
// Vignetting Simulation (may affect bloom)
- float2 VignetteCoord = BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered;
+ float2 VignetteCoord = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
float VignetteFactor = GetVignetteFactor(VignetteCoord, VignettingAmount);
BaseColor.rgb *= VignetteFactor;